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Strategic Plan: 2008/09 – 2010/11 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 13 May 2008. Aims and Functions. In terms of Section 190 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Electoral Commission must
Strategic Plan: 2008/09 – 2010/11Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs13 May 2008
Aims and Functions • In terms of Section 190 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Electoral Commission must • manage elections of national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies in accordance with national legislation; • ensure that those elections are free and fair; and • declare the results of those elections within a period that must be prescribed by national legislation and that is as short as reasonably possible.
Aims and Functions (cont.) • The duties and functions of the Electoral Commission are defined in section 5 of the Electoral Commission Act, 1996. These include – • compile and maintain a voters' roll by means of a system of registering eligible voters by utilising data available from government sources and information furnished by voters; • compile and maintain a register of parties; • undertake and promote research into electoral matters; • develop and promote the development of electoral expertise and technology in all spheres of government; • continuously review electoral legislation and proposed electoral legislation, and to make recommendations in connection therewith; • promote voter education; • declare the results of elections for national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies within seven days after such elections; • appoint appropriate public administrations in any sphere of government to conduct elections when necessary.
Vision and Mission • Vision • To strengthen constitutional democracy through the delivery of free and fair elections in which every voter is able to record his or her informed choice. • Mission • The Electoral Commission is a permanent body created by the Constitution to promote and safeguard democracy in South Africa. Although publicly funded and accountable to parliament, the Commission is independent of the government. Its immediate task is the impartial management of free and fair elections at all levels of government.
Organisational Values • To enable us to serve the needs of stakeholders, including the electorate, political parties, the media and our own permanent and temporary staff,we subscribe to the following organizational values: • Following best practices • Stopping all forms of waste • Driving for results and success • Planning and working so as to maximise the use of all inputs • Being sensitive to race, culture, language, religion, disability and gender issues • Taking note of diversity in experience and ability • Caring and showing respect for others
Organisational Values (cont.) • Being ethical, honest and truthful • Communicating in an open and honest way • Carrying out our work independently and impartially • Acting with integrity and opposing corruption • Promoting the image and credibility of the Commission • Improving continuously • Maximising training and development opportunities • Supporting and inspiring each other • Fostering collaboration between teams and team members • Fostering achievement of common goals
Strategic Plan (Background) • Developed after consultative process • Covers period of three years • Includes objectives, expected outcomes, and measurable indicators and targets • Includes budget in respect of strategic objectives • Includes details of proposed acquisitions of assets • Will form the basis for the annual report
Strategic Objectives 1. To project the Commission as the global leader in electoral democracy 2. To develop and maintain organisational policies and strategy for the effective and efficient functioning of the Commission 3. To provide independent, objective assurance and consulting activities designed to add value and improve the operations of the Commission 4. To maintain an optimal network of voting districts and voting stations for elections, which will ensure reasonable access by voters and lead an accurate and up-to-date national voters’ roll 5. To implement and promote effective electoral processes that will facilitate the participation of political parties and independent ward candidates in the management and delivery of free and fair elections
Strategic Objectives 6. To provide and maintain an effective electoral logistics infrastructure for the efficient warehousing and distribution of materials and equipment for all electoral events 7. To inform civil society with a view to maximising citizen participation in democracy and electoral processes 8. To develop and maintain an effective and integrated communication policy and strategy that enables the Commission to engage its stakeholders utilising various media platforms 9. To develop and maintain effective business processes (in respect of legal services, human resources management, support services, financial management, and information and communication technology services) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the Commission 10. To offer continuous structured training to officials to facilitate the effective functioning of the organisation, including a fluent and effective registration of voters’ campaigns as well as the delivery of a successful free and fair election
