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Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Webinar Series– Part Two. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy I. Dorn , State Superintendent. Welcome! Agenda for today’s webinar: . Current context (some review, some news) statewide efforts to build capacity
Common Core State Standardsfor English Language ArtsWebinar Series– Part Two Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy I. Dorn, State Superintendent
Welcome!Agenda for today’s webinar: • Current context (some review, some news) • statewide efforts to build capacity • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium • Beginning focus on Text Complexity, one of the major “shifts” for Washington educators as we move to CCSS • Resources and upcoming work CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Welcome & Introductions We’d like to know a little about who is out there. Time for a quick poll! CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Washington Implementation Partnerships PLUS… Large School Districts Higher Education Statewide Education and Content Associations CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Washington’s Vision for Education Every Washington public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st century. CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Implementing the Common Core State Standards in Washington State Our Vision: Every student will have access to the CCSS standards through high quality instruction aligned with the standards every day; and that all teachers are prepared and receive the support they need to implement the standards in their classrooms every day. Our Purpose: To develop a statewide system with aligned resources that supports all school districts in their preparation of educators and students to implement the CCSS. Our Core Values: This vision can only occur through core values of clarity, consistency, collaboration, coordination, and commitment from classrooms, schools, and communities to the state level. CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Common Core Implementation Timeline CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Next Steps in Building Statewide Capacity CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Continue Building Statewide Awareness • CCSS Webinar Series • Web resources • CCSS Symposia for School District Teams • CCSS Overview Presentations and Support (OSPI and ESD partners) CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Begin Building Statewide Capacity • CCSS Overview and Content-Specific Learning Opportunities • Opportunities in each ESD region for professional learning focused on Math and ELA CCSS – consistent content, no charge to attend. • Timeline: spring and summer 2012 CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Establish Statewide CCSS“Specialist Cadres” of Educators • Commit to building district capacity at the system and content-level through regional training opportunities • 3-5 school district teams per ESD region selected to serve as “lighthouse” districts in their region for system-level implementation efforts • Funds provided to attend spring and summer 2012 CCSS professional development • Applications in February 2012 through iGrants CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Updates from the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
New Assessments: What We Know So Far
What about assessment?SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) 44 states participating in assessment consortia The SBAC goal… • To develop a set of comprehensive and innovative assessments for grades 3-8 and high school in English language arts and mathematics aligned to the Common Core State Standards. • So that all students leave high school prepared for postsecondary success in college or a career through increased student learning and improved teaching. • The assessments shall be operational across Consortium states in the 2014-15 school year. To learn more...the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium can be found online at http://www.k12.wa.us/SMARTER/ CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
A Balanced Assessment System Summative assessments Benchmarked to college and career readiness Two Performance Assessments per Content Area Computer Adaptive Comprehensive Assessments Information and tools to improve teaching and learning Released Items/ Tasks Computer Adaptive Assessment PD Performance Tasks Assessment Exemplars Interim assessments Flexible, open, used for actionable feedback Teacher resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
The Five Claims – Students can • 1. read closely and critically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literacy and informational texts. • 2. produce effective writing for a range of purposes and audiences • 3. employ effective speaking and listening sills for a range of purposes and audiences • 4. engage appropriately in collaborative and independent inquiry to investigate/research topics, pose questions, and gather and present information. • 5. skillfully use and interpret written language across a range of literacy tasks. CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts The Big Picture CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Six Major Shifts in Focus CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Our commitment of support: 3 Year Transition Plan CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts Reading and Writing with Increasingly Rigorous Texts Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy I. Dorn, State Superintendent
