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Solar Ground Level Event Business

This paper discusses the new work being done by two UNH undergrads on Milagro data, including extracting meteorological corrections from scalers and calculating scaler efficiency. The paper also mentions the integration of NM programs at UNH and the acquisition of a more sensitive neutron monitor in Leadville, CO.

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Solar Ground Level Event Business

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  1. Solar Ground Level Event Business Jim Ryan

  2. Falcone et al. paper • Accepted for May 1 Ap. J. • Can we post the proofs? No serious corrections made for typesetting.

  3. New Work • Two UNH undergrads working on Milagro data (senior and sophomore) • Senior (James Ledoux) • Senior thesis to extract meteorological corrections from scalers. • Obtained code from Sinnis to pull out scaler and EMS data, but will likely need further guidance.

  4. New Work (cont.) • Sophomore (Procheta Mallik) • Will compute the Milagro scaler efficiency, like Abe did for Milagrito, using both the Milagro sims and sim software from our neutron monitor colleagues. • Will do A/B comparison.

  5. New Folks • Cliff Lopate (did I mention him before?) from U Chicago. Operates the Climax neutron monitor. • UNH is in the process of integrating the NM programs. Stay tuned.

  6. Other new stuff • UNH probably acquiring another neutron monitor in Leadville Co. • Never can have enough of these. • This one is several times more sensitive than the one at Climax.

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