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Mosaics. -Art consisting of a design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass. Warm up Question-What elements of art are used to make this artwork successful ?. Mosaic with Street Musicians. 1st c. A.D. (Naples). Signed by Dioskourides of Samos Found in the ancient city of Pompeii

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mosaics -Art consisting of a design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass

  2. Warm up Question-What elements of art are used to make this artwork successful?

  3. Mosaic with Street Musicians • 1st c. A.D. (Naples). • Signed by Dioskourides of Samos • Found in the ancient city of Pompeii • Depicts scene from a comedy (figures wearing theatrical masks) • None of the stones are larger than 2.5 mm

  4. Mosaic-Colored marble, tile, or glass organized to create an image • Tesserae-Each individual tile in the shape of the cube

  5. San Vitale, Italy • http://www.sacred-destinations.com/italy/ravenna-san-vitale-photos/

  6. Modern day mosaics

  7. Digital mosaics

  8. Paper Mosaic • What is a mosaic? Art consisting of a design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass. For our project, we are going to use small pieces of paper.

  9. Procedures • Pick one of the images provided. It may be a famous artwork or an image of a plant or animal. • Sketch out the image on your paper using pencil. • Go through magazines or use construction paper scraps to cut up small squares to use to create color and value. • You will be given baggies to keep your paper tesserae in Divide you squared up into colors and by values. • Begin using the squares to match the colors in the original image. Begin pasting the squares down. • Once the image is complete we will brush on a clear gloss medium to make your mosaic shine!

  10. How will I be assessed? Grading Criteria • Following Directions……..…..25 pts. • Planning/Sketching……………15 pts. • Matching colors/Likeness to original image…………….35 pts. • Craftsmanship………………...25 pts.

  11. Examples

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