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Cotton Top Tamarin Monkeys. By: Sophie Warner. Classification. The Cotton Top Tamarin Monkey weighs less than 1 lb. It is also known as the Pinché Tamarin. . Communication. The Cotton Top Tamarin communicates to others by making bird- like sounds. .
Cotton Top Tamarin Monkeys By: Sophie Warner
Classification The Cotton Top Tamarin Monkey weighs less than 1 lb. It is also known as the Pinché Tamarin.
Communication • The Cotton Top Tamarin communicates to others by making bird- like sounds. • When they get mad they from a big bulge on their head by lowering their forehead and then push their lips forward.
Habitat • This monkey is found in very humid tropical forests and dry deciduous forests. • It’s usually moving between the understory and the canopy, but it also likes to be on the ground of the forest.
Status • Since 1999 there has been less than 2500 in the wild. Therefore they are an endangered species.
Gestation • The female usually has her baby after 125 days. • They usually have their baby between the beginning of March and the end of May.
Diet • The Cotton Top Tamarin is and omnivore. In the wild, they eat fruits, insects, and tree sap. At the zoo, they eat fruits, vegetables, monkey biscuits, meal worms.
Length • The Cotton Top Tamarins are usually 17 cm or about 6 in. long. • Their tail is 25 cm or 10 in. long. • Their fingernails are sickle-shaped and their toenails are flat-shaped.
Location • The Cotton Top Tamarin Monkey is found in southeastern Costa Rica, to northwest Columbia. They’re usually found in dense vegetation with lots of vines to swing on.
Social Behavior • They’re usually found in groups of 2 to 13 monkeys. They also usually don’t care if new monkeys join them. Everybody usually takes turns in feeding the babies. The father also usually carries and washes the baby.
Characteristics • Cotton Top Tamarins sleep in trees and are active during the day; so that means that they sleep during the night. • They can jump up to 3 meters from tree to tree and move very quick and jerky.
Predators • The Cotton Top Tamarin are prey to some animals. They are hunted and eaten by some birds, snakes, and small cats. • These animals have a very hard time to catch these because the monkeys are very quick. Boa Constrictor Golden Eagle Ocelot
Random Facts • They like to eat frogs when they can catch them. • Cotton Top Tamarins have claws, not nails. • They groom each other.
Awesome facts • They travel in groups of around 6. • They use scents and certain glands to mark their territory. • Their tails are for balance, not for gripping trees.
Cool Facts • Their communication sounds like bird squeaks. • At only 5 months old, a young can take care of themselves. • They love to sleep in a clump of leaves or a tree hole.
Fun Facts • The female usually gives birth to 2 babies. It is very rare to only have 1 baby. • They usually live up to 15 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity. • Babies are born with their eyes open. • Some of their communication calls are too high- pitched for humans to hear. • They are out and about during the day. • Their tail is up between 1 ½ to 2 times their whole body length. • Native people used to kill them for their soft flesh. • Hello Mrs. Witthoft.
Bibliography • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cottontop_tamarin • http://www.brandywinezoo.org/cotton.html • http://www.oaklandzoo.org/animals/mammals/cotton-topped-tamarin • http://www.zooschool.ecsd.net/cotton%20topped%20tamarin.htm • http://www.zooschool.ecsd.net/cotton%20topped%20tamarin.htm • http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=active&biw=1004&bih=609&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=a+dad+cotton+top+tamarin+carrying+his+baby%5C&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq= • http://www.sch.im/wlp/pages/cotton-top%20tamarin%202.htm • http://www.saginawzoo.com/index.php/animals/107?task=view