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American And The World

American And The World. 1.Vocabulary . Imperialism – the practice of one country extending its control over another country. Spheres Of Influence – a particular country has exclusive rights to trade with another country.

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American And The World

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  1. American And The World

  2. 1.Vocabulary • Imperialism – the practice of one country extending its control over another country. • Spheres Of Influence – a particular country has exclusive rights to trade with another country. • Roosevelt Corollary – stated that the U.S. would police the western hemisphere to keep European countries out. • Dollar Diplomacy – President Taft favored using economic influence rather than military force to gain influence in foreign countries.

  3. Do Now Define the following: • Opium -pium (poppy tears, lachryma papaveris) is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy. • Coltan - short for columbite–tantalite and known industrially as tantalite) is a dull black metallic ore from which the elements niobium (formerly "columbium") and tantalum are extracted. The niobium-dominant mineral in coltan is columbite, and the tantalum-dominant mineral tactile.

  4. 3. Opium War 1839-1842 • War fought between Britain and China over China and Britain’s opium trade in China.

  5. 4.Boxer ReBellion 1900 • Chinese nationalists seek to expel Western influences from China.

  6. huo Yuanjia (1868-1910) • Considered a Chinese hero for defeating foreign fighters of Western colonization and influence in China.

  7. Do Now Make a list of 5 natural resources found on the continent of Africa. 1.Gold 2.Diamonds 3.Oil 4. Cattles 5.Magnese Their is a lots more natural resources found in Africa.

  8. shaka zulu (1787-1828) • Zulu Ruler • Unifier of South Africa • His Military tactics were utilized successfully against the British.

  9. Battle of insandlwana(1879) • First major battle between the British and the South African Zulu Kingdom. • The British suffer a crushing defeat.

  10. Berli conference 1884-1885 • Europeon countries meet to divide up african countries for colonization

  11. Do NOW • List the African countries that were colonized by the following European countries: • Great Britain • France • Italy

  12. Berlin conference (1884-1885) • European countries meet to divide up African countries for colonization.

  13. 3. 1st Italo – ethiopian war (1896) • Battle of Adwa – Ethiopians defeat the Italian efforts to colonize Ethiopia.

  14. 5. war with spain • Conflict in Cuba. • Yellow Journalism – sensational reporting used to attract readers. • The delome Letter – (Febuary 9,1898) – newspapers publish a letter from Spain in which a Spanish diplomat calls the U.S. president weak. • The Maine Incident – (Febuary 15, 1898) the destruction of a U.S.S Maine was blamed on Spain.

  15. 6. U.S. declares war on spain 4/25/1898 • Rough Riders – Led by Theodore Roosevelt , a fighting unit that consisted of Native Americans, cowboys, ranchers, and college athletes. • 9th and 10th – Cavalries were volunteers of the Buffalo Soldiers who fought at San Juan Hill. • Battle of San Hill Juan.

  16. 7. Victory and expansion • As a result of victory over the Spanish the U.S. acquired Spanish territory in the Caribbean and the Pacific. • Puerto Rico • Philippines • Panama Canal – In order to travel quickly between the Caribbean and the Pacific the U.S. completed the Panama Canal in 1914.

  17. 8. mexican revolution (1910-1920) • Civil war that led to the end of dictatorship in Mexico. • Mexican Constitution (1917) – Common good, child labor, unions, and 8hr workday

  18. 9.emilio zapata (1879-1919) • American Indian • Led revolts against the Mexican government demanding land for the mostly poor population.

  19. 10. pancho villa (1878-1923) • Supported by the U.S. government. • Split with the U.S. in 1915 because the U.S. supported the presidency of his rivals. • Attacked the U.S. in 1916 in Columbus, New Mexico. • He was never captured. • The last ruler of Hawaii was Queen Lilioukalani.

  20. Do now • Find the years in which the following countries became territories of the u.s. • Puerto rico-1917 • Philippines-1898 • Hawaii-1898

  21. Do now • In what year did Hawaii obtain statehood • August 26, 1959

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