Strategic Objective 1 • To project the Commission as the global leader in electoral democracy • Entrench the Commission as an effective, independent and impartial custodian of electoral democracy nationally • Review of legislation • Management of elections of other institutions • Engage in Local Liaison • Strategic liaison with government departments, other Chapter 9 institutions, NGOs, and other relevant stakeholders • Human Rights and Democracy Awards
Strategic Objective 1 (cont.) • Engage in International Liaison • Strengthened observer missions and provision of technical expertise • Liaison with electoral management bodies (EMBs) on the African continent and other parts of the world through structured exchange programmes and study tours • Strengthened participation in international and regional institutions that enhance democracy (SADC ECF, International IDEA, the AAEA, the AU and the Commonwealth)
Strategic Objective 1 (cont.) • Facilitate Observation of Elections in South Africa • Accreditation and briefing of high calibre delegations of international and domestic observers
Strategic Objective 2 • To develop and maintain organizational policies and strategy for the effective and efficient functioning of the Commission • Develop and adopt Strategic Plan for the organisation • Develop and implement regular reporting mechanisms for the organisation • Develop and maintain organizational policies • Monitor compliance with policies, legislation and regulations
Strategic Objective 3 • To provide independent, objective assurance and consulting activities designed to add value and improve the operations of the Commission • Audit Committee meets at least three times a year to deliver on their mandate • Internal audit plan is aligned with strategic objectives of organisation • Establishment internal risk management committee • Quarterly reporting on performance against strategic objectives to the Commission, Audit Committee and National Treasury
Strategic Objective 4 • To maintain an optimal network of voting districts and voting stations for elections, which will ensure reasonable access by voters and lead to an accurate and up-to-date national voters roll • Undertake targeted registration in specific geographic areas and population sectors exhibiting lower registration patterns (e.g., the youth) • Make registration facilities available to 60% of high schools and 100% of tertiary institutions across SA • 22 million registered voters on certified copy of the voters’ roll for Elections 2009
Strategic Objective 4 (cont.) • Improve access to voting stations for voters • 100% of Voting Stations reviewed and signed off by Municipal Party Liaison Committees (MPLC) • Improve stability of voting station network • 80% of venues used in 2009 elections are the same venues used in 2006 elections • Additional 20 schools per province (180) used as Voting Stations for the 2009 elections, bringing the total to 11 868 in a bid to assist schools in obtaining the basic facilities such as water, electricity and sanitation • Reduce the current temporary voting station network to a total of 828 and the mobile voting station network to a total of 41
Strategic Objective 5 • To implement and promote effective electoral processes that will facilitate the participation of political parties and independent ward candidates in the management and delivery of free and fair elections • 1 482 Party Liaison Committees held at National, Provincial and Municipal spheres • Status of current registered parties reviewed continuously as required by legislation • Manage the Represented Political Party Fund
Strategic Objective 5 (cont.) • Review voting, counting and results processes • Results processes 100% accurate and auditable • 65% voter turnout achieved in Elections 2009 • Publication of results within 7 days of the elections being held • Mediators deployed to manage election conflicts
Strategic Objective 6 • To provide and maintain an effective electoral logistics infrastructure for the efficient warehousing and distribution of materials and equipment for all electoral events • Up to 20 000 voting stations secured and functionally equipped per registration and election event • Infrastructure Task Team to be active in each province • 100% provisioning of materials and equipment using appropriate economies of scale procurement methods
Strategic Objective 7 • To inform civil society with a view to maximising citizen participation in democracy and electoral processes • 238 051 civic education interventions, nationally and in provinces • Civic Education (CE) institutionalised in General Education and Training (GET) and Further Education and Training (FET) bands through MOUs with national Department of Education and provincial departments • Conduct Advocacy, Public Awareness campaigns, Community Outreach and other educational interventions • 10 campaigns per province and 4 campaigns nationally • 3 new popular publications developed
