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Chapter 3 Communities and Biomes Part 1. Ecosystem: interactions among populations in a community. Consists of: A community of organisms The soil, water, and weather Energy. Biome - a major ecosystem that shares the same type of climate and has similar life forms. Salt water Freshwater
Ecosystem: interactions among populations in a community • Consists of: • A community of organisms • The soil, water, and weather • Energy
Biome - a major ecosystem that shares the same type of climate and has similar life forms. Salt water Freshwater Estuary Terrestrial
Tundra Permafrost - permanently frozen ground Plants - short roots; fast growing; perennials. Animals have thick fur / body fat / coloration.
Taiga / Coniferous Forest Conifers - cone-bearing trees / bending branches / needles as leaves. Animals also have thick fur / body fat.
Desert Most desert animals are nocturnal. Estivation - sleeping during hot days. Plants have waxy leaves / spines.
Grasslands Most animals have good vision and speed. Plants have underground stems / survive fires.
Temperate / Deciduous Forest Broad-leaved trees lose their leaves yearly. Some birds migrate.
Tropical Rain Forest Arboreal - tree-dwelling animals Trees / Plants: 1. Canopy 2. Understory 3. Ground
Adaptation: the process by which a species becomes better suited to its environment. • Coloration • Speed • Migration • Thick fur • Chemical defenses • Hibernation/ Estivation • Size • Thorns and stickers
Average Temperature Average Precipitation CLIMATOGRAM -Measures two things:
Succession: changes over time • Primary succession – new land caused by avalanches, volcanoes, and glaciers
Succession: changes over time • Pioneer species – first species in an area
Succession: changes over time • Climax community – shows little or no change over time • Secondary succession – sequence of life after natural disasters (ex. Forest fires) 1988 forest fire in Yellowstone Nat’l Park
Population Dynamics • Exponential Growth - as a population gets larger, it also grows faster. (p 97) • Carrying capacity - the maximum number of organisms that an environment can support (p 98).
Limiting factors:Factors that affect an organism’s ability to survive. • Density dependent factors: • Disease • Competition • Parasites • Food & water • Space
Density independent factors (abiotic factors): • Temperature • Storms • Floods • Drought • Habitat disruption (logging, burning, draining swamps, moving in exotic species)
Demography - human population growth • Immigration - moving in • Emigration - moving out • Growth rate • Natality - birth rate • Fatality - death rate