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Chair of Gerontological Nursing Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hermann Brandenburg Vice dean Helen Güther, MPH

Chair of Gerontological Nursing Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hermann Brandenburg Vice dean Helen Güther, MPH Scientific assistant. Who is the Chair of Gerontological Nursing? Prof. Dr. Hermann Brandenburg Since 2007 Head of the Chair of Gerontological Nursing & vice dean (PTHV)

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Chair of Gerontological Nursing Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hermann Brandenburg Vice dean Helen Güther, MPH

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  1. Chair of Gerontological Nursing Univ.-Prof. Dr. HermannBrandenburg Vice dean Helen Güther, MPH Scientific assistant

  2. Who is the Chair of Gerontological Nursing? Prof. Dr. Hermann Brandenburg • Since 2007 Head of the Chair of Gerontological Nursing & vice dean (PTHV) • 1996-2010 Head of the Chair of Nursing Science (Freiburg) • Sociologist, gerontologist, philosopher Helen Güther, MPH (Scientific assistant) • Therapeutic pedagogue (Uni Cologne) & public health (TU Dresden)

  3. Whatisourfocus on Gerontological Nursing? • Since2006 thefirstChairforGerontology Nursing (PTHV) in Germany • Nursing science in Germany onlyforabout25 years • Critical approach • Based on nursing & gerontologicalscience • Takingaccountof different scientificperspectives: sociology, psychology, rehabilitation, ethics,… • Theorydevelopmentandempiricalresearch • International impulses: GB, USA, Scandinavia • Close exchangewithpractice (e.g. welfareorganisation [e.g. Caritas] and a bigCatholicinstitution [Marienhaus with 50 nursinghomesandhospitals])

  4. What are our central aspects? • Quality of life for older people in long-term care • Special focus on people with severe dementia • Measuring QOL • Outcome vs. process (empowering)? • Long-term care settings • Special care units for people with dementia (SCU) • Villages for dementia care (Demenzdörfer) • Family care • Inclusion vs. segregation? • Dissemination (theory into practice) • Practice – politics – science • Participation?

  5. What kind of theory? • Good life • Good life, good aging and good care? • Creating meaningful life • Person-centred Care – Relationship-centred Care • When is a person a person? • Recognition of interdependency on different social levels • Autonomy • Dependency vs. independency? • Being sensible for power and injustice • Interdisciplinarity • What is nursing science in its origin? • Accepting multidisciplinarity

  6. What kind of research? • Exploration of long-term care settings • Evaluation of interventions One concrete example: “Pflegeoase“/ SCU • Qualitative & quantitative data • Longitudinalexploration (over a 2 year period) • Evidence-based recommendation for practitioner and politics • Involving students in research work

  7. Our next research projects: Research • Good care (DFG) • Theory-practice transfer (Marienhaus gGmbH) • Evaluation of a new “Pflegeoase“ [SCU] (including advice and support during the process of building up)

  8. What kinds of publications? Articles • What is a good life for people with dementia? • Measuring quality of life for people with severe dementia • Quality of life for people with severe dementia in nursing oases • Person-centred care • Reframing Quality of Life for people with dementia

  9. What kinds of publications? Books • Justice and solidarity in health care. • Nursing science (1 + 2) • Nursing oases in Germany Next publication: • “Gerontological Nursing“ • Normative part: qood life, recognition of person, dignity, care ethics • Empirical part: e.g. professionalisation, voices of people with dementia, family care politics, economisation, community care, quality in long-term care, innovations

  10. Our interest in international cooperation: • Aims • Establishing contact to research institutions in GB • Initializing research projects in cooperation • Exchanging staff and students in future

  11. Be always welcome at our Chair! Contact: www.pthv.de Hbrandenburg@pthv.de

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