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Fighting Fuzzy Math

Discover the dangers of Fuzzy Math and how it impacts the educational system. Learn how to advocate for high academic content standards at the state level to ensure quality education for all students.

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Fighting Fuzzy Math

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  1. Fighting Fuzzy Math Larry Gipson Co-founder, Mathematically Correct http://www.mathematicallycorrect.com “token conservative” We all heard about something called Fuzzy Math during the last election and thought it was funny. What most people don’t yet realize is that it’s a real problem that’s spreading through the public schools. And it’s anything but funny. In California, we found it easier to re-direct the state’s curriculum policy than to get local boards to act

  2. Welcome to Integrated Math, New new math, Whole math, Fuzzy math, Rain Forest math • Based on Whole Language concepts; “Progressive Education” • Purports to teach broad concepts without teaching basic skills: • Turns math into math appreciation • Advocates claim that traditional math doesn’t teach broad concepts : • Not True; Understanding large concepts requires mastery of basics • Lots of group work: • One student does the work, the rest copy • Group grades (emphasis on group, not individual) • Supposedly optimized for women and minorities: • Not true, but the source of fierce near-religious zealotry on the part of proponents

  3. Welcome to Fuzzy math – pt 2 • Typically a reading assignment with a puzzle at the end: • Basic skills supposedly “imbedded” in the puzzle • Almost all word problems; few “numbers” problems for skill development • Not connected to other basic skills (doesn’t “build”) • Underlying structure of mathematics is missing • Fuzzy “Open Ended” instead of (well known) “Ready to Solve” word problems • Politically Correct stories and word problems (Rain Forest math) • Constructivism: Students “invent” or “construct” their own education: • Relativism – no such thing as a single right answer • Traditional algorithms not taught: • Long division, “carry”, “borrow”, place value, etc. not taught • Little or no algebraic manipulation taught

  4. Welcome to Fuzzy math – pt 3 • “Guess and Check” is main algorithm used (check with calculator) • Teachers are “guides on the side” or “coaches” (no lecture) • “Practice makes perfect” is derided as “drill and kill” • Fuzzy, subjective tests with no “single right answer” • Extreme calculator dependence from Kindergarten forward: • What button do I push?? Why??? • Achievement grouping gone: • Holds faster learners back deliberately to “model behavior” • Faster learners become Peer Tutors • Teachers have to pace to the slower learners (common denominator)

  5. Why is fighting it important? / How to fight it • The Federal “No Child Left Behind” legislation has mandated that each state will adopt content standards and will implement a test based on those standards to continue to receive federal funding: • It’s extremely important that activists push the state towards standards with high academic content – like those now in California • The Texas standards enshrine Fuzzy Math, so the federal mandate can be a major disaster • In California, we found it easier to re-direct the state’s curriculum policy than to get local boards to act. • Changing the curriculum and instructional practices at the local level is where it counts: • You will have to lobby your local board • Many local districts resist change even after the state changes direction • Take the fight to state and local levels simultaneously

  6. How to fight it: State Level – pt 2 • Hi Quality content standards force schools to improve academically: • California has world class content standards in place now. Any parent can download them and know what their children are supposed to be learning at each grade level. We have textbooks and a statewide testing program based on academics to complete the system. http://www.cde.ca.gov/standards/ • Low Quality content standards will force schools to reduce academically. This is the danger of the “No Child Left Behind” legislation: • States need to adopt content standards as good as those in California • We need activists all over the country to to push the schools toward academic achievement. • Create a state-wide group of activists: • Visit your state representatives with your group • Stress the need to adopt standards with high academic content like was done in California (We’ve done the hard work already!)

  7. How to fight it: State Level – pt 3 • Your goal should be to shift power at the state level from the schools of education to the professors in the content areas of universities: • Mathematically Correct has hundreds of potential contacts to help. (Note: probably most of the math professors are not conservative, but they believe in real math. This has brought huge change in California – for the better!) • The state test must be based entirely on academics – the content standards!! • Not a fuzzy test aligned to the NCTM (non)Standards • The curriculum must match the standards • You need to have a huge teacher training program to counteract the misinformation new teachers are getting from the colleges of education: • We are faced with an almost complete failure in California with schools of education inadequately preparing new teachers.

  8. Summary • California is again leading the way in education. The difference is, it’s for the better this time. We have the best content standards in the nation, we have statewide tests and curriculum to match. • http://www.edexcellence.net/standards/best.html • The federal “No Child Left Behind” legislation can destroy your state schools if you don’t act now!!

  9. How to fight it: Local Level – pt 1 • Assemble a parents group to lobby your local school board • Have monthly parents meetings to plan the next board presentation • Use the internet to share information; set up a web page • Write articles for the local newspaper • Choose a goal: • Ask for a return to traditional curriculum as the state of California has done • If you don’t have the votes ask for “Math Choice”. (This is the tactic our local group used – 70% of students went traditional the first semester.) • If good state standards are in place, ask for standards-aligned curriculum!!

  10. How to fight it: Local Level pt 2 • Know your subject : • Research, use the Mathematically Correct website • Make friends with local reporters to encourage balanced stories: • Your district already has this relationship • Give written copy to reporters as you make your presentation • Keep pressure on as the next election nears: • Negative press will sway board members to your side • Be nice, but firm: • Don’t attack board members – you need them!! • You want to be “the voice of reason”

  11. How to fight it: Local Level – pt 3 • Get people there to make noise even if they don’t speak • This makes board members reluctant to cut off individuals or to be rude to them. If they do, the crowd will boo and the newspapers will print it.) • Don’t let them paint you as partisan, right wing crazy people or otherwise having an agenda besides improving academics • Point out that Mathematically Correct is non-partisan. (I’m the only conservative of the co-founders • Mathematics is not political, so keep all arguments to math. • Do not stress social issues at the same time you’re lobbying for increased academics. Don’t use the same people if you have a liberal board.

  12. How to fight it: Local Level – pt 4 • Don’t count on getting on the agenda: • Each person uses their 3 minute time • Keep bringing in new faces • You want the board and the press to see the problem is growing. This will help bring reporters to your side. • It took 9 months to sway our local board, so it’s not easy – but it paid off!!

  13. Intro In 1995 a group of California parents became alarmed by what the public schools were doing with their children’s mathematics education. Since each of these parents worked in math-based professions, they instinctively knew that what the schools were doing would not work. They formed a group, calling it Mathematically Correct. This group has had a major influence in eliminating fuzzy math at the state level in California. It has also influenced the mathematics debate nationally, and is beginning to have an international impact. We have a co-founder of this parents group here with us to tell us about how math education has changed, the battle in California, and what we can do in our states to fight fuzzy math. Welcome Mr. Larry Gipson …

  14. Bio Mr. Gipson has been an electronics engineer since 1976. He worked for Hughes Aircraft and Rockwell International until 1992. Since then, he has worked as an independent design consultant, designing analog/mixed mode integrated circuits for companies across the U.S. Mr. Gipson became involved in education issues through his children, co-founding Mathematically Correct in 1995 with other parents working in math-based occupations. Mathematically Correct has been a leading voice for improving academics in California’s public schools and is now having a national impact on education policy.

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