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Regulation of gene expression prokaryotes eukaryotes gene activity is regulated primarily at the level of transcription. A.lactose operon (lac operon) a.concept of operon b.type of operon inducible operon repress operon. 阻遏性蛋白 基因关闭 负调 调控区
Regulation of gene expression prokaryotes eukaryotes gene activity is regulated primarily at the level of transcription
A.lactose operon (lac operon) a.concept of operon b.type of operon inducible operon repress operon
阻遏性蛋白基因关闭负调 调控区 激动蛋白基因开放 正调
c. Structure of lactose operon * inducer of lac operon allolactose isopropylthiogalactoside (ITPG) * repressor of lac operon # formation # character of structure
d. mechanism of the regulation e. The action of CAP-cAMP complex in lac operon * CAP ( catabolic gene activator protein) # structure
two domain one bind DNA one bind cAMP * the function of cAMP stimulated many reducible operon
cAMP(饥饿信号) 细菌 哺乳类动物 与分解物基因结合物蛋白结合(catabolite gene activator protein,CAP) 激活PK 导致细胞内一系列酶活性的改变 发挥作用
葡萄糖 cAMP ,CAP- cAMP复合物与启动子上 游 基因结合 高乳糖 低乳糖 乳糖与阻遏物结合 阻遏物与操纵基因结合 结构基因表达 结构基因表达抑制 乳糖利用 乳糖不被利用
B、 葡萄糖 ,cAMP ,CAP- cAMP复合物 结构基因表达乳糖不被利用
2. The general condition of regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes (1) the change of environment (2) positive regulation & negative regulation
negative regulation repressor of lac bind to operator Positive regulation CAP-cAMP complex
B.trytophan operon (Trp operon ) a. Structure b.mechanism of regulation *negative regulation of repressor # the structure of repressor # attenuation
Attenuator located in L gene,contains a independent termination structure # the mechanism of attenuation
大肠杆菌 低Trp培养基 高Trp培养基 转录生成6720个AA的全长多顺反子mRNA 转录终止于L基因5’端140个AA
Trp Trp Trp-tRNA Trp-tRNA 核糖体停在2个相邻 Trp位置上,片段2、3 形成反终止结构 片段3、4形成不依赖ρ因子的转录终止结构 RNA Polymerse RNA Polymerse 转录终止 转录进行
2. Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes (1) character of regulation (2) activation of chromatin
(3) cis- acting elements & trans – acting factors involved in gene regulation a. cis-acting elements *concept * type
# Promoter & proximal upstream sequences according to its function of affecting to RNA pol far from the transcription site two kinds (-CAAT- ,GC box) near the transcription site (TATA box)
# inhancer concept character # response elaments concept character
b. trans – acting factors * concept * structure bind to cis-element two domain activity domain
* the mechanism of its functure * modles of trans-acting factors # helix-turn helix structure helix---turn---helix (7-9A.A) (7-9A.A)
# zinc-fingers structure character # leucine –zipper structure character