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BIP Behavior Intervention Program Mr . Dwyer 2012-2013. Dear Student,
BIPBehavior Intervention ProgramMr. Dwyer2012-2013 Dear Student, Welcome to what I believe will be a successful school year for you. My main goal for you to be successful in general education classrooms. This can happen by your choice to increase appropriate behavior. As your teacher I will treat you with respect. This means not yelling at or embarrassing you. I can’t make you do something you don’t want to do. I will however, offer choices that give you the opportunity to be successful. You have a clean slate and a fresh start this year. You can make this a positive experience! As we go through this orientation I hope to learn more about you and I want you to get to know me as well. This will be my 13th year of teaching and my 7th at Baytown Jr. I used to live in South Dakota where I taught and coached high school wrestling. I’ve taught Language Arts, PASS, and nearly every subject including working at a juvenile detention center. I love sports, video games, and going to the beach! I’ve been married for 14 years and have 3 boys ages 9 months, 6, and 1. This power point presentation will guide you in the expectations and procedures of the behavior program. You will also be introduced to the level system along with consequences and incentives. You have the opportunity to improve your behavior at BJS. Good luck! Sincerely, Mr. Dwyer Ms. Ferrell
Today’s Orientation Schedule: • 8:25-8:45 (Breakfast) • 8:45-9:51 (period 1) School announcements and information. • 9:55-10:58 (period 2) Introduction • 11:02-12:05 (period 3) History and Science • 12:09-12:39 Lunch • 12:43-1:46 (period 4) Math • 1:50-2:53 (period 5) Language Arts • 2:57-4:00 (period 6) Social Skills Class • 4:00 Bus Dismissal/Review Point Sheets 2012 BIP Daily Schedule: • 8:25-8:45 a) Begin reporting to the BIP classroom. b) Wait for staff to give you your breakfast. c) Empowerment Conference • 8:45-9:51(1st period- Language Arts) • 9:55-10:58 (2nd period- Science) • 11:02-12:05 (3rd period- Social Skills/Elective • 12:09-12:39 (Lunch) • 12:43-1:46 (4th period- History) • 1:50-2:53 (5th period- Math) • 2:57-4:00 (6th period- Socials Skills/Elective • 4:00-Bus Dismissal/Review Point Sheets
Entering the class- You enter the class like you would enter a class that’s already in progress. Quietly! The door will almost always be locked so knock three times and wait patiently for a staff member to open the door for you. • Breakfast- A staff member will meet you at the bus stop and escort you to the BIP classroom. You should tuck in your shirt and sit at your work area until a staff member gives you breakfast. If your shirt is not tucked in you cannot leave the classroom to go to class after breakfast. Raise your hand when you’re done eating and get permission to throw your food away. • Announcements & Pledge- When eating breakfast it should be quiet enough to hear the announcements. When it comes time to do the pledges you need to stand up and face the flags. If you do it you’ll earn points and if you don’t you may have to lose points as a consequence.
Bell work- Bell work is the first 10-15 minutes of class were you do a short assignment social skill asignment on your own. You will earn points and an A grade for sitting quietly and making an effort to do the bell work on your own. • Grading- Nearly half of your grade is based on effort. Your appropriate behavior will earn you good grades! In the BIP classroom you will have a mixture of work packets and computer based curriculum. Packets need to be completed with a grade of 70% and above or they will be returned to correct missed answers. The general ed. teacher and I will be giving you all of your grades. • Classes- If you are on the 1st level you will be in the BIP classroom all day or specific classes. Students on the 2nd level will have earned classes outside of the BIP classroom with monitoring and inclusion support. 3rd level students will eligible to purchase tangible and edible rewards from the school store. Your grade in “out classes” will be given by the “out class” teacher and I. If you break your contract in the BIP classroom or general education classroom you will move back 1 or 2 levels.
Pencil sharpening- Staff members will give you 2 sharpened pencils before 1st period. You are responsible for these pencils and will need to purchase them with your points if you misplace them. To sharpen your pencil you need to raise your hand and get permission. Supplies- Most of your supplies will be provided by the BIP staff. A binder with paper and assignments will be in your work area. You are responsible for damaged or lost books and computers. Restroom breaks- You may have to be escorted to the restroom. You can only use the restroom at the designated times posted on your schedule. The hallways will be clear when you use the restroom. You have 5 minutes. In case of an emergency you will get 3 passes per 6 weeks. Each pass used may cost points and a reward for not using the passes will be provided. You need a doctor’s note if you have to use the restroom more than the times provided.
Leaving the classroom- If you are scheduled to go to an out class you need to be on time! If you leave the room without permission you submit yourself to the school wide rules and consequences from a principal or police officer. When leaving an out class you need to be back to the BIP room before the bell rings. At the end of the day you need to stay seated until you have permission to go. Staff will dismiss you not the bell. • Movement in the BIP classroom- You need to stay seated in your work area at all times. Students on the 2nd and 3rd level need to follow this rule in the BIP classroom. If you have a question or need anything raise your hand and wait for a staff member to respond. You need to raise your hand and get permission for everything. • Turning in assignments- You will have a place at your work area to turn in assignments. In out classes you can turn your assignments in and the teacher will record your grade and give it to me at report card time. You’ll be given work by staff members that should take the entire class period or day. If you don’t work the entire time you will need to take it home for homework. Work that’s not completed or 70% and above will be given back to you to finish that period, during your breaks including lunch and Social Skills.
