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Hybrid Simulation with On-line Updating of Numerical Model based on Measured Experimental Behavior

Hybrid Simulation with On-line Updating of Numerical Model based on Measured Experimental Behavior. M.J. Hashemi, Armin Masroor , and G ilberto Mosqueda University at Buffalo International Mini-Workshop on Hybrid Simulation Harbin Institute of Technology May 18, 2012. Acknowledgements.

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Hybrid Simulation with On-line Updating of Numerical Model based on Measured Experimental Behavior

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  1. Hybrid Simulation with On-line Updating of Numerical Model based on Measured Experimental Behavior M.J. Hashemi, Armin Masroor, and GilbertoMosqueda University at Buffalo International Mini-Workshop on Hybrid Simulation Harbin Institute of Technology May 18, 2012

  2. Acknowledgements • Research funding • NSF: CAREER Award CMMI-0748111 • NEESR CMMI-0936633 (PI Eduardo Miranda, Stanford) • NSF Award CMS 0402490 for shared use access of nees@buffalo • Collaborators • Eduardo Miranda, Helmut Krawinkler, Stanford University • DimitriosLignos, McGill University • Ricardo Medina, University of New Hampshire

  3. Introduction • In hybrid simulation, it is often assumed that a reliable model of numerical substructure exists • Nonlinear behavior can be distributed throughout structural model • During a hybrid simulation, experimental data is gathered from experimental structural components – other similar components may be present throughout numerical structure Objective: • Use on-line measurements of experimental substructure to update numerical models of similar components (Elnashai et al. 2008) • Could experience similar stress/strain demands • Could experience very different demands, but likely at lower amplitudes (Test component experiencing largest demands)

  4. Introduction

  5. Algorithm Numerical Substructure may contain models to be updated Auxiliary model of experiment to calibrate model parameters Other tasks focus on when and what to update

  6. Online Updating Challenges Experimental Issues: • The on-line identification process should instantaneously and automatically track the critical characteristics of the system and their variations as time proceeds, without requiring any major action by the researcher during the test. • Measurement data are usually contaminated by errors (noise) that can substantially influence the accuracy of the identification result. • In online schemes, it is difficult to manipulate the input–output data as can be done for offline applications.

  7. Online Updating Issues Numerical Issues: • Lack of understanding of nonlinear structural behavior and selection of models/parameters for numerical simulation. • For effective on-line identification schemes, it is necessary to develop a reasonable non-linear model that is able to provide a good representation of the system behavior. • Problems related to under- and over-parameterization exists that can be overcome by setting boundaries on the parameters. • Independent of the system to be identified, online identification algorithm must be adaptable to capture parameter changes as time progresses (ex., if a fracture occurs). • Parameters should converge smoothly and rapidly to the proper parameter values.

  8. Hysteretic Model • Modified Bouc-Wen Model: • Baber and Noori (1985) extension of the Bouc-Wen model to include degrading behavior. • Has been used by several researchers for simulating and identifying hysteretic system response • Model is high nonlinear and has nine control parameters including stiffness and strength degradation.

  9. Parameter Identification • System Identification - The parameters of a system model is sought given the excitation and output • In this application, the system excitation and output are only known to the current simulation time • Early identification of some parameters is difficult – cannot calibrate yield force until structure actually yields Example: Extracting Initial Stiffness, Yield Force and Post Elastic Stiffness Ratio From Experimental Response

  10. Parameter Identification • Objective: Find the best-fit parameters to minimize the error function E defined as: • Note: Auxiliary Numerical Model and Experimental Model have identical deformation demands

  11. Parameter Identification Techniques Downhill Simplex : • The Downhill Simplex method is a multidimensional optimization method which uses geometric relationships to aid in finding function minimums • The Simplex method is not sensitive to small measurement noise and does not tend to divergence Unscented Kalman Filter: • UKF is a recursive algorithm for estimating the optimal state of a nonlinear system from noise-corrupted data • To identify the unknown parameters of a system, these parameters should be added to the states of the system to be estimated using experimental substructure response.

