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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Country Map Mexico Institutions, Projects & People . MEXICO . Ericka Toledo Zurita ‚ Green Societies: Harnessing Creative Futures – A 'Green Economy' Initiative’ (ESD LT II) DAHCS Technology / Glocal Green Institute
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Country Map Mexico Institutions, Projects & People MEXICO Ericka Toledo Zurita ‚Green Societies: Harnessing Creative Futures – A 'Green Economy' Initiative’ (ESD LT II) DAHCS Technology / GlocalGreen Institute ericka.jaguara@gmail.com • Saltillo Alejandro Hülsz Piccone Environmental and Natural Resources Ministry (SEMARNAT) Education and training for sustainable development centre (CECADESU) ESD ExpertNet alejandro.hulsz@semarnat.gob.mx Giovanni Fonseca Fonseca 'Creating the Crafts for XXI Century, Self-efficacy as a Strategy on ESD’ (ESD LT I) Molina Center for Energyandthe Environment, Mexico City gio.fonseca@gmail.com gio.fonseca@we4future.org Wendy Quetzal Morel Schramm CAMINO A CASA. Cambios e IniciativasOrientadas a Crear Aptitudes Sustentables y Ambientales (ESD LT II) InstitutoEscuela del Sur, Mexico City quetzal.morel@gmail.com Edgar Vázquez Nuñez ‚Seminars for improving the agricultural practices in the Valle del Mezquital, State of Hidalgo’ (ESD LT II) Technical University of Tula-Tepeji, ed.vazquezn@gmail.com Mr. Juan Carlos Sandoval Rivera ‚Dialogue of knowledge for crocodile conservation in Veracruz, Mexico’ (ESD LT II) Institute for Educational Research, University of Veracruz shamandelatribu@gmail.com • Tula-Tepeji Colour Code: Pink – University Yellow – School Blue – Government Institution Green – Business White – Other Ms. María Ocampo Garcia ‚Parks as Learning spaces for EE/ESD in Puebla, Mexico’ (ESD LT I) mog0327@yahoo.com Mr. Alfonso BaronaRosales ‚Development of green areas within citiesin Puebla’ (ESD LT II) Glocal Green Institute alfonso.ru@hotmail.com Mr. Manuel Arredondo ‚Solar Loop - Empowering students in Photovoltaic projects’ (ESD LT II) Kanndas Solar, Puebla manuel.arredondo@kanndas.org