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) • Conduct 3 research projects in regard to electoral democracy • Conduct 6 stakeholder engagements per province and nationally • Develop comprehensive and integrated quality assurance (QA) and management system
Strategic Objective 8 • To develop and maintain an effective and integrated communication policy and strategy that enables the Commission to engage its stakeholders utilising various media platforms. • Sub-Objective 8.1: To develop an integrated, multi-faceted employee engagement strategy that aligns current culture to business priorities • Sub-Objective 8.2: To promote the corporate image and identity of the Commission through effective external communication
Strategic Objective 8 (cont.) • Quarterly staff briefing sessions (Siyathetha) • Enhanced internal communication through 8 issues of newsletter per year and other means • Updated Corporate Identity Manual • 10 national media training workshops; 1 000 electoral information manuals distributed to journalists; 10 media briefings; 10 media releases • 4 issues of external newsletter per year • 9 provincial events, 1 elections launch, 1 Results Centre launch
Strategic Objective 8 (cont.) • Establishment of an efficient Call Centre • 80% of all calls made to contact centre to be answered in less than 20 seconds • 90% of all queries resolved by front-line agents without having to escalate the query to a supervisor • Escalated queries resolved within a turnaround time of less than 60 minutes • Dropped call rate to be less than 3% of all calls to contact centre
Strategic Objective 8 (cont.) • Promote critical information on the Commission • 700 Billboards; 300 000 posters X 2 registration weekends; 3 Million flyers X 2 registration weekends; 3 million flyers for elections; 1 Million flyers for special votes; 3 Ads for TV -registration weekend; 3 Ads for Elections; 2 Ads for 11 languages – SABC Radio; 90 Ads on Community Radio; 13 Ads for Commercial Radio
Strategic Objective 9 • To develop and maintain effective business processes (in respect of legal services, human resources management, support services, financial management, and information and communication technology services) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the Commission • Sub-objective 9.1: Legal Services • Sub-objective 9.2: Human Resources • Sub-objective 9.3: Support Services • Sub-objective 9.4: Financial Administration • Sub-objective 9.5: Financial Management • Sub-objective 9.6: Procurement and Asset Management • Sub-objective 9.7: Information and Communication Technology
Strategic Objective 9 (cont.) • Revise legislation and draft proposed amendments • Ensure that staff vacancies are filled in time • Monitor the implementation of the approved Employment Equity (EE) plan • Vacancies filled as per the numerical targets • Submission of annual EE report to Department of Labour • Review 11 key policies in the Employee Policy Manual and develop 9 new policies in support of best HR practices and benchmarking
Strategic Objective 9 (cont.) • Implement performance management for the organisation • Goals set and 800 performance agreements entered into and signed by the end of April 2008 • 80% supervisors / line managers trained and coached by the end of May 2008 • Implement SAP ERP successfully and maintain administrative processes • Establish an effective training plan for national, provincial and local staff concerning procurement policy and processes post SAP implementation
Strategic Objective 9 (cont.) • Employee Assistance Programme in place in support of all Commission employees • Free, confidential, voluntary, professional support to employees via telephone service, face-to-face contact sessions and website access Review of Disciplinary Code and Procedures completed, adopted and communicated by end of June 2008 • Training arranged on HR policies and practices for 18 new provincial HR unit employees by the end of June 2008 • Installation of back-up power supply / generators where needed to be done by 31 March 2009 • National Operations Centre (NOC) for General Elections established
Strategic Objective 9 (cont.) • Established and functional electronic records management system • Compliance with National Treasury Regulations and provisions of the PFMA • Compilation of MTEF budgets for approved projects in line with the strategic objectives of the organisation • Compliance with the RPPF Act • Prepare tender plans • Submit monthly reports on contracts issued to National Treasury • Business systems converted to .Net framework and ready for National and Provincial Elections 2009
Strategic Objective 9 (cont.) • Upgraded website able to work on different web browsers • Produce 21 000 A3 Target Communication Registration (TCR) maps by July 2008 • Produce 80 000 A3 voting district maps and 600 A0/1 municipal maps for registration weekend 1 by 6 January 2009 • Upgraded IT infrastructure • Formal approved IT policies that address concerns raised by the Office of the Auditor General by 30 June 2008
Strategic Objective 10 • To offer continuous structured training to officials to facilitate the effective functioning of the organization, including a fluent and effective registration of voters’ campaigns as well as the delivery of a successful free and fair election • Sub-objective 10.1: Training and Skills Development • Sub-objective 10.2: Election Training
