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Mosaics. By: Yousef Dashti, Ali Al Naema and Khalid Al Khulaifi 8C. Where is the culture from?.

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  1. Mosaics By: Yousef Dashti, Ali Al Naema and Khalid Al Khulaifi 8C

  2. Where is the culture from? • Mosaics started in the Ancient World. But it is generally known in Greece. Greece had been unique for beautiful mosaics that had been placed in many different places such as: Private houses, Castles and Palaces. Greek mosaics were mostly made for beauty. From the century of A.D until now mosaics are found in houses of people of all the classes.

  3. How does the environment affect the mosaics. • In Greece they used many materials for establishing mosaics. However in the year 400 B.C they started using pebbles, stone chips and other colourful materials added for detail because their environment provides them with those supplies. They had a mixture of cement, sand and water to stick the mosaics together. As a foundation they used soft black clay to place the images on.

  4. Where can we find mosaics nowadays? • Nowadays we can find mosaics everywhere from Shops to Palaces. They are used as flooring, stairs, columns, walls, tables, decorate fountains and garden paths. Many of the old mosaics are now found in museums, old mosques and churches.

  5. How and why do cultures vary in their artistic expression? • Cultures vary in their artistic expression because of many things. One of things is that all the different cultures have various traditions and myths. All cultures believe different things because of their religion like: Muslim, Christian, Hindu…etc. Some of the mosaics show old myths that many of them believe in like this picture:

  6. These are some mosaics…

  7. A Greek Mosaic showing a Myth

  8. A Mosaic in a Museum

  9. A Mosaic showing a Religious belief

  10. Thank You For Paying Attention

  11. Bibliography • http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/hisar/people/rw/mosaics.html • http://historylink101.net/greek_images/greek-mosaic.jpg • http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/history/dfg/jesu/maxzoe.gif • www.greekmosaics.com/History.htm • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/393310/mosaic/74110/Ancient-Greek-and-Hellenistic-mosaics

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