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Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati. Program: IDEI - PN-II-ID-PCE- 2007-1 Project Nr: ID-653. DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW CONCEPT FOR MANUFACTURING MACHINE CONTROL - HOLARHIC ATTRIBUTIVE CONTROL.
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati Program: IDEI - PN-II-ID-PCE- 2007-1 Project Nr: ID-653 DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW CONCEPT FOR MANUFACTURING MACHINE CONTROL - HOLARHIC ATTRIBUTIVE CONTROL Research team: Prof.dr.ing. AlexandruEpureanu DHC, director Prof.dr.ing. Vasile Marinescu Prof.dr.ing. Mihaela Banu Drd.ing. Ionut Clementin Constantin Drd.ing. Florin Bogdan Marin
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati • Progress of the performance indicators • Papers • Inventions • The main new scientific results • A new concept for machine tool control • A new apporach of numerical control • A new methodology for operational control • Young researched involvment in the current project • Involvment in research activity • Reflectarea activitatii in cheltuielile de personal
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati Performance indicator achievement1.1- Papers • Papers published in BDI………………………………………2 • Papers published in ISI….………………………………….…7 • Papers published in B+……….……………………………....4 • Papers published in other volumes…………………………....8
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati [1] Marinescu V., Constantin I., Epureanu A., Banu M., Marin F.B., Online adaptive learning system for reconfigurable machine tool, published in WSEAS Transactions on System and Control, 2008, (revista indexata INSPEC s. a.)
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati [2] Epureanu A., Marin F.B., Marinescu V., Banu M., Constantin I, Reconfigurable machine tool programming – a new approach, published in WSEAS Transactions on System and Control, 2008 (revista indexata INSPEC s. a.)
[3]Epureanu A., Marin F.B., Marinescu V., Banu M., Constantin I., Optimal feedrate scheduling for a reconfigurable lathe, in the Book AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING and SIMULATION , ( included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web of Knowledge), Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati [4] Marinescu V., Constantin I., Epureanu A., Banu M., Marin F.B.,Online learning for batch machining control, in the Book AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING and SIMULATION , ( included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web of Knowledge), Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati [5] Marin F.B., Epureanu A., Banu M., Marinescu V., Constantin I.,Holonic based approach to machine vision, in the Book AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING and SIMULATION , (included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web of Knowledge), Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati [6] Epureanu A., Marin F.B., Marinescu V., Banu M., Constantin I., Manufacturing machines – a holonic approach, in the Book AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING and SIMULATION , ( included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web of Knowledge), Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati [7]Constantin I.C., Epureanu A., Marinescu V., Banu M., Marin F.B,Online machining errors compensation, in the Book DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS and CONTROL , ( included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web of Knowledge), Laguna, Spain, 2009 [8] Marin F.B., Epureanu A., Marinescu V., Banu M., Constantin I.C., Online high resolution machining process control, in the Book DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS and CONTROL , (included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web of Knowledge), Laguna, Spain, 2009 [9] Marin F.B., Epureanu A., Marinescu V., Banu M., Constantin I.C., AI technique for online non-linear feedrate scheduling,in the Book NON-LINEAR ANALYSIS, NON-LINEAR SYSTEMS AND CHAOS , (included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web of Knowledge), Laguna, Spain, 2009
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati [10] Constantin I.C., Epureanu A., Marinescu V., Banu M., Marin F.B., Fixturing errors control based on adaptive programming, acceptata pentru publicare in Annals of the „Dunărea de Jos” University , Fascicle V, ISSN 1221-4566, 2009, (Revista B+) (indexata BDI) [11]Marin F.B., Epureanu A., Marinescu V., Banu M., Constantin I.C., Holarhic-attributive modeling of the machining systems - a new approach, acceptata pentru publicare in Annals of the „Dunărea de Jos” University , Fascicle V, 2009, ISSN 1221-4566, (Revista B+) (indexata BDI) [12] Dima M. Epureanu A., Marinescu V. Banu M., Cognitive machining system – a new paradigm, acceptata pentru publicare in Annals of the „Dunărea de Jos” University , Fascicle V, 2009, ISSN 1221-4566, (Revista B+) (indexata BDI) [13] Vacarus V., Epureanu A., Maier C., Paunoiu V., Identification of the surface roughness–state variables relation and its application to high-speed machining control, acceptata pentru publicare in Annals of the „Dunărea de Jos” University , Fascicle V, 2009, ISSN 1221-4566, (Revista B+) (indexata BDI)
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati [14] Constantin I., Epureanu A., Marinescu V., Banu M., Marin F.B,Method for online identification of the dimensional error – state variables relation applied to manufacturing machines, Annals of the „Dunărea deJos” University , Fascicle V, Year XXVI (XXXI), ISSN 1221-4566, 2008.[15] Constantin I., Epureanu A., Banu M., Marinescu V., Marin F. B., Integrated approach of the dimensional control in turning,Proceedings of 13th International Conference, 21-23 May 2009, Iasi-Romania, ISSN 2066-3919 [16] Marin F. B., Epureanu A., Banu M., Marinescu V., Constantin I., Holonic feedrate scheduling, Proceedings of 13th International Conference, 21-23 May 2009, Iasi-Romania, ISSN 2066-3919[17] Marin F.B., Epureanu A., Marinescu V., Banu M., Constantin I., Conceiving of a high level language for programming of the machine reconfiguration and part machining dedicated to the new reconfigurable machine-tools generation, Annals of the „Dunărea de Jos” University , Fascicle V, ISSN 1221-4566, 2008
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati [18] Lixandru I., Epureanu A., Frumuşanu G., Crăciun M. , Algorithm for Modeling the Thermo-Mechanical Field Dynamics, Based on B-Spline Functions, with Application to Machining System, “Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle II, ISSN 1221-4531, 2008 [19] Lixandru I., Epureanu A., Frumuşanu G., Crăciun M. , Coherence of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems Thermo-Mechanical Fields, Annals of the „Dunărea de Jos” University , Fascicle V, ISSN 1221-4566, 2007 [20] Ion Lixandru, Alexandru Epureanu, Frumusanu G., Craciun M.V., Algorithm developing for online modeling of technological systems thermomechanical fields dynamics, Annals of the „Dunărea de Jos” University , Fascicle V, Year XXVI (XXXI), ISSN 1221-4566, 2008.[21] Lixandru I., Epureanu A., Frumusanu G., Craciun M.V., The use of tensors for the spline modelling of multidimensinoal thermomechanical fields, Annals of the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle II, Mathematics, Physics,Theoretical Mechanics, ISSN 1221-4531, 2008.
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati • Performance indicator achievement • 1.2 - Inventions Inventions application to OSIM ……..…………. 3
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati 1.2 Inventions [1] Epureanu A., Banu M., Constantin I., Marinescu V., Marin F.B. Metoda de conducere dimensionala la fabricarea pieselor din tabla subtire prin deformare plastica, Dosar OSIM Nr. A/00777/27.10.2008[2] Banu M., Marinescu V., Epureanu A.,Tabacaru V., Constantin I., Marin F.B. Metoda si echipament pentru evaluarea prelucrabilitatii prin deformare plastica a tablelor subtiri, Dosar OSIM Nr. A/00778/20.10.2008[3] Constantin I., Marinescu V., Banu M., Epureanu A., Marin F.B., Metoda si echipament pentru controlul online integrat al geometriei suprafetelor prelucrate prin aschiere, Dