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「聖經倫理」 The Ethics of Bible. ( 約 Jn8:31 -32 ) 31 耶穌對信他的猶太人說、你們若常常遵守我的道、就真是我的門徒。 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 你們 必曉得 真理、真理 必叫你們得以自由 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.".
(約Jn8:31-32) 31耶穌對信他的猶太人說、你們若常常遵守我的道、就真是我的門徒。 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32你們必曉得真理、真理必叫你們得以自由Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
在華人社會,基督徒在傳福音時,所面對的最大障礙是祭拜祖先的問題在華人社會,基督徒在傳福音時,所面對的最大障礙是祭拜祖先的問題 • 基督徒因為不祭祖,被視為「數典忘祖」扣上不孝的罪名,民間俚語甚至有 「基督教,死沒有人哭」的譏諷 • 作父母的極力反對孩子去接觸、去信基督教因為他們擔心他們百年之後,沒有人來祭拜他們。
基督徒不祭祖,祖先及親人亡故後,無人祭祀,被視之為不孝。 • 然而翻開聖經,基督徒總要辯駁:聖經十誡中的第五誡,明明昭示「當孝敬父母」,或是以弗所書也教導「…要在主裡聽從父母…;要孝敬父母,使你得福,在世長壽。」基督教絕不是一個“不孝”的宗教。
華人之所以排斥基督教,一則由於根深蒂固的祭拜祖先的傳統觀念,一則是對於基督教所傳講的愛(上帝對世人的愛,人與人之間的愛),不夠瞭解,甚至於陌生所致。華人之所以排斥基督教,一則由於根深蒂固的祭拜祖先的傳統觀念,一則是對於基督教所傳講的愛(上帝對世人的愛,人與人之間的愛),不夠瞭解,甚至於陌生所致。 • 第一、從了解與認識的層面來“看”,窺探在儀式背後所反映華人的需要,特別是靈魂與死後世界的問題; • 第二,從基督教信仰的角度來“看”,嘗試指出一些基督徒需要留意的地方,作為我們回應時的參照。
一、歷史背景Background history • 從人類學的角度來看,中國人的信仰,屬於原始宗教的「泛靈崇拜」,舉凡山川樹石、日月星辰、動植物、歷史功臣甚至小說虛構的人物,都可以被神化崇拜, • 因此,將過世的祖先立牌位祭祀,自不難理解;尤其受到儒家孝道倫理的影響,將孝敬父母的倫理,延伸到對自己血脈相傳的祖靈崇拜,這樣的「祖先崇拜」,早已變成中國人文化認同的對象。
中國商朝把「祖宗與鬼神」並列,春秋時代儒家主張「慎終追遠」,近代民間宗教將兩者混合,中國商朝把「祖宗與鬼神」並列,春秋時代儒家主張「慎終追遠」,近代民間宗教將兩者混合, • 清朝初年,當時耶穌會宣教士為了中國祭祖問題,和其他修會僵持不下,最後由教宗裁示,下令中國基督徒不准祭祖。 • 康熙皇帝一怒之下,將宣教士趕出中國,雍正皇帝更嚴禁宣教士前來,從此宣教之門關閉了近一世紀,才又艱難地打開縫隙。
二、「祭祖」和「敬祖」的區別Difference between worshiping ancestor and respecting ancestor • 慎終追遠喪葬儀式反映出中國人對靈魂及死後世界的理解,這種生者對死者的思念,後來更被孔子賦予倫理意義,把亡靈的祭祀行為提升至“慎終追遠”,便能培育“民德”。
儒家為亡靈祭祀注入了濃厚的倫理因素在內。 在《孝經》裡,也表達出對孝子“喪則致其哀,祭則致其嚴”的要求(《孝經·紀孝行章》)。 • 不過,儘管儒家把祭祀祖先作為倫理道德修養的手段,但是這卻無法否定祭禮背後的宗教世界。
正如先秦儒的另一位代表人物荀子把士大夫及民眾對祭禮的不同理解清楚點出來:正如先秦儒的另一位代表人物荀子把士大夫及民眾對祭禮的不同理解清楚點出來: • “祭者,志意思慕之情也,忠信愛敬之至矣。禮節文貌之盛矣。荀非聖人莫之能知也。聖人明知之,士君子安行之,官人以為守,百姓以成俗。其在君子,以為人道也,其在百姓,以為鬼事也。”《禮論篇》 • 荀子承認,對君子而言,祭禮乃“人道”的要求,但對普通百姓來說,卻擺脫不了 “鬼事”的色彩。
喪葬儀式及祖宗祭祀固然有其“慎終追遠”的精神,但實踐上,卻又滲雜了超度亡魂的因素。 而履行孝道與否,也包括了能否供應死去親人在另一個世界裡的需要。 • 華人家庭長輩反對子孫皈信基督教的原因就是恐懼他們信教後不拜祖先,日後自己的靈魂會因為“無祀”而淪為孤魂野鬼。 同時,又恐怕供奉的傳統在自己這一代中斷,無顏面見歷代祖先,而遭其降罰
