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The Kingdom is near (Introduction 1:15). 1:1 The Title - The gospel of Jesus Christ (in comparison to other gospels) 1:2-3 The Isaiah Background Isaiah 40 Promised return of the exiles and a new creation with forgiveness Exodus 23:20 The second promised Exodus of Isaiah is at hand
The Kingdom is near (Introduction 1:15) 1:1 The Title - The gospel of Jesus Christ (in comparison to other gospels) 1:2-3 The Isaiah Background • Isaiah 40 Promised return of the exiles and a new creation with forgiveness • Exodus 23:20 The second promised Exodus of Isaiah is at hand • Malachi 3:1 The promises of Isaiah are about to be fulfilled 1:4-8 I will send my messenger • Allusions to Elijah • Main role is to announce the arrival of the mighty one v7 Jesus’ Anointing (9-11) • Private voice of revelation Jesus is God’s son / king (Ps 2:7) and the servant (Is 42:1) Jesus’ testing (12-13) • Echoes Is. 40 days in the desert, Moses up Sinai 40 days, Elijah 40 days to Mt Sinai Jesus’ Proclamation (14-15) - John’s arrest foreshadows Jesus’ but now ‘the kingdom of God in near’
The Kingdom is near (The call to hear 1:16 – 4:34) 4 Calls • 1 Authority….. To forgive (1:16 – 2:12) [By the sea… he saw…. He called] • Calls two brothers to follow him • Cures Simon’s mother such that all the sick brought to him, leaves to another town for preaching the ‘Kingdom of God’ the priority • Section ends with the healing of the paralytic • 2 Life… to the sinners (2:13-3:6) [AGAIN… By the sea… and CROWDS…. He was teaching.. And he saw] • Calls Matthew (Contrast of life) • Healing of man in the synagogue, save life or kill, on the Sabbath • Bride groom will leave (hint of death) • 3 Opposition… to the life bringer (3:7-35) [Back to the sea… GREAT CROWDS.. And he called] • Calls out and names the twelve apostles • Is Jesus from God or Satan • The call to hear… and enter the Kingdom (4:1-34) [AGAIN… By the sea… he began to teach… LISTEN] • A call to the reader of the gospel\ • Treated as an insider (share insider information about parable of sowwer)
Jesus and the Perishing (3 Sea Journeys 4:35 – 8:26) Journey 1 Jesus and the Perishing The Questions raised (4:35-41) - Christological (4:41 who is this man that even the winds and waves obey him (ultimately answered by the cross) - The Faith (4:40 Why are you still afraid? Do you still have no faith?” implies they are on a journey, opposite of faith is fear in Mark - Existential (4:38 “teacher don’t you care if we drown?” disciples fear death) Life to the Perishing (after death and life issue) - Out of the tombs (5:1-20) [Demoniac] - Daughters of death (5:21-43) [Jarius daughter and the women who cannot stop bleeding] - No miracles at home (6:1-6) [ Could do no healings except some sick because of little faith showing sickness is a little miracle in Mark] The Leadership Struggle - Jesus Campaign 6:7-13 sends the twelve out into Herod’s territory - Herod’s Alternative 6:14-29 Fears Jesus is John raised - The True Shepherd I, 6:30-44 Jesus feeds the people Ezek 34 – 37 -> Resurrection
Jesus and the Perishing (3 Sea Journeys 4:35 – 8:26) Journey 2 Israel’s Heart Problem - Who then is this?(6:45-52) Jesus walks on water, disciples fear him. Jesus cries out ‘Do not be afraid. It is I’ common allusion to YHWH given the calming of the waves. But disciples do not see and share in Israel's hard heartedness - The Problem at the Heart of Israel (7:1-23) Confrontation with the Pharisees over purity and cleanliness. Conflict focuses on the heart. Disciples do not understand, Jesus asks ‘are you ALSO lacking in understanding - Salvation to a Greek (7:24-30) [A Greek woman laps up the crumbs] - Salvation among the gentiles (7:31-37) heals a deaf and dumb man and the gentile crowd acknowledges Jesus for who he is Is 35:5-6 - The True Shepherd II, (8:1-10) Feeding of 4000 deliberate rerun of feeding miracle to make the reader reflect
Jesus and the Perishing (3 Sea Journeys 4:35 – 8:26) Journey 3: Blind Eyes See - The unbelieving generation (8:11-13) [Ph. Ask for a sign ->unbelieving generation] - The Unbelieving Disciples (8:14-21) [Yeast of Herod, still do not understand] - A Blind Man Sees (8:22-26) Two stage healing hope for the disciples Jesus will be the one that makes them see.
8:27 – 10:52 Entering the Coming Kingdom ‘3 Passion Predictions’ Prediction #1: The Son of Man MUST Die (8:27-9:29) • Christological Question Revisited (8:27-8:30) • Who do people say I am, Who do you think I am • Necessity of death (8:31-33) [Peter’s announcement but does not understand] • Implications (8:34-38) calls to follow but no shame • Urgency: Kingdom is near (8:38-9:1) Daniel 7 and the coming of the kingdom • Suffering as the Final Necessity • Commissioning re-issued ( 9:2-8) voice from above ‘this is my Son’ • The Final Necessity (9:9-13) The suffering of the Son of Man is the last thing to happen (Elijah) • Resurrection in Prospect (9:14-29) Man and boy, boy evil spirit wants to kill him. Fathers unbelief, cries out belief and child saved.
