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Learn about the proper use of English articles (a, an, the) to specify nouns and express definite or indefinite references. Understand the rules and exceptions in using articles with practical examples provided.
General English Language Instructor: Dr. Mohamed Fathi King Faisal University e- Learning Deanship & Distance Education 1
UsingArticles • Whatisanarticle? Basically, anarticleisa determiner. Articlesspecifythereference of a nounwithrespect to beingdefiniteorindefinte. • English has twoarticles: the and a/an/0. Theisused to refer to specificor particular nouns; a/anare usedto specify non-specificor non-particular nouns. Wecallthethedefinitearticle and a/antheindefinitearticles. • the = definitearticle • a/an = indefinitearticle • Forexample, if I say, "Let'sreadthebook," I mean a specificbook. If I say, "Let'sreadabook," I mean anybookratherthan a specificbook.
Here'sanotherwaytoexplainit: • Theisused to refer to a specificorparticularmember of a group. • Forexample: • I justsawthemost popular movie of theyear. • Thereare manymovies, butonlyone particular movieis • themost popular. Therefore, we use the.
"A/an" • "A/an" isused to refer to a non-specificornon-particularmember of thegroup. • Forexample, "I wouldlike to go to seeamovie." Here, we'renottalkingabout a specificmovie. We'retalkingaboutanymovie. There are manymovies, and I wanttoseeanymovie. I don'thave a specificone in mind.
a/an • Generally, we use a/anto refer to somethingforthefirst time. • Forexample, “Wewent to amuseum in Paris. We ate at themuseumtoo”.
IndefiniteArticles: a and an • "A" and "an" signalthatthenounisindefinite, referring to anymember of a group. Forexample: • "My daughterreallywantsadogfor Christmas." Thisreferstoanydog. Wedon'tknowwhichdogbecausewehaven'tfoundthedogyet.
"Somebodycallapoliceman!" • Thisreferstoanypoliceman. Wedon'tneed a specificpoliceman; weneedanypolicemanwhoisavailable.
"When I was at the zoo, I sawanelephant!" • Here, we'retalkingabout a single, non-specificthing, in this case anelephant. There are probablyseveralelephants at the zoo, butthere'sonlyonewe'retalkingabouthere.
Remember:usingaorandependsonthesoundthatbeginsthenextword. So... • a + singular nounbeginningwith a consonant: aboy; a car; abike; a zoo; adog • an + singular nounbeginningwith a vowel: anelephant; anegg; anapple; anidiot; anorphan • a + singular nounbeginningwith a consonantsound: auser (soundslike 'yoo-zer,' i.e.beginswith a consonant 'y' sound, so 'a' isused); auniversity; aunicycle
Ifthenounismodifiedbyanadjective, thechoicebetweena and andependsontheinitialsound of theadjectivethatimmediatelyfollowsthearticle: • abrokenegg • anunusualproblem • aEuropean country (soundslike 'yer-o-pi-an,' i.e.beginswithconsonant /j/ sound)
Remember, too, that in English, theindefinitearticles are usedtoindicatemembership in a group: • I am ateacher. (I am a member of a largegroupknown as teachers.) • Brian isanIrishman. (Brian is a member of thepeopleknown as Irish.) • Sam isapracticingmuslim.
DefiniteArticle: the • Thedefinitearticleisusedbefore singular and plural nounswhenthenounisspecificor particular. Thesignalsthatthenounisdefinite, thatitrefersto a particular member of a group. Forexample: • "Thedogthat bit me ranaway." Here, we'retalkingabout a specificdog, thedogthat bit me.
"I washappytoseethepolicemanwhosaved my cat!" • Here, we'retalkingabout a particularpoliceman. Evenifwedon'tknowthepoliceman'sname, it'sstill a particular policemanbecauseitistheonewhosavedthecat.
"I sawtheelephant at the zoo." • Here, we'retalkingabout a specificnoun. Probablythereisonlyoneelephant at the zoo.
Countable and NoncountableNouns • The can beusedwithnoncountnouns, orthearticle can beomittedentirely. • "I lovetosailoverthewater" (somespecificbody of water) • or • "I lovetosailoverwater" (anywater).