(可Mk7:8-13) 8你們是離棄 神的誡命、拘守人的遺傳。 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.“ 9又說、你們誠然是廢棄 神的誡命、要守自己的遺傳。And he said to them: "You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! 10摩西說、『當孝敬父母。』又說、『咒罵父母的、必治死他。』For Moses said, 'Honor your father and your mother,' and, 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.‘
11你們倒說、人若對父母說、我所當奉給你的、己經作了各耳板(各耳板、就是供獻的意思)But you say that if a man says to his father or mother: 'Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is Corban' (that is, a gift devoted to God), 12以後你們就不容他再奉養父母. then you no longer let him do anything for his father or mother. 13這就是你們承接遺傳、廢了 神的道.你們還作許多這樣的事。Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that."
(弗Eph6:1-3) 1你們作兒女的、要在主裡聽從父母、這是理所當然的。Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2,3要孝敬父母、使你得福、在世長壽.這是第一條帶應許的誡命。"Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise--"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."
1.「祭祖」來自於「亡靈崇拜」Origin of worshiping ancestor is from venerating dead soul • 「祖先崇拜」來自於「亡靈崇拜」也就是靈魂不滅的信仰。 • 古代漢人的靈魂觀念為魂魄二分法:相信人一旦死亡,魂氣(精 神)歸於天為神,形魄(肉體)歸於地為鬼。既然有這樣的信仰,就很自然的將死去的先人祭拜起來
一位有祭祖困擾的問:「你祭不祭祖?」 • 「我已經祭完了!」 • 在他錯愕之下,笑著告訴他,在我信主以前就把我的先祖們都祭完了,所以不用再祭了。 • 我的祖先,其中德性好的已經輪迴轉世,如今家庭美滿,衣食不缺,這些祖先,我只要「記住」他們便可,不需再為他們操心,或是供奉任何葷素;
剩下為數不少的先人,操守略差,暫且無法轉世,我收入微薄且自奉甚簡,只能供奉一桌,但恐怕不夠,會令兄弟鬩牆,祖孫相仇,徒增惡性,轉生益加困難。剩下為數不少的先人,操守略差,暫且無法轉世,我收入微薄且自奉甚簡,只能供奉一桌,但恐怕不夠,會令兄弟鬩牆,祖孫相仇,徒增惡性,轉生益加困難。 • 所以我祭告他們,附近超級市場應有盡有,可以自行開伙,盡情享用,故他們起居所需更不用我費心。
按傳統的見解,人死為鬼,受到子孫的供奉的祖靈為善鬼能夠 庇蔭子孫,使家道繁榮。 • 子孫忽略供奉的祖靈會變成餓鬼和沒有子孫的孤魂,會危害人畜並作祟人間。這樣的信仰,使人不敢疏忽「拜公媽」(祭拜祖先)的禮俗,並視它為孝道的延續,也可以說「拜公媽」是一種照顧陰間祖靈,以及延續祖靈永生之手段。
(1)人有賴鬼魂的庇佑、協助 Human relying on dead soul’s protection & assistance (2)鬼魂則有賴人的供養 Dead soul relying on human’s veneration
輪迴說: • 人死後進入天道、人道、阿修羅、畜牲、餓鬼、地獄等六道輪迴。 • 兩面功績:死去的人可以由家屬的祭祀得功績,進入較好的輪迴。而活人也會因孝道,賺得祝福,所以是兩面獲益。 • 亡靈超渡:人死往西天,活人要助其除十障,並供應亡靈衣、食、住、行之需,否則魂不離世,貽害活人。
2.「敬祖」來自於「慎終追遠」Honoring our ancestor going back to many generations (創Gen5:1-32) 1亞當的後代、記在下面。當 神造人的日子、是照著自己的樣式造的、This is the written account of Adam's line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. 2並且造男造女、在他們被造的日子、 神賜福給他們、稱他們為人。 He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them "man."
