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Protist Diversity and Life Cycles: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the fascinating world of heterotrophic protists with complex life cycles, including unique reproductive strategies and locomotion methods. Learn about unicellular phyla and their diverse adaptations for survival and reproduction.

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Protist Diversity and Life Cycles: A Comprehensive Overview

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  1. The life cycle of the brown alga Laminaria –sporic meiosis with alternation of generations—heteromorphic. Fig. 28.21

  2. Polysiphonia features heteromorphic alternation of generations Carpogonium Spermatangium Tetraspores

  3. The life cycles of Laminaria and Polysiphonia are similar in some respects but different in others. Both exhibit sporic meiosis with and heteromorphic alternation of generations. The life-cycle of a multicellular organism needs to provide for both growth in size and growth in numbers (population growth), and each faces a trade-off in this respect. Which of these two life cycles accentuates growth in size of the sporophyte (2n) and which accentuates growth in numbers? Explain your answer.

  4. Ulva—sporic with isomorphic alternation of generations

  5. The life-cycle of Chlamydomonas (Chlorophyceae) exhibits zygotic meiosis, but has no gametophyte stage. Explain this life-cycle in terms of the trade-off between growth in size and numbers.

  6. Heterotrophic Protista (Chapter 28) Animal-like protists –Ingest particulate organic matter All unicellular—locomotion by flagellae, cilia, or pseudopodia The first four phyla have simple asexual life cycles Rhizopoda—amoebas move and feed with pseudopodia (569) Foraminifera—needle-like pseudopodia (570) Actinopoda—needle-like pseudopodia (569) Kinetoplastida—flagellate parasites (556) The next two have sexual life cycles Apicomplexa—parasites specialized for penetrating cells (557-58) Complex sexual life cycle—zygotic type Ciliophora—move and feed using cilia (558-559) Unique form of sexual reproduction—macro- and micronuclei Fungus-like protists—absorb dissolved organic matter—limited locomotion All have complex sexual life cycles Myxogastrida—plasmodial slime molds (570-71) Large multinuclear cells—sporic meiosis, heteromorphic Oomycota—water molds, multinuclear hyphae, (560-61) diploid stage dominant—gametic meiosis.

  7. CHAPTER 28THE ORIGINS OF EUKAYOTIC DIVERSITY Hetertrophic Protists Animal like protists—ingest particulate food Unicellular phyla Rhizopoda: (amoebas) pseudopodial locomotion Foraminifera: marine zooplankton with calcareous tests Actinopoda: (heliozoans and radiolarians) marine plankton that harbour autotrophic dinoflagellates as internal symbionts Kinetoplastida: flagellar locomotion Apicomplexa: (Sporozoans) blood parasites Ciliophora: (ciliates) ciliary locomotion

  8. Three groups of protists use pseudopodia, cellular extensions, to move and often to feed. Most species are heterotrophs that actively hunt bacteria, other protists, and detritus. Other species are symbiotic, including some human parasites. Rhizopoda use pseudopodia for movement and feeding

  9. Rhizopods (amoebas) are all unicellular and use pseudopodia to move and to feed. Pseudopodium emerge from anywhere in the cell surface. To move, an amoeba extends a pseudopod, anchors its tip, and then streams more cytoplasm into the pseudopodium. Fig. 28.26

  10. Amoebas inhabit freshwater and marine environments They may also be abundant in soils. Most species are free-living heterotrophs. Some are important parasites. These include Entamoeba histolytica which causes amoeboid dysentery in humans. These organisms spread via contaminated drinking water, food, and eating utensils.

  11. Actinopod (heliozoans and radiolarians), “ray foot,” refers to slender pseudopodia (axopodia) that radiate from the body. Each axopodium is reinforced by a bundle of microtubules covered by a thin layer of cytoplasm. Fig. 28.27

  12. Most actinopods are planktonic. large surface area created by axopodia help them to remain suspended in the water and feed. Smaller protists and other microorganisms stick to the axopodia and are engulfed by the thin layer of cytoplasm—phagocytosis Cytoplasmic streaming carries the engulfed prey into the main part of the cell.

  13. Most heliozoans (“sun animals”) live in fresh water. Their skeletons consist of unfused siliceous (glassy) or chitinous plates. The term radiolarian refers to several groups of mostly marine actinopods. In this group, the siliceous skeleton is fused into one delicate piece. After death, these skeleton accumulate as an ooze that may be hundreds of meters thick in some seafloor locations.