  12. Structural Model • One Bay Frame Structure • Element 1: Experimental substructure • Element 2: Numerical substructure similar to Element 1 • Element 3: Spring that varies demands between Element 1 and Element 2 Experimental Numerical

  13. Experimental Substructure

  14. One Bay Frame Structural Properties El Centro

  15. Test Protocol • Test Series 1:Verification of Parameter Identification Techniques: • Mass 1 and 2 are equivalent and Element 3 is rigid: • Deformation demands in Element 1 and 2 are identical. • Online calibration of the Element 2 using parameter identification techniques, ideally, should produce a hysteresis identical to Element 1. • Test Series 2: Implementation in General Condition: • Element 3 is flexible, Mass 1 and 2 are different: • Deformation demands in Element 1 and 2 different. • Although elements may have similar properties, they experience different deformation demands and damage at different times

  16. Test Series 1 [Identical Deformation Demands] • Reference Model: Reference Model: Response of Element 2 is replaced by measured behavior for Element 1 since both have the same demands

  17. Test Series 1 [Identical Deformation Demands] • Calibration: Calibration of the Experimental Response

  18. Test Series 1 [Identical Deformation Demands] • Initial Values: • No stiffness or strength degradation assigned to the numerical model • No updating is implemented Initial Values For Updating Test

  19. Test Series 1 [Identical Deformation Demands] • Results for updating in real time: • Auxiliary model is numerical model in this case Downhill Simplex Unscented Kalman Filter

  20. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Reference Model: Reference Model: Response of Element 2 is Based on the Calibration of Experimental Element Response without degradation

  21. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Updating Tests: • Simplex Downhill: • Unscented Kalman Filter: Initial values for numerical model parameters used in the Downhill Simplex Method are the same as the calibrated numerical model with no strength and stiffness degradation; these are the Updating Parameters : Initial values for the updating parameters for the UKF Method were chosen the same as the test with “no updating”. Updating Parameters :

  22. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Results: Comparison of Element 2 Hysteresis For Different Tests

  23. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Results: Comparison of Element 2 Forces History for Different Tests

  24. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Results: Comparison of Element 2 (=DOF2) Displacement History For Different Tests

  25. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Parameter Calibration: Note: Initial values for the updating parameters for the UKF Method were obtained from test with “no updating”. Updating Parameters: Updated Parameter Values In UKF Identification Technique

  26. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Parameter Calibration: Updated Parameter Values In UKF Identification Technique

  27. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Parameter Calibration: Updated Parameter Values In UKF Identification Technique

  28. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Results: Updated Parameter Values In UKF Identification Technique

  29. Test Series 2 [Different Deformation Demands] • Parameter Calibration: Note: Initial values for the updating parameters for the Downhill Simplex Method were chosen the same as the calibrated numerical model with “no strength and stiffness degradation”. Updating Parameters: Updated Parameter Values for Downhill Simplex Technique

  30. Upcoming Tests:) Reproduce NEES earthquake simulator collapse tests (NEES Project, PI H. Krawinkler) using hybrid simulation (PI E. Miranda) to examine substructuring and updating techniques

  31. Upcoming Tests: Substructuring on Four Story Steel Moment Frame • Substructuring Techniques • Techniques to reduce number of actuators for boundary conditions • Updating of numerical model Experimental Substructure Numerical Substructure

  32. Upcoming Tests

  33. Conclusion • A basic objective is to implement and advance the methodology of hybrid simulation with updating of the numerical substructure model(s) during the test and thereby better predict the response of inelastic structures more accurately. • An auxiliary numerical model was implemented to calibrate numerical model parameters. Different optimization techniques were examined to minimize the objective function, defined as the error between numerical and experimental substructure response. Both methods give relatively accurate estimates. • Hybrid simulation with updating can be implemented using common software such as OpenSEES and MATLAB®. Algorithms for updating process, time of implementing the updated parameters in numerical model and others can be coded by the researcher and used in the proposed framework. • The procedure was implemented here for a simple structural model, with more complex applications expected in the near future

  34. Thank You!Questions?

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