(創Gen49:1-28) 28這一切是以色列的十二支派.這也是他們的父親對他們所說的話、為他們所祝的福、都是按著各人的福分、為他們祝福。 All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said to them when he blessed them, giving each the blessing appropriate to him.
(民Num1:1-54) 17於是摩西亞倫帶著這些按名指定的人、 Moses and Aaron took these men whose names had been given, 18當二月初一日招聚全會眾。會眾就照他們的家室、宗族、人名的數目、從二十歲以外的、都述說自己的家譜。 and they called the whole community together on the first day of the second month. The people indicated their ancestry by their clans and families, and the men twenty years old or more were listed by name, one by one, 54以色列人就這樣行.凡耶和華所吩咐摩西的、他們就照樣行了。The Israelites did all this just as the LORD commanded Moses.
(太Mt1:1-17) 1亞伯拉罕的後裔、大衛的子孫、耶穌基督的家譜.A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham: 17這樣、從亞伯拉罕到大衛、共有十四代.從大衛到遷至巴比倫的時候、也有十四代.從遷至巴比倫的時候到基督、又有十四代。 Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ.
(路Lk3:23-38) 23耶穌開頭傳道、年紀約有三十歲.依人看來、他是約瑟的兒子、約瑟是希里的兒子 Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of Heli,
華人的宗教理論可謂「人本倫理」,因為相信祖德可以配天(神),因此人死後可以為神明。就人際關係言,人我之間的互愛係以父子相親(孝道)為起點而有「孝莫大於嚴父,嚴父莫大於配天」(孝經)之祭拜祖先教義。華人的宗教理論可謂「人本倫理」,因為相信祖德可以配天(神),因此人死後可以為神明。就人際關係言,人我之間的互愛係以父子相親(孝道)為起點而有「孝莫大於嚴父,嚴父莫大於配天」(孝經)之祭拜祖先教義。 • 也就是由人道以達天道之傳統及具體表現於「祭祀祖先」以配「天公」及「三界公」之俗。兩者之差別在於基督教的「由神而人」及華人「由人而神」之不同,二者對於祖先的敬愛則是一樣。
基督徒對祖先的態度應該是「敬祖」而不是「祭祖」,而且「敬祖」不是在祖先死後才開始,應該在他們這活著 時,就要孝敬他們,這也是十誡中「孝敬父母」的本意(可Mk7:8-13,弗Eph6:2). • 每個文化都是人類響應神自然啟示的一部份,神既容許基督徒活在 不同的文化中,所以我們也要考慮神所賦予每個文化的意義,凡事都為榮耀神而行。
三、靈魂與死後世界的問題Problem of spiritual soul relating to the world after death • 人死如燈滅? ——死後生命儘管孔子提出“未知生,焉知死”(《論語·先進》)的教導,民間也有“人死如燈滅”的說法,但華人在實踐上,卻顯然是十分重視對死後世界及生命的追求。 • 面對每個人都不能逃避的死亡,中國人傾向相信人死後會變成鬼魂而存活於另一個世界。
廣泛流行於華人社會的民間信仰認為,鬼和人一樣,有喜怒哀樂,有知覺,在日常生活上有種種的物質需求,鬼的世界幾乎就是活人世界的翻版,而兩個世界之間也有著緊密的互動關係。 • 一方面,人有賴鬼魂的庇佑、協助,另方面,鬼魂則有賴人的供養。 • 在正常的狀態下,這種關係基本上只存在於具有血緣關係的祖先與子孫之間。
1.有關祖先死後的靈魂Spiritual soul of our dead ancestor (路Lk16:22-23,31) 22後來那討飯的死了、被天使帶去放亞伯拉罕的懷裡.財主也死了、並且埋葬了。 "The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23他在陰間受痛苦、舉目遠遠的望見亞伯拉罕、又望見拉撒路在他懷裡. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side.
