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April 21, 1012. Mental Health and Christian Ministry LA Metro Region. BACKGROUND. Born in Miami, Florida University of Florida Disciple for over 40 years--1972 Married over 36 years, 3 boys, 2 grandchildren 35 years in full-time ministry—campus, evangelist, elder
April 21, 1012 Mental Health and Christian Ministry LAMetro Region
BACKGROUND • Born in Miami, Florida • University of Florida • Disciple for over 40 years--1972 • Married over 36 years, 3 boys, 2 grandchildren • 35 years in full-time ministry—campus, evangelist, elder • 53yo, Masters degree in Professional Counseling/LPC • Interned and worked at Skyland Trail, Atlanta • Last 4 years in Savannah, Georgia (ministry/counselor)
Key Concepts: • “The Mind does well what the mind does often” • “How fascinating” The Art of Possibility
Harmonizing Counseling and Ministry • Balance vs. Harmony—how we work together
Stats Any disorder • 12-month—26.2 • Lifetime—46.4 Mood disorders (MDD 16.5%, Bipolar 4%) • 12-month—9.5 • Lifetime—20.8 Anxiety disorders (GAD, AD, Specific phobias) • 12-month—18.1 • Lifetime—28.8 • 1.6 higher in women
California, 2007 • Of California’s approximately 36.8 million residents, close to 2,000,000 adults live with serious mental illnesses and about 422,000 children live with serious mental health conditions • MDD, Bi-polar, Schizophrenia • 7% of households in California
Hebrews 12:1-2, I Thess. 5:14 • “Impairment” DSM IV • Thought disorders—schizophrenia, delusions , hallucinations, paranoia • Personality Disorders—Borderline, Narcissism • Mood Disorders—MDD, Manic/Depressive (Bipolar) • Anxiety Disorders—social anxiety, panic attacks, specific phobias • Eating Disorders—bulimia, anorexia nervosa • PTSD—military personnel, physical and/or sexual abuse • OCD—washers, checkers, orderers, repeaters, hoarders • Somatic Disorders—Pain Disorder, Conversion Disorder • Sexual Addiction • Fetishism • Substance Abuse • Sleep Disorders
Psychological/Spiritual Triangle Thinking Feeling Behaving
“Two Wolves Fighting” • Rom. 8:5-8 5Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind of sinful man[a] is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; 7 the sinful mind[b] is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. • Gal. 6:7-9 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature[a] will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
“Prepare your minds for Action” I Peter 1:13 • “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world…..transformed by the renewing of your Mind” Romans 12:2 • “Futility of their thinking…hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, given over to sensuality…with continual lust for more.” Ephesians 4:17-19 • “Set your hearts and minds on things above” Col. 3:1-11 • “Train yourself to be Godly” I Timothy 4:7
KEY CONCEPT “The Mind does well what the Mind does Often”
“You may not remember what happened, but you will always remember how it made you feel.”
Important!! Learn to listen effectively James 1:19— “quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to become angry” Proverbs 18:13— “answering before listening..folly and shame” Proverbs 20:5— “The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.”