Work area use- If you damage your work area by writing on, climbing on, and pushing you may get a ticket. Remember rule #5. You should never be in another student’s work area for any reason. If you are we can only assume you’re cheating, stealing, or damaging the property. I’ve taken pictures of each work area so I will know if you’ve damaged it! • Absences- If you’re absent you will need to make up work for the day you missed and turn it in by the ending of the following day. You can receive points for the day you’re absent by turning in incomplete work. Missed work will be in your binder the next day. You need to make up work any time you miss class including being late to school. This includes being removed from the general ed. classroom. I need you to give me a signed excuse to turn into the office. Remember if you miss too many days of school you may have to repeat your grade over again or go to summer school. • Walking in the hallways- When escorted in the hallways for any reason the staff members will try to stay about 10 yards behind you so you won’t be embarrassed. If you’re disruptive or walking/running too far in front of a staff member you will not be allowed in the hallways unless they are empty. You will lose points and may not be able to go to the cafeteria, gym, or out classes.
Dress Code- You are expected to be in dress code at all times at Baytown Jr. Especially when you leave the BIP classroom. Other teachers will sign your card and might not allow you to attend their class if you’re not in dress code. Keep your shirt tucked in and wear a belt! I have belts if you need them. • Snacks: No gum, candy, pop or food allowed. There may be times where snacks are allowed for the whole class during social skill activities. Level 3 students may get food and drinks as a possible reward on Fridays. No one is allowed to store anything in the staff refrigerator. You need a note from your doctor if you want to eat a snack during our break times. Keep your area clean!
What happens if you don’t follow the BIP procedures? • Most of the time you’ll practice them until you improve and are successful. • For example, you may walk into the BIP classroom talking or laughing. A staff member will have you practice by stepping outside and coming in the room again quietly. • We don’t want to embarrass or punish you for not following procedures
Rules and Consequences Possible Consequences: • Loss of points which will hurt your grades and keep you from advancing to the next level. • Having to do work while others participate in activities. • Restitution • You won’t be able to go to out classes or lunch in the cafeteria. • Mediation Essays • Verbal reprimand • Sack lunch/d-hall • Cool down time • Social skill assignments • School wide discipline
ORIENTATION LEVEL-This is the 1st level of the 3 level system. This level is designed to teach the rules, the goals of the level system, and the procedures of the BIP program. Duration • One to five days if you earn 75% of all possible points. Guidelines • Remain in study cubicle for all instruction and meals. • Interaction only with staff members. You are not allowed to interact with other students at this level. • Supervised by staff members at all times including restroom breaks. • Social skills and classroom lessons will be introduced. • Point system and procedures introduced. Point System • I’ve included an example of a daily point sheet. You earn positive points for demonstrating appropriate behavior and negative points for inappropriate behavior. These points can be used to purchase rewards from the school store and other privileges and activities. If you earn negative points you will practice replacing the negative behavior with the appropriate skills. The main way to earn points is by being in your classes. You will have targeted behaviors and will meet with a staff member before and after school every day to review and practice target behaviors.
PROGRESS LEVEL-The goal of the 2nd level is to develop appropriate behavior and skills needed to be successful in the general educational setting. Social skills and classroom lessons continue while attending “out classes.” Duration Individualized in the Bridge Contract or plan. Behavior mastery of 75% or more required. Guidelines *Lunch in the cafeteria. *You can participate in classes outside the BIP classroom. *You can go to all your classes including elective and after school programs. *Students are still escorted most of the time. *Interaction with other students should only occur when group activities are being implemented by the teacher or other staff members. *Bridge contracts will be introduced and set up at this level. Bridge contracts: We will sit down together and make some goals for you to achieve in your out classes. Developing bridge contracts gives you an opportunity to prepare to return to the regular ed. classroom. This could include visiting the classroom and meeting the teacher to make and sign a contract.
MERIT LEVEL-The goal of the 3rd level is for you to be in all “outclasses” without monitoring by behavior staff. Duration With appropriate behavior you can remain on the level indefinitely. Your contract, discipline referrals, and teacher input will be used to review your progress weekly. Guidelines *You must earn 75% of your possible points per “out class” and in the BIP classroom or you’ll go back to level 1 losing classes for up to 5 days until you can try again. *Progress level guidelines must continue to be followed in the BIP classroom. *You will receive school wide discipline and self monitor. *Preferred Activity Time (PAT) on Fridays can be earned at this level with rewards given for appropriate behavior in “out classes.” Preferred Activity Time Computer time Office/teacher aide Games (outside, play station, board games) McDonalds, Coke and other edible rewards Listen to music Watch a movie