Key Requirement: all students must be able to comprehend texts of steadily increasing complexity as they progress through school. • Why is text complexity important? • What is text complexity? • How does text complexity define the ELA standards? CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Career and College Readiness “Since 1999, college readiness has declined – the current figure of 51 percent is the lowest of the past 12 years” (ACT Report 2005). “Another survey, published in 2000, found that 38 percent of job applicants taking employer-administered tests lacked the reading skills needed for the jobs for which they applied; this percentage had doubled in four years, not just because applicants lacked basic skills but also because the reading requirements for these jobs had increased so rapidly’ (Center for Workforce Prevention, 2002). CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Comprehension Level As performance on one level increases, so does the performance on the other and to the same degree. CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Textual Elements As performance on one level increases, so does the performance on the other and to the same degree. CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Text Complexity “Performance on complex texts is the clearest differentiator in reading between students who are more likely to be ready for college and those who are less likely to be ready.” CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Summary of Findings: CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Text complexity is defined by: • w of Text Complexity Quantitative measures Qualitative measures Quantitative Qualitative Reader and Task considerations Reader and Task CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Quantitative Demands: • Word length • Word frequency • Sentence length • Text cohesion Typically measured by computers: e.g. Lexile Level (Common Core State Standards, 2010) Quantitative CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Text Complexity Grade Bands Quantitative Common Core State Standards, 2010 CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Qualitative Demands Qualitative ACT, INC. Report (2006) CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Qualitative Demands Qualitative published in the Common Core State Standards Appendix A, page 6. CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Reader & Task These are to be determined locally with reference to such variables as student motivation, knowledge, and experiences as well as purpose and the complexity of the task assigned and the questions posed. Reader and Task CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Looking only at quantitative measures may lead to underestimating or overestimating the challenge of the text. Underestimated Demands Overestimated demands According to quantitative measurements, at what grade level should The Grapes of Wrath be used? 680 Lexile Level According to quantitative measurements, at what grade level should Curious George be used? 570 Lexile Level CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Text Exemplars Help You Find a Good Fit • Appendix B • Includes sample exemplar texts and “how to” around selecting your own CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
How does text complexity define the ELA standards? Reading standard #10 defines the rigor of standards #1-9. CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Appendix A – research behind each section of the ELA standards • Research behind the ELA Standards for Reading P. 1-15 • Text Complexity • Research behind the ELA Standards for Foundational Skills P. 17-22 • Phoneme Grapheme Correspondences • Phonological Awareness • Orthography • Research behind the ELA Standards for Writing P. 23-25 • Definitions of the Standards’ Three Text Types • The Special Place of Argument in the Standards • Research behind the ELA Standards for Listening & Speaking P. 26-27 • Research behind the ELA Standards for LanguageP. 28-35 • Conventions and Knowledge of Language • Progressive Skills by Grade • Vocabulary • Bibliography P. 36-41 • Glossary of Key Terms 42-43 CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Appendix BReading text exemplars with sample performance tasks • K / 1 Exemplars P. 14-36 • 2 / 3 Exemplars P. 37-62 • 4 / 5 Exemplars P.63-76 • 6-8 Exemplars P. 77-100 • 9 / 10 Exemplars P. 101-139 • 11-CCR Exemplars P. 140-183 Media Texts: Selected excerpts are accompanied by annotated links to related media text freely available online at the time of the publication of this document. CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Key Requirement: all students must be able to comprehend texts of steadily increasing complexity as they progress through school. • Why is text complexity important? • What is text complexity? • How does text complexity define the ELA standards? “To succeed, we will need to…strive to identify what makes a book hard and then to provide the scaffolding and motivation that would sustain students’ efforts to learn from such challenging texts.” (Shanahan) CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Resources CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
What You Can Do Now (and Next) • Read through Appendices A, B, and C • Work with your school and district teams to calibrate your understanding about what you need to know and be able to do • Discover strengths and challenges • Consider next year’s work • Check out available resources… CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Current Resources for Teachers Washington State created documents and shared resources: http://www.k12.wa.us/Corestandards/default.aspx • Three-year transition plan • Transition documents • Upcoming resources– check back! • T&L monthly “newsflashes” and list-servehttp://k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/default.aspx CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA
Thank you! • Common Core Questions: • Email: corestandards@k12.wa.usOR • Greta Bornemann, OSPI CCSS Project Lead, E-mail: Greta.Bornemann@k12.wa.us • CCSS ELA Questions: • Liisa M Potts, ELA Director • Liisa.Moilanenpotts@k12.wa.us NEXT ELA WEBINAR: March 21, 3:30pm CSS Webinar Series Part 2: ELA