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UCU Conference – 3 December 2009 A Presentation on the Findings of the Review of Governance in FE. Allan Schofield as@highered.powernet.co.uk. Presentation. Key issues emerging. The primary purposes of governance. Key recommendations. Future challenges for FE governance. Questions.
UCU Conference – 3 December 2009 A Presentation on the Findings of the Review of Governance in FE Allan Schofield as@highered.powernet.co.uk
Presentation • Key issues emerging. • The primary purposes of governance. • Key recommendations. • Future challenges for FE governance. • Questions. • Group discussions.
Key Issues Emerging • Sector diversity makes generalisations difficult. • No shared understanding of effective governance across the FE system. • A general lack of data about college governance. • Generally, college governance is improving and often good. • However, variability in governance quality remains a problem. • The regulatory and funding systems often make effective governance difficult. • There is a difference of view in the college sector about whether the greater freedom of action potentially suggested by shared regulation is a good idea or not.
Key Recommendations - 1 • Greater freedom of governance action for those corporations that can demonstrate mature and high quality governance. • A relaxation of the instrument and articles of government to contain only core requirements, and to encourage innovation. • A governance code for FE corporations operating on a comply or explain basis, and to be agreed by all stakeholder bodies. Existing regulatory burdens to be changed accordingly. • Subject to regulatory discussions, corporations be given the power to introduce remuneration if they wish, although there should be no requirement for them to do so. • Role descriptions for chairs and clerks should be agreed.
Key Recommendations - 2 • Various proposals for better support for governors eg through sharing ‘good’ practice, development, etc; and to avoid duplication in doing so. • The need to enhance the role of the clerk in some colleges. • All corporations should consider adopting public benefit and corporate social responsibility strategies. • Greater clarity should be provided on the implications of adopting the machinery of governance changes. • Extensive sector consultation on these recommendations. • College governing bodies/clerks to consider the report in detail. • Other recommendations for WBL and ACL providers.
Future Challenges for FE Governance • Shared Regulation: Generally welcomed, but need for: greater clarity; consistency of regulatory requirements; building institutional capacity in a difficult funding environment; etc. • Machinery of Government: Potential for local engagement welcomed but major concerns: lack of information; possible threats to incorporated status; implications for financial health; etc. Colleges may be being placed at risk. • Emphasis on Localism: Major opportunities for many colleges, however a lack of clarity about policy and implementation. • Framework for Excellence etc: Mixed messages about the quality challenge facing corporations. Concerns about how FoE supports effective governance.
Group Discussion In general what do you think will be the reaction of your own governing bodies to the recommendations, and why?