  14. Foraminiferans, or forams, are almost all marine. Most live in sand or attach to rocks or algae. Some are abundant in the plankton. Forams have multichambered, porous shells, consisting of organic materials hardened with calcium carbonate. Fig. 28.28

  15. Pseudopodia extend through the pores for swimming, shell formation, and feeding. Many forams form symbioses with algae. Over ninety percent of the described forams are fossils. The calcareous skeletons of forams are important components of marine sediments. Fossil forams are often used to date sediments and sedimentary rocks

  16. Phylum Kinoplastida have a single large mitochondrion associated with a unique organelle, the kinetoplast—powers the flagellum. symbiotic and include pathogenic parasites. Eg. Trypanosomacauses African sleeping sickness. Fig. 28.11

  17. Phylum Apicomplexa—parasites of animals and humans. disseminate as tiny infectious cells (sporozoites) with a complex of organelles specialized for penetrating host cells and tissues at the apex of the sporozoite cell. Most apicomplexans have intricate life cycles with both sexual and asexual stages and often require two or more different host species for completion. Eg malaria in humans caused by Plasmodium

  18. Plasmodium, the parasite that causes malaria, spends part of its life in mosquitoes and part in humans. Fig. 28.13

  19. Malaria incidence was greatly diminished in the 1960s by the use of insecticides against the Anopheles mosquitoes, which spread the disease, and by drugs that killed the parasites in humans. However, resistant varieties of the mosquitoes and the Plasmodium species have caused a malarial resurgence. About 300 million people are infected with malaria in the tropics, and up to 2 million die each year.

  20. Phylum Ciliophora (ciliates), a diverse protist group, is named for their use of cilia to move and feed. Fig. 28.14x

  21. Most ciliates live as solitary cells in freshwater. Their cilia are associated with a submembrane system of microtubules that may coordinate movement. Some ciliates are completely covered by rows of cilia, whereas others have cilia clustered into fewer rows or tufts.

  22. In a Paramecium, cilia along the oral groove draw in food that are engulfed by phagocytosis. Fig. 28.14c

  23. Ciliates have two types of nuclei, a large macronucleus and usually several tiny micronuclei. The macronucleus has 50 or more copies of the genome. The macronucleus controls the everyday functions of he cell by synthesizing RNA and is also necessary for asexual reproduction. Ciliated generally reproduce asexually by binary fission of the macronucleus, rather than mitotic division. The micronuclei (with between 1 and 80 copies) are required for sexual processes that generate genetic variation.

  24. The sexual shuffling of genes occurs during conjugation, during which micronuclei that have undergone meiosis are exchanged. In ciliates, sexual mechanisms of meiosis and syngamy are separate from reproduction. Fig. 28.15

  25. CHAPTER 28THE ORIGINS OF EUKAYOTIC DIVERSITY Hetertrophic Protists Fungus-like—absorb dissolved organic matter • Myxogastrida: (plasmodial slime molds) multinucleate cells • Oomycota: (water molds) long filaments (hyphae) filled with nuclei

  26. The plasmodial slime molds (Myxogastrida) are brightly pigmented, heterotrophic organisms. The feeding stage is an amoeboid mass, the plasmodium, that may be several centimeters in diameter. The plasmodium is not multicellular, but a single mass of cytoplasm with multiple nuclei. Fig. 28.29

  27. The diploid nuclei undergo synchronous mitotic divisions, perhaps thousands at a time. cytoplasmic streaming distributes nutrients and oxygen throughout the plasmodium. The plasmodium phagocytises food particles from moist soil, leaf mulch, or rotting logs. If the habitat begins to dry or if food levels drop, the plasmodium differentiates into stages that lead to sexual reproduction.

  28. Oomycota, include water molds, white rusts, and downy mildews. Some are unicellular, others have a fine network of coenocytic hyphae (fine, branching filaments). These hyphae have cellulose cells walls and are analogous with the hyphae of true fungi (with chitin cell walls). Unlike fungi, the diploid stage dominates in oomycotes and they have biflagellated cells—gametic meiosis. These filamentous bodies have extensive surface area, enhancing absorption of nutrients.

  29. In the Oomycota, the “egg fungi”, a relatively large egg cell is fertilized by a smaller “sperm nucleus,”forming a resistant zygote—what type of meiosis would you call this? Fig. 28.16

  30. Water molds are important decomposers, mainly in fresh water. They form cottony masses on dead algae and animals. Some water molds are parasitic, growing on the skin and gills of injured fish. White rusts and downy mildews are parasites of terrestrial plants. They are dispersed by windblown spores. One species of downy mildew threatened French vineyards in the 1870’s and another species causes late potato blight, which contributed to the Irish famine in the 19th century.

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