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Slow Changes to the Land

Slow Changes to the Land. Agents of Erosion. Agents of Slow Change. Water Wind Ice Plants Gravity Temperature. Water. Water erosion/deposition is caused by rivers, lakes, streams, ocean waves, rain.

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Slow Changes to the Land

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  1. Slow Changes to the Land Agents of Erosion

  2. Agents of Slow Change • Water • Wind • Ice • Plants • Gravity • Temperature

  3. Water • Water erosion/deposition is caused by rivers, lakes, streams, ocean waves, rain. • Landforms created: beaches, cliffs, smooth river rocks, V-Shaped valleys, canyon, delta, stalactites, stalagmites

  4. Wind • Wind erosion/deposition is caused by wind carrying small sand/rock particles and acting as sand paper • Landforms created: sand dunes, rounding rocks

  5. Ice • Ice erosion/deposition is caused by glaciers scraping rocks and moving particles to other places. • Frost wedge gets into cracks of rocks and weather them apart • Landforms created: U-shaped Valleys

  6. Plants • Plants grow into cracks in the rock causing their roots to split the rocks apart

  7. Gravity • Underlying force of erosion and deposition • Once rock is weathered, gravity will pull the rocks and erode them to new places. • Causes water and glaciers to move down hill • Can directly cause landslides and mudflow

  8. Temperature • Changes from extreme hot to extreme cold can weaken rocks causing them to break more easily.

  9. Key Concepts • 1: Wind, water, and ice can cause changes to Earth’s surface slowly over time. • 2: Earth’s materials can be changed by weathering, erosion, and deposition. • 3: We can observe the results of weathering, erosion, and deposition on Earth’s surface.

  10. Review Questions • What are the agents of weathering? • What are the agents of erosion? • What are the effects of weathering, erosion and deposition on the Earth’s surface?

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