Strategic Objective 10 (cont.) • Conduct training and development needs analysis of 60% of staff members by end of September 2008 • Administer bursary grants and studying qualifications of choice by end of April 2008 and end of September 2008 • Administer training needs stemming from Performance Management gap analysis as well as Employment Equity Plan targets at least 20 days after the formal performance assessment sessions in September 2008 and March 2009 • Develop policy career succession policy by end of September 2008
Strategic Objective 10 (cont.) • Work Place Skills plan developed in compliance with the Skills Development legislation • Administer the appointment of interns within two weeks after request from line managers • Coordinate and administer internal BRIDGE facilitator training event • Revise the Registration Guide by end of May 2008 and Election Guide by the end of November 2008 • 95% of Lead Trainers (i.e. between 50 – 60 based on approximately 6 per province) trained on facilitation skills and Registration content material by the end of June 2008
Strategic Objective 10 (cont.) • 95% of Lead Trainers trained on Elections content material by the end of November 2008 • 300 - 350 Provincial Trainers trained on Registration content through 9 provincial “Train the Trainer” Workshops by the end of August 2008 • 95% of 60 000 registration staff trained over 1 day for 2 for Registration Weekend 1 by the end of October 2008 • 185 000 election officials trained • Revise E-Learning Programme for Elections to go online to Party Agents and Security Personnel by the end of January 2009
Budget in Respect of Strategic Objectives • 2008/09 Financial Year: R1 191 625 351.88 • Strategic Objective 1: R5 604 060.00 • Strategic Objective 2: R1 471 033.78 • Strategic Objective 3: R7 405 715.00 • Strategic Objective 4: R7 349 376.85 • Strategic Objective 5: R22 638 378.40 • Strategic Objective 6: R309 844 630.00 • Strategic Objective 7: R78 815 807.20 • Strategic Objective 8: R70 895 000.00 • Strategic Objective 9: R634 946 936.03 • Strategic Objective 10: R34 086 400.00 • Provincial Administration: R18 568 014.62
Budget in Respect of Strategic Objectives • 2009/10 Financial Year: R878 004 000.00 • Strategic Objective 1: R8 545 437.00 • Strategic Objective 2: R3 436 655.00 • Strategic Objective 3: R8 098 076.00 • Strategic Objective 4: R11 014 182.17 • Strategic Objective 5: R45 751 575.07 • Strategic Objective 6: R96 120 566.67 • Strategic Objective 7: R24 252 526.00 • Strategic Objective 8: R42 351 700.00 • Strategic Objective 9: R603 030 914.00 • Strategic Objective 10: R18 757 500.00 • Provincial Administration: R16 644 868.00
Budget in Respect of Strategic Objectives • 2010/11 Financial Year: R1 183 443 000.00 • Strategic Objective 1: R5 853 499.70 • Strategic Objective 2: R1 679 578.60 • Strategic Objective 3: R7 556 615.38 • Strategic Objective 4: R10 384 614.99 • Strategic Objective 5: R47 902 102.45 • Strategic Objective 6: R216 713 213.59 • Strategic Objective 7: R75 060 418.72 • Strategic Objective 8: R108 332 452.24 • Strategic Objective 9: R651 583 983.29 • Strategic Objective 10: R40 015 974.90 • Provincial Administration: R18 360 546.15
Budget Emphases: 2008/09 • Roll-out outreach programmes of the Commission, as espoused in the EDDE and Communication projects of the Commission • Procure registration and voting materials and equipment • Procure voter registration (zip-zip) scanners • Recruitment and Training of registration and voting staff (approximately 350 000 for all registration and voting activities)
Budget Emphases: 2008/09 (cont.) • Activate the logistics network in preparation for registration weekends • Open all registration stations for two week-ends for voter registration (new registrations, changes to addresses and verification of details on the voter’s roll) • Rollback registration materials and prepare for address capturing. • Activate the logistics network in preparation for elections
Budget Emphases: 2009/10 • Complete special votes locally and dispatch materials for overseas voting • Activate the Commission’s conflict resolution mechanisms in preparation for elections • Open all voting stations for voting day • Roll-back voting materials for safekeeping in terms of Sec 105 of the Electoral Act (Act 73 of 1998) • Roll-out outreach programmes of the Commission • Procure registration and voting materials and equipment • Recruitment and Training of registration and voting staff (approximately 350 000 people as before)
Budget Emphases: 2009/10 (cont.) • Recruitment of expansion staff at Municipal Electoral Offices as well as our National and Provincial Offices (approximately 200 people) • Activate the logistics network in preparation for registration weekends • Open all registration stations for two weeks for voter registration (new registrations, changes to addresses and verification of details on the voter’s roll) • Rollback registration materials and prepare for address capturing • Activate the logistics network in preparation for the 2009 National and Provincial Elections