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Symbolism and Irony Analysis in "Once Upon a Time

Explore symbolic meanings and types of irony in the story "Once Upon a Time" by analyzing key objects and situations to understand deeper themes related to Apartheid and South Africa. Learn how to identify symbols and types of irony in literature.

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Symbolism and Irony Analysis in "Once Upon a Time

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  1. Take out the story “Once Upon a Time” story and something to write with.

  2. Once Upon a Time • Scavenger Hunt • Write in complete sentences • Write neatly and thoughtfully • Sign your answer

  3. Symbol • A concrete object used to represent an idea (may be person, place, thing, event). • Examples: Dove = peace Hourglass = time passing

  4. What could be a symbol for …… • The United States • A holy place • Love • Hate • South Africa

  5. What makes a good symbol?

  6. Find something in this classroom to use as a symbol for Apartheid. Explain how the object works as a symbol.

  7. How do you find symbols in stories?

  8. The following objects appear in “Once Upon a Time” Write down as many symbolic meanings for each object that you can think of in relation to Apartheid and/or South Africa. • The growing wall and razor bladed coils • The boy • The roses and the perfect lawn • The red smudge marks on the whitewash wall. • Narrator’s house built above S.A. mine.

  9. Irony

  10. Verbal Irony • Using a word or phrase to mean the exact opposite of its literal or normal meaning. • Explain the irony you see in the story “Once Upon a Time”

  11. Situational Irony • In “Once Upon a Time” there is a great difference between the purpose of the family’s actions and the result/outcome. • This is “situational irony”

  12. Dramatic Irony • When the audience knows something that the characters do not!

  13. Irony in “Once Upon a Time” On your tan sheet, write at least one example of irony from the story and explain why this example fits the definition of irony. • Situational Irony • Dramatic Irony • Verbal Irony

  14. Passbook Assignment • Clean page • Top left corner write the title of the story (in quotation marks) and the author’s name • Provide an example of a symbol from the story (on left hand side) with a quote and explanation; and one example of irony (with a quote and explanation). Define what type of irony it is.

  15. Homework • Read the next Nadine Gordimer Story: “Is There Nowhere Else We Can Meet?” • Take specific notes on: sensory detail, plot action, symbolism and irony. • These notes will be used next class!!! • Complete #1 and #2 on the handout

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