31亞伯拉罕說、若不聽從摩西和先知的話、就是有一個從死裡復活的、他們也是不聽勸。"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'"
2.祖先與後代的關係Relationship between ancestor and future generation (太Mt23:29-36) 29你們這假冒為善的文士和法利賽人有禍了.因為你們建造先知的墳、修飾義人的墓、說、"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. 30若是我們在我們祖宗的時候、必不和他們同流先知的血。And you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.‘ 31這就是你們自己證明、是殺害先知者的子孫了。So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets.
32你們去充滿你們祖宗的惡貫罷。Fill up, then, the measure of the sin of your forefathers! 33你們這些蛇類、毒蛇之種阿、怎能逃脫地獄的刑罰呢。"You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? 34所以我差遺先知和智慧人並文士、到你們這裡來.有的你們要殺害、要釘十字架.有的你們要在會堂裡鞭打、從這城追逼到那城.Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town.
35叫世上所流義人的血、都歸到你們身上.從義人亞伯的血起、直到你們在殿和壇中間所殺的巴拉加的兒子撒迦利亞的血為止 And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36我實在告訴你們、這一切的罪、都要歸到這世代了。I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation.
(路Lk3:8-9) 8你們要結出果子來、與悔改的心相稱、不要自己心裡說、有亞伯伯罕為我們的祖宗.我告訴你們、 神能從這些石頭中、給亞伯拉罕興起子孫來。Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. 9現在斧子已經放在樹根上.凡不結好果子的樹、就砍下來丟在火裡。The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."
(太Mt8:11-12) 11我又告訴你們、從東從西、將有許多人來、在天國裡與亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、一同坐席. I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 12惟有本國的子民、竟被趕到外邊黑暗裡去.在那裡必要哀哭切齒了。 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
(羅Rom2:3-5) 3你這人哪、你論斷行這樣事的人、自己所行的卻和別人一樣、你以為能逃脫 神的審判麼。So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4還是你藐視他豐富的恩慈、寬容、忍耐、不曉得他的的恩慈是領你悔改呢.Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance? 5你竟任著你剛硬不悔改的心、為自己積蓄忿怒、以致 神震怒、顯他公義審判的日子來到。 But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.
(加Cal3:7-9) 7所以你們要知道那以信為本的人、就是亞伯拉罕的子孫。Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham. 8並且聖經既然豫先看明、 神要叫外邦人因信稱義、就早已傳福音給亞伯拉罕、說、『萬國都必因你得福。』 The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: "All nations will be blessed through you.“ 9可見那以信為本的人、和有信心的亞伯拉罕一同得福。So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.
四、祭祖的迷思Mystification of venerating our ancestor 1.倘若祭祖不是拜偶像,那基督徒可否燒香? If venerating our ancestor is not worshiping statues, should Christian honor ancestor? • 基督徒必需尊敬祖先、追思祖先,敬祖的傳統是華人良好的文化,也是非常合乎聖經的文化,聖經常常列出家譜,甚至分別列出了耶穌母系的家譜和父系的家譜。可見聖經多麼重視香火傳承的文化,這跟我們的文化背景是完全穩合的,因此作為一個華人的基督徒,我們應當比一般的人更重視敬祖。
但是為什麼敬祖的問題在教會中造成困惑呢?其實在遠古的華人文化中,敬祖是為了慎思追遠,也是為了教導孝道,因此敬祖所用的禮儀,是「祭如在」,但是為什麼敬祖的問題在教會中造成困惑呢?其實在遠古的華人文化中,敬祖是為了慎思追遠,也是為了教導孝道,因此敬祖所用的禮儀,是「祭如在」, • 也就是做一些過世的人在世時喜歡做的行動,如同他還跟我們在一起以追念他,但是到了後世,這些敬祖追思的倫理教導,只停留在上階層知識份子中,
