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Overview. Introduction to VBA The Visual Basic Editor (VBE) First Program Getting Started with VBA Subroutines Declaring variables Input boxes and Message boxes With construction. Introduction to the VBA.

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  1. Overview • Introduction to VBA • The Visual Basic Editor (VBE) • First Program • Getting Started with VBA • Subroutines • Declaring variables • Input boxes and Message boxes • With construction

  2. Introduction to the VBA • VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, is an implementation of Microsoft's Visual Basic, an event driven programming language and associated integrated development environment (IDE) which is built into most Microsoft Office applications . • However, VBA and VB are not the same. • Similar in programming elements • VBA is the language to manipulate Excel (and other applications).

  3. Visual Basic Editor • Visual Basic Editor (VBE)is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming with VBA. • It can be accessed by pressing [Alt] + [F11] • Code window • Project explorer, Properties window, (just like IDE for VB.Net)

  4. VBE

  5. First Program • Open “FirstProgram.xls” downloaded from Web site. • Press [Alt] + [F11]

  6. FirstProgram (cont.) • Insert a module to the project • Start typing Sub CountHighSalesand hit [Enter] • You will see a Subroutine block is inserted automatically.

  7. FirstProgram (cont.) • Type the rest of the syntax in the module: Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim numberHigh As Integer Dim salesCutoff As Currency salesCutoff = InputBox("What sales value do you want to check for?") For j = 1 To 6 numberHigh = 0 For i = 1 To 36 If Range("SalesRange").Cells(i, j) >= salesCutoff Then _ numberHigh = numberHigh + 1 Next i MsgBox "For region " & j & ", sales were above " & _ Format(salesCutoff, "$0,000") & " on " & numberHigh & " of the 36 months." Next j

  8. FirstProgram (cont.) • Run the program from the VBE • Run -> Run Sub/USerForm • F5 • or • Type in a number in the InputBox, such as 150000.

  9. FirstProgram (cont.) • Run the program with a button • Right click tool bar and choose “Form” tool bar • Drag button form in somewhere on the right side of the data • Choose the macro you just created • Change the name as appropriate

  10. Subroutines Sub CountHighSales() End Sub

  11. Declaring variables Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim numberHigh As Integer Dim salesCutoff As Currency • Option Explicit – need to declare variables before you can use it

  12. Input boxes and Message boxes • InputBox(“prompt”, “title”) – returns user’s input as data • MsgBox “Prompt”, type, “title” • vbInformation – information display • vbYesNo – display information and Yes and No buttons; returns vbYes or vbNo • vbExplanation, etc. • Require parentheses if the box captures the result (input or yes/no answer)

  13. With construction • Properties are described top down, separated by “.” (period) e.g., Workboolks(“Sales”).Woksheets(“March”).Range(“A1”).Value Workboolks(“Sales”).Woksheets(“March”).Range(“A1”).Font.Name Workboolks(“Sales”).Woksheets(“March”).Range(“A1”).Font.Size • Using “With” key word, it may be structured without repeating the same. With Workboolks(“Sales”).Woksheets(“March”).Range(“A1”) .Value = “Sales for march” With .Font .Name = “Times New Roman” .Size = 14

  14. Exercise • The file ExamScores.xls contains scores for an exam in the range A1:A100. • Write a program that reports the average, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum of the scores in a message box. • Range is set in a module already. • Use Excel’s functions (with Application.WorksheetFunction. )

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