8:27 – 10:52 Entering the Coming Kingdom ‘3 Passion Predictions’ Prediction #2: Entering the Kingdom (9:30-10:31) • Betrayal predicted • Life = Kingdom of God, Death = Not in Kingdom of God • How to enter of Not • The Religious Great (10:1-12) [religious great nit picking but hearts are hard] • The small (10:13-16) [least brought and blessed] • The Wealthy Great (10:17-21) [wealth as a snare] • God’s impossibility (10:22-31)
8:27 – 10:52 Entering the Coming Kingdom ‘3 Passion Predictions’ Prediction #3: The Way to the Kingdom (10:32-10:52) • Handed to the Gentile (10:32-34) Prediction includes Gentiles • Greatness in the Kingdom (10:35-45) [10:45 access to the kingdom is through the servant’s death, theological high point so far] • A Blind man joins the way (10:46-52) Bartimaeus model of discipleship • Begging for mercy • Receiving by faith • Being saved
11-13 The Clash of the Kingdoms ‘3Days’ Narrative Patterns • Three days, effect of this is to make us read the three days as a unit • Bethany to Jerusalem / the repeated journey helps us to tie them together but the last days is the longest • Increasing levels of detail • Day 1, 11 verses, inconclusive (unknown what Jesus thinks of the temple) • Day 2, 11 verses, cursing of fig tree and cleansiningof temple explain day 1 • Day 3, heaps of verse slowing the reader down. The Day of reflection and of significance
11-13 The Clash of the Kingdoms ‘3Days’ Day #1: The Coming Kingdom of David (11:1-11) • Messianic Entry: Very public entry but nothing happens and goes to temple, nothing happens Day #2: The Harvest is not ready (11:12-19) • The Figtree Cursed (cursed when out of season) • Temple authorities attacked : Is 56:7 “YOU have made it a den of robbers” Day #3: The Clash of kingdoms (11:20-13:37) • Fig Tree explained (11:20-26) • Zeckeriah 14 End of time, the mount of olives will be split into two on the day of judgement, have faith in God • The Temple Authorities Explained (11:27-12:12) • By what authority, Parable of the Tenants (Is 5), Israel’s leaders should have stepped aside • The Confrontation (12:13-17) • Rendering to God (12:13-17) / The image of God is in our lives, so Jesus is telling them to give over their lives • Resurrection (12:18-27) / There is no new marrying in heaven (or any at all), the law of Moses shows Moses is alive therefore Resurrection to true.
11-13 The Clash of the Kingdoms ‘3Days’ Day #3: The Clash of kingdoms (11:20-13:37) Continued • The Confrontation (12:13-44) Continued • An Enemy Defeated: Close to the Kingdom (12:18-34) / “You are right”, a scribe finally gets it right • A Messianic Puzzle (12:35-37) / How can the Messiah be called LORD by David • The Indictment of the Scribes (12:38-40) / A warning against them and their teaching • The Plunder of Israel (12:41-44) / Poor women who gives all she has, devoured by the religious authorities • The Explanation: the Son of Man (13:1-37) • The temple will pass away, security lies in the Son of Man
14-16 The Coming of the King ‘4 Watches’ Preparation for Jesus’ Death • The Plot and the Anointing (14:1-11) • Chief priests and teachers plot to kill Jesus without a riot • A women weeps and perfumes (anoints) Jesus, Judas conspires • Passover Predictions (14:12-25) • One of the twelve, Lord’s supper The Hour is Coming (14:32-52) • Alone in the Will of God (14:32-42) / Garden of Gethsemane, disciples fall asleep • Deserted in his distress (14:43-52) / All flee Trails Within and Without (14:53-72) • Peter denies Jesus three times while Jesus is condemned The Death of a King (Mk 15) • ‘He could save others, so save yourself’, ironic as the cross is how he saves others • The fulfilment of God’s plan for the suffering servant • Darkness at noon a sign of God’s judgement and inner curtain torn • Climax is when a centurion acknowledges Jesus as the Son of God (Is 64:1 the spirit to all nations)
14-16 The Coming of the King ‘4 Watches’ The End of the Passion (15:40 – 16:8) • The women from Galilee (15:40f) / introduced now but previously in the background, what will they do? • The Burial (15:40-47) / Joseph, the enemy???, buries Jesus, we see the Son of Man suffering but where is his kingdom? • The Empty Tomb (16:1-8) • The discovery / The women are alarmed at the messenger and told to tell the disciples • The Impact / The women are silent (fearful = disbelief) • The Resurrection of the Son of Man / Crucified for God’s plans, Risen his death a ransom for all and his resurrection a promise for his followers, The Kingdom in Power the Son of Man is vindicator and Lord of all even death • Return to the Strange Ending • The women do not speak yet we are sympathetic to them because we understand their fear. So the question we are left is are we going to tell others the message and act in faith and not disbelief?