"He spilledthemilkalloverthefloor" (somespecificmilk, perhapsthemilkyouboughtearlierthatday) • or • "He spilledmilkalloverthefloor" (anymilk).
"A/an" can beusedonlywithcountnouns. • "I needabottle of water." • "I needa new glass of milk.“ • Most of the time, youcan'tsay, "Shewants a water," unlessyou'reimplying, say, a bottle of water.
Geographical use of the • Do not use thebefore: • names of mostcountries/territories: Italy, Mexico, Bolivia; however,theNetherlands, theDominicanRepublic, thePhilippines, theUnitedStates • names of cities, towns, orstates: Seoul, Manitoba, Miami • names of streets: Washington Blvd., Main St. • names of lakes and bays: Lake Titicaca, Lake Erieexceptwitha group of lakeslikethe Great Lakes • names of mountains: Mount Everest, Mount Fujiexceptwithranges of mountainslikethe AndesortheRockiesorunusualnamesliketheMatterhorn • names of continents(Asia, Europe) • names of islands(Easter Island, Maui, Key West) exceptwithislandchainsliketheAleutians, theHebrides, ortheCanaryIslands
Do use thebefore: • names of rivers, oceans and seas: theNile, thePacific • pointsontheglobe: theEquator, the North Pole • geographicalareas: theMiddle East, the West • deserts, forests, gulfs, and peninsulas: the Sahara, thePersianGulf, the Black Forest, theIberianPeninsula
Don’tforgetto use THEwiththefollowing: • The centre, the top, the middle, the bottom, the left, the right, the end of, the beginning of… • The same, the best, the worst… • The sun, the moon, the world, the sky, the sea, the ground, the country… • The police, the fire brigade, the army… • The piano, the guitar, the trumpet, the flute… • The radio (but television, without the) • The doctor, the toilet, the bank, the theatre, the post office, the dentist, the cinema…
Do notuse THEwiththefollowing: • Breakfast, lunch, dinner • Gotowork, gettowork, be at work, startwork, finishwork… • Gottoschool, be at school, startschool, leaveschool… • Gotouniversity, be at university… • Gotochurch, be in chuch (ormass) • Gotobed, be in bed • Goto hospital, be in hospital • Gotoprison, be in prison • Go home, get home, arrive home, come home, walk home, leave home, be at home, stay at home
Omission of Articles • Somecommontypes of nounsthatdon'ttakeanarticle are: • Names of languages and nationalities:Chinese, English, Spanish, Russian • Names of sports:volleyball, hockey, baseball • Names of academicsubjects: mathematics, biology, history, computerscience • OrGeneralization • Mothers are kindtotheirkids, • Infants are innocent.
In each of the sentences below, you will see a blank. Please choose one of the following articles for each sentence – a, an, the or leave it blank. • 1. My father’s car is considered to be ______ piece of art. • 2. _______ (B/b)eauty is fleeting (short-lived). • 3. _______ (A/a)ir in the room was stifling (hot). • 4. The doctor told me that I needed ______ operation tomorrow. • 5. ______ (I/i)nformation I received was extremely important. • 6. ______ (A/a)ir is made up of millions of atoms. • 7. My parents could not believe that their dog had peed on ______ carpet. • 8. ______ (A/a)pple a day keeps the doctor away. • 9. In some cultures ______ dogs are considered man’s best friend. • 10. My sister decided to cut her hair with ______ scissors. • 11. I was bitten by _______ mosquito in the Caribbean. • 12. When the horn honked, it scared me and I dropped ______ glass on the floor. • 13. In ancient Egypt _______ cat was considered sacred. • 14. Is _______ water in Lake Erie safe to drink?
A, An, The, Zero Article • 1. Could you please give me _____ piece of cake? • a. an b. two c. a d. many • 2._____ dog is ______ animal. • a. An/a b. An/an c. A/an d. A/a • 3. I visited ________ Ahmed last week. • a. an b. the c. a d. Zero Article • 4. The capital of Saudi Arabia is_______Riyadh. • a. Zero Article b. an c. a d. the • 5. I finished _______ unit in English language course. • a. an b. a c. three d. few • 6. I take ______ umbrella when it rains. • a. a b. an c. two d. several