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95-270 Research Design Lab 2

95-270 Research Design Lab 2. How to Write an Introduction: The Art of Research Writing. Recap from last class…. Ways to Organize Your Literature - By related IVs, DVs, or by type of design Parts of a Manuscript Title Page Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussion References.

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95-270 Research Design Lab 2

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  1. 95-270 Research Design Lab 2 How to Write an Introduction:The Art of Research Writing

  2. Recap from last class… • Ways to Organize Your Literature - By related IVs, DVs, or by type of design • Parts of a Manuscript • Title Page • Abstract • Introduction • Method • Results • Discussion • References

  3. Recap from last class… • Research Hypothesis • Null Hypothesis • Control Variable • Moderator / Categorical Variable • Extraneous Variables • Operational Definition • Limitation • Delimitation • Study Significance

  4. 95-270 Research Design Lab 2 How to Write an Introduction:The Art of Research Writing

  5. Introduction:What question (problem) was studied? • GeneralGuidelines: • Written first • Most important consideration determining the quality of the manuscript • Principles when Writing: • Proceeds from the General (least relevant to your specific study) to the Specific (most relevant to your specific study) • Progressively incorporates fivegeneral categories of information

  6. Introduction • Most difficult to write • Requires the most creativity • Different in form & content • Background & rationale for study must be clear & logical • Determines whether the study is of high quality • Section is written first

  7. Five General Categories of Information in an Introduction 1.Motherhood Statement and/or Definition of Principal Construct GENERAL 2.Conceptual Model and/or Literature Review 3.Qualifier(s) 4.Statement of the Problem(s) 5.Hypotheses and Rationale SPECIFIC

  8. a) Motherhood and/or Definition • This component is very general in nature • Used to orient the reader to the focus of MS • This type of generalization allows reader to understand immediately what the MS will be about

  9. Example of Motherhood Statement and/or Definition Motherhood “The influence of game location (i.e., competing at home versus away) on performance in sport competitions has received increased attention over the last two decades.” Research Question Does moving to a new location influence the home advantage? (i.e., game location) Definition “The home advantage is defined as the consistent finding that home teams in sport competitions win over 50% of the games played under a balanced home and away schedule”

  10. b) Conceptual Model and/or Literature Review • Orients reader to the WHAT WE CURRENTLYKNOW about the topic being investigated • This component provides specific & relevant information about the area under investigation in MS • The literature reviewed must be specific to the study being carried out • IT SHOULD NOT BE “ALL YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT ‘X’ BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK” • Only studies pertaining to your research are presented

  11. Example of Conceptual Model and/or Literature Review Conceptual Model “Courneya and Carron proposed a conceptual model of components believed to be influenced by game location of the competition” etc. Research Question Does moving to a new location influence the home advantage? (i.e., game location) Literature Review “Pollard (1986), investigating facility familiarity, found that between 1981 and 1984, teams that played on the smallest and largest pitches had similar home advantage statistics to the rest of the football league.”

  12. c) Qualifiers • Provides the reader with the RATIONALEfor your study To recap: • So far the reader was introduced to the general area (Motherhood/Definition) • Through the Lit. Review, the reader was introduced to what is known from previous research Now: • It is time to point out what limitations/gaps exist in the literature

  13. Example of Qualifier(s) Qualifier “Although the results of English soccer studies provide some evidence that familiarity may be associated with the home advantage, interpretation of the findings should be tempered due to limitations in experimental control … One possible approach to testing the impact of facility familiarity on the HA would be to identify……” Research Question Does moving to a new location influence the home advantage? (i.e., game location)

  14. d) Statement of the Problem(s) • Provides the reader with the SPECIFIC PROBLEM(s)under investigation. • Two or three statements may be necessary • The first statement is general • The following statement(s) = very specific • The purpose is to inform the reader about the specific parameters of the study Note: It should include elements of the general research design

  15. Example of Statement of the Problem Research Question Does moving to a new location influence the home advantage? (i.e., game location) Statement of the Problem “Thus, the specific purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of facility familiarity on the home advantage…. Home winning percentages were obtained for a period prior to relocation, immediately following relocation, and then for a period when any possible relocation effects might be expected to dissipate.”

  16. e) Hypothesis • Provides the reader with EXPECTATIONS/PREDICTIONSfor the investigation Note: A null hypothesis should not be advanced (unless the a priori evidence supports an expectation of no differences)

  17. Example of Hypothesis Hypothesis “On the basis of the Courneya and Carron’s conceptual model and anecdotal testimony, it was hypothesized that facility familiarity would be associated with a home advantage. Specifically, it was hypothesized that home winning percentages would be reduced immediately following relocation but subsequently would return to pre-location levels.” Research Question Does moving to a new location influence the home advantage? (i.e., game location)

  18. Next Lecture…Formulating the Method Chapter 4

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