而下階層的庶民,則轉變為以宗教性的祭祀來維持家文化的孝道,因此敬祖就變成了祭祖,要擺食物祭牲祈求祖先回來食用,要燒冥紙以使他在陰間有錢花用,燒香以取悅過世的祖先,求告祖先能因此庇護後代子孫,而下階層的庶民,則轉變為以宗教性的祭祀來維持家文化的孝道,因此敬祖就變成了祭祖,要擺食物祭牲祈求祖先回來食用,要燒冥紙以使他在陰間有錢花用,燒香以取悅過世的祖先,求告祖先能因此庇護後代子孫, • 所以這些祭祖的意識和活動,是和祖先的亡靈來往溝通,並服事他們,對他們有所求告。這就已經成為敬拜偶像的活動了,基督徒當然不能犯拜偶像的罪。 • 無論是清明或其他的節期,基督徒都不應該燒香,燒冥紙更不應該。
2.基督徒可否向祖先跪拜或跟祖先牌 位鞠躬?Should Christian kneel and worship icons of our ancestor? • 單純的鞠躬可以包含著許多意思:對邪靈的敬禮、對祖先的尊敬等等。但如果家人尊重你的信仰,你就可以跟他們分享你尊重祖先的心、你敬愛祖先的心。讓他們也知道你鞠躬是為了什麼,讓他們知道原來鞠躬也是實踐基督徒生活的一種方式(表達對祖先的追思與孝敬先人的態度)。
可以鞠躬,但是心理的意念是追悼,而不是把祖先當神祇。你可以用敬禮表示尊敬,否則讓家人感覺你信了基督教卻失去了孝心,也許會引起許多紛爭。可以鞠躬,但是心理的意念是追悼,而不是把祖先當神祇。你可以用敬禮表示尊敬,否則讓家人感覺你信了基督教卻失去了孝心,也許會引起許多紛爭。 • 在鞠躬時心裡默禱,求神堅固你的家庭,使他們也來信主,得著神的賜福!
事實上,家人是希望看到你真正尊敬祖先的行為,而最快的看法就是你鞠不鞠躬。如果你好好的活出基督徒的樣式,家人也會知道你是敬重祖先的,說不定也不一定強求你要鞠躬。事實上,家人是希望看到你真正尊敬祖先的行為,而最快的看法就是你鞠不鞠躬。如果你好好的活出基督徒的樣式,家人也會知道你是敬重祖先的,說不定也不一定強求你要鞠躬。 • 最重要的,是讓家人完全瞭解,基督教信仰不是教你不能向祖先鞠躬,甚至基督教信仰還教你要孝敬父母,而且這還是誡命
3.在非基督徒家中,基督徒可以吃他 們祭過偶像的東西嗎? In Non-Christian family, should Christian eat food that have been used to venerate statues? (林前1Cor8:8-13) 8其實食物不能叫 神看中我們.因為我們不喫也無損、喫也無益。 But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do. 9只是你們要謹慎、恐怕你們這自由、竟成了那軟弱人的絆腳石。 Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.
10若有人見你這有知識的、在偶像的廟裡坐席、這人的良心、若是軟弱、豈不放膽去喫那祭偶像之物麼。For if anyone with a weak conscience sees you who have this knowledge eating in an idol's temple, won't he be emboldened to eat what has been sacrificed to idols? 11因此、基督為他死的那軟弱弟兄、也就因你的知識沉淪了。So this weak brother, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. 12你們這樣得罪弟兄們、傷了他們軟弱的良心、就是得罪基督。When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13所以食物若叫我弟兄跌倒、我就永遠不喫肉、免得叫我弟兄跌倒了。Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.
(羅Rom14:1-4) 1信心軟弱的、你們要接納、但不要辯論所疑惑的事。 Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. 2有人信百物都可喫.但那軟弱的、只喫蔬菜。One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.
3喫的人不可輕看不喫的人.不喫的人不可論斷喫的人.因為 神己經收納他了。 The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. 4你是誰、竟論斷別人的僕人呢。他或站住、或跌倒、自有他的主人在.而且他也必要站住.因為主能使他站住。 Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.
4.基督徒可以參加當地廟會的的筵席嗎?Should Christian attend local temple’s banquets? (林前1Cor8:10-13) 10若有人見你這有知識的、在偶像的廟裡坐席、這人的良心、若是軟弱、豈不放膽去喫那祭偶像之物麼。For if anyone with a weak conscience sees you who have this knowledge eating in an idol's temple, won't he be emboldened to eat what has been sacrificed to idols?