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Amber Keller AEIS Analysis and Report. In partial fulfillment of Diversity Vicky Brown Arlington Baptist College November 12, 2012. Ethnicity ( including Special Education). STAFF. PIE CHART. STAFF. RACE-Reading. Academic Content Area-Math. Summary of Content Area READING.
Amber KellerAEIS Analysis and Report In partial fulfillment of Diversity Vicky Brown Arlington Baptist College November 12, 2012
Summary of Content AreaREADING • Grand Prairie’s largest deficit area on the reading state test fell within the Hispanic culture with 101 students not meeting standard. One may attribute this to the fact that many Grand Prairie schools have a large amount of ESL and ELL students within their student body. Even with the three years leeway time period that a child receives when entering the country, it is evident by many factors including state testing that a child will still lack the know how and common language acquisition to successfully perform on a rigorous state exam. • Furthermore, one can see that the Caucasian and African American also had a shortcoming for the testing given. In addition to a poor socio-economic situation these students also lack motivation and encouragement from parent to stay in school much less perform well on a state exam. These students are more concerned with feeding themselves and providing for their families than passing a class, district, and or state level test regardless of what application this may have to their high school career or beyond.
Summary of Content Area- MATH • In reviewing the AEIS report for the math state exam it is evident that math has a severe shortcoming within all ethnicities; however, the most predominate of the whole would be the Hispanic culture with the largest deficit of 213 students whom did not meeting the standard. One can conclude that when entering a country the most important factor and or emphasis is learning the language and reading abilities verses the mathematical comprehension needed to pass a state exam. A student will only receive three years grace from the state before requirements force them to take a state exam. These three years are focus more on reading and writing verses math applications. While math is incorporated in the skill acquisition the main goal is not the ability to perform math equations. • In addition to the Hispanic culture one may see a severe inability found within the African American and Caucasian scores. This can be attributed that many of the special education students fall within these two categories and have difficulty passing any exam much less the state test.
HOW TO FILL THE GAP • I believe that we will not be able to reach the majority of these students within one year time span. However, if we can add to their value by one or two grade levels each year slowly but surely the gap will be filled by the time the student graduates. Many of these students lack the common thought process that most have acquired through strong homes and life experience. • This gap could be addressed via small group tutoring, Saturday school and or differentiated class instruction. Sadly the federal government is forcing larger class sizes and more rigorous content within a shorter time span making the assumption that this is the “best” solution.