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Provision Management – providing for the Local Offer

Anita Devi. Provision Management – providing for the Local Offer. Compass Direction. In this session, aim to cover: A brief overview of Provision Management (strategic positioning) Links to whole school approach & school improvement cycle (systems & engagement)

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Provision Management – providing for the Local Offer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anita Devi ProvisionManagement – providing for the Local Offer

  2. Compass Direction In this session, aim to cover: A brief overview of Provision Management (strategic positioning) Links to whole school approach & school improvement cycle (systems & engagement) Significance in terms of ‘school offer’ aspect of the Local Offer (transparency of information)

  3. Fundamentals SEN: Additional & different from Discernment Zone QFT

  4. Discernment Zone • Data and other evidence (including observations and professional dialogue) used to discern: • Low Attainment • Gaps in Learning • Developmental delay with a narrowing trajectory • Special Educational Needs

  5. Intervention Data Entry point Expected outcome (projected) Exit/completion data (actual) Attendance Observations Monitoring/QA of Provision

  6. What is the intervention data telling us? Entry data = completion data point? Completion data point = expected outcome? Completion data point < expected outcome? Completion data point > expected outcome? Completion data point < entry data?

  7. Monitoring

  8. Fundamentals SEN: Additional & different from Discernment Zone QFT

  9. Maps or Management? Provision Maps? or Provision Management ?

  10. Definitions • Provision mapping takes into account the full scope of provision, including high quality, whole class teaching, guided and group work and individual interventions in order to identify and overcome potential barriers to learning and meet the needs of all pupils within and beyond the school setting. (DfE definition) • Provision Management is a strategic integrated system of multi-layered maps that interfaces with the school improvement cycle to provide governors/trustees, senior leaders, staff and families with relevant data about: • What the school offers and how effective it is • Where there are gaps in provision • Analysis of cost and impact for individuals, as well as groups of learners

  11. Three Elements

  12. Who’s involved?

  13. Using your PM System

  14. SCC (Pathfinder) Process Family Voice/Contact a Family and parents involved in defining LO questions

  15. Local Offer The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. The offer will include provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care and should be developed in conjunction with children and young people, parents and carers, and local services, including schools, colleges, health and social care agencies.

  16. Evidence for Future EHCP Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs) evidence

  17. #1 Triangulate of the data/ information Data: Additional Information Other variables: Behaviour Attendance Exclusions Sanctions Data: Learning Information Progress: Achievement & attainment Impact: Value added Provision Management system Data: Teaching Information PfA & employability: Curriculum content (breadth & depth) Quality: Monitoring - wave 1, 2 & 3 Standardisation & moderation: Accuracy of assessment

  18. #2 Financial Statement of Provision High Needs Block Funding Notional SEN Budget up to £10K Provision Management system Average Weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU)

  19. #3 Outcomes-based Accountability (OBA) OBA measured by quantifiable improvements in welfare and wellbeing, based around geographical areas Effect vs. effort and input

  20. “Money is short and each service changing just by 1% we can collectively generate 10% change” ~ Portsmouth #3 OBA • Moving to OBA • Agreed hierarchy of terms – benchmarks, targets, outcomes by agencies • Capacity building and training essential – will cost more initially • Systematic training for integrated multi-agency work • Pooling of budgets • Resource Allocation Systems (RAS) Aspiration for ‘integrated approach’ to work: pooled budgets

  21. Take away messages Change is on the horizon... Use every opportunity to up-date/develop staff/ in-house approach Reflect & evaluate on your current Provision Management approach (process/system/output) Have a clear vision of where you want to lead your setting Consider 3 elements of evidence potentially required for future EHCPs (Triangulation of in-house data, financial statements & expected outcomes)

  22. Compass Direction In this session, aim to cover: A brief overview of Provision Management (strategic positioning) Links to whole school approach & school improvement cycle (systems & engagement) Significance in terms of ‘school offer’ aspect of the Local Offer (transparency of information)

  23. Thank you  Any questions? Anita Devi Education ConsultantBSc (Hons), Mont. Dip. QTS, Cert in Education, Adv. Dip. (Human Values Education), Cert. in Kaleidoscope Colour Therapy, MA (Ed), Prince2 2004-5 John Lewis Partnership Award for Employee Supported Volunteering 2005 REEP Award for Human Values Garden design Lunchtime Club 2008 Nominated for National Teacher's Award MK Pride Excellence in Education Award 2011 Independent on Sunday Happy List 2013 Email: anita.devi@virgin.net Website: www.AnitaDevi.com Twitter: @Butterflycolour @S4L_iHub LinkedIn: Anita Devi

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