ELCC Standards Standard 4 - Community Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. “Building this bridge can enhance learning opportunities for parents, community members, teachers, students, and the principal and thus enrich the overall school climate.”
Sub Standards • 4.1 – Collaborating with families and other community members • 4.2 – Respond to community interests and needs • 4.3 – Mobilize community resources
4.1 a. Bring together family and community resources to positively affect student learning b. Involve families in the education of their children c. Use public information and research-based knowledge to collaborate with families and the community d. Create frameworks for school, family, business, community, government, and higher education partnerships using community-relations models f. Involve families and other stakeholders in school decision-making processes g. Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with community agencies to integrate health social, and other services h. Develop a comprehensive program of community relations and demonstrate ability to work with the media
4.2 i. Demonstrate active involvement within the community including persons with conflicting perspectives j. Use appropriate assessment strategies and research methods to accommodate diverse school and community conditions k. Provide leadership to programs serving students with special and exceptional needs l. Capitalize on the diversity of the school community to improve school programs and meet diverse student needs m. Use community resources including youth services to support student achievement, solve problems, and achieve school goals n. Um. Use community resources including youth services to support student achievement, solve problems, and achieve school goals o. Use school resources and social service agencies to serve the community p. Demonstrate ways to use public resources and funds appropriately to encourage communities to provide new resources to address student problems and meet student needs 4.3
Article • Divide into two groups • Read “Bid to Make English the ‘National Language’ Raises Many Questions” • Debate pros and cons • How effective would this be locally?
Dowell's Issue • Dowell Elementary is located in Marietta with an ethnically and socio-economically diverse population. • On the CRCT only 52% of the Limited English Proficient students met or exceeded standards in reading. Only 57% of the students met or exceeded standards in Math. • Communication presents a challenge to Dowell as to how to best serve the students and their parents as well. “Changing demographics have profound implications for all levels and functions of the school system. To create welcoming and equitable learning environments for diverse students and their families, school leaders must engage the entire school community.” (Howard, 2007)
limited availibility of interpreters limited parent involvement lack of support at home safety of transportation lack of advocacy by parents limits on homework assisgnments
What are your suggestions?
Our Proposals • One hour/ one day a week • Instructors on a voluntary basis (?) to teach English • All family members of our school community are welcome
How do you get the community involved? • reporting good news- assemblies, notes to parents • allowing community to use facility • partners in education • encourage volunteers- send home a list of volunteer opportunities As an administrator • community survey • school council team • foster a relationship with local fire & police • support student led conferences • monthly coffee meeting-set agenda, 1 hour time limit, could be mobile • parent/community resource file • working with the media (pg. 237) 16 key points • grants • community based organizations (CBOs) (pg. 243)
References • Howard, G. (2007). As Diversity Grows, So Must We. Association for Supervision and Development. Volume 64, #6. Retrieved June 12, 2007. From www.ascd.org • Robbins, P., & Alvy, H.B. (2003). The principal’s Companion. (2nd Ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. • Zehr, M.A. (2006). Bid to Make English the ‘National Language’ Raises Many Questions. Education Week, VOL. 25, ISSUE 39, PAGES 22-23. Retrieved June 7, 2006. From www.edweek.org. • (2002). Standards in Advance Programs in Educational Leadership. In National Council of Teacher Education. Retrieved June, 12 2007 from http://www.npbea.org/ELCC/ELCCStandards%20_5- 02.pdf