Active Listening Tips: • Restate— “I hear you saying…” • Summarizing– “So it sounds like to me you’re saying..” • Good eye contact • Verbal and physical encouragement • Emotional reflection– “I’m getting that your feeling frustrated, angry, sad, hopeless..” • Draw the person out— “What do think would happen..” or “Can you picture yourself..” or “Help me understand” • Validate– “I appreciate you being open..” • Be comfortable with silence
How would you rate? • Scale of 1-100 • Average—55 • Rate Yourself—5% gave themselves 80-90 • How would others rate you? • Spouse (lowest, inverse with # years) • Best Friends—highest • Peers • Members of your ministry
Bad Listening Habits--MDWWMDO • Pretending to pay attention—when you’re not • Multi-tasking vs. Uni-tasking • Pre-judging– “I’ve heard this before” • Distracted by verbal/physical mannerisms • Getting stuck on something said—quit listening • Letting the other’s emotion dictate yours
Quiet Yourself and Mind • Mindfulness Training: • Pay attention • In the Moment • Non-judgmentally
Mindfulness Skill Building • Teflon Mind vs. Velcro Mind • Content and Process of our Thinking • Observe, Describe, Effectively Engage • “How fascinating” • S.ight, S.ound, T.ouch
Bobby McFerrin—”Don’t Worry be Happy” • Bob Newhart-Stop It
Are you or others noticing changes: Cognition • Lack of concentration, focus, attention • Racing thoughts • Rumination • Indecisive • Excessive worry • Pervasive A.N.T.s
Emotional • Moodiness • Irritable or short temper • Agitation, unable to relax • Isolation or feelings of loneliness • Helplessness • Hopelessness • Loss of interest
Behavioral • Change in sleep—too much, too little • Change in eating habits • Procrastinating or putting off responsibilities • Isolating yourself • Increase in “nervous” habits (nail biting)
Physical • Aches and Pain • Digestion issues • Dizziness • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat • Loss of libido • Frequent colds
SIGECAPS • S - SLEEP - Is usually looked at in three phases. Initial, middle, and terminal insomnia. DSM-III-R includes this as either insomnia or hyper-somnia, nearly every day. I - INTERESTS - Under DSM-III-R, is markedly decreased interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities most of the day, nearly every day. G - GUILT - Or pathologic guilt. Refers to excessive feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate-quilt, (which may even be delusional) nearly every day. E - ENERGY - Is seen as fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day. In the melancholic state, it is typified by early morning fatigue. C - CONCENTRATION/MEMORY - It is termed under the DSM-III-R as diminished ability to think or concentrate or indecisiveness, nearly every day. Either observed by self or by others. A – 1. AFFECT - It can be described by DSM-III-R as depressed mood (or can be irritable mood in children or adolescents) most of the day, nearly every day. 2. APPETITE - That is a significant weight loss or weight gain when not dieting. More than 5% of body weight, decreased or increased in a month period. P - PSYCHOMOTOR AGITATION - This is psychomotor agitation or retardation, nearly every day, observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of the patient. S - SUICIDAL - Recurrent thoughts of death, not just fear of dying; or recurrent suicidal ideation, without a specific plan or suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide.. S - Sexuality - Which is markedly decreased in major depression and usually increased in the mania or hypo-mania of a bipolar disorder. The S, is also termed libido. Sexuality should be asked for and is a good criteria to look for with improving depression. S - Somatic - With most depressive patients either headaches, stomach ache or backache are experienced. They are consistent with the course of the major depression or could be signs of hypochandriacy or panic disorder and seem to improve with positive response to treatment.
Where to start! N+1
Have counselee set Outcomes • In order to maximize the benefit you want to receive from your session prepare three goals or outcomes that you would like to achieve. These can include areas that you want to improve upon, develop for the first time, or eliminate altogether. Usually 3: • Outcome 1 (Be specific and include time frames) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • List the top three reasons why it is important for you to accomplish this outcome. 1.________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________________
3 P’s of Session Process Present Practice
Absolutely appropriate and necessary for serious mental health disorders such as: • Major Depression • Schizophrenia • Manic-Depressive • Anxiety Disorders—OCD
Non-compliance is serious issue • Side affects—weight gain, “fog”, loss of libido • Improve— “I don’t need this anymore” • Young Christians
There is a place for a pharmacological approach as part of a treatment plan—but not solely or hastily. • “Natural Prozac”--the body is equipped to correct imbalances—sometimes not functioning properly • Can help decrease the incline—not take away the work!
“Joe” 35yo male, married with 2 children Family group leader 2-3wks dynamic, quick minded, zealous, extremely productive, could be affable, but abrasive if things didn’t go his way, grandiose, little or no sleep, family would not his attention, delusional Go month or two when he’d be withdrawn, lose of interest, hopeless. Dx of Manic/Depressive—managed with Lithium, Ablify Discuss his responsibility—not because of BD, but not being diligent about taking medications—pride, selfishness (manic phase)
How You as a small group leader you can help? • Aware that many in your ministry may be taking a mental health drug • Communicate support for an appropriate pharmacological approach • Help disciple understand that it is not necessarily a spiritual problem or weakness if they need this kind of help • Make sure they have support and accountability from those close to them • If appropriate ask for ROI—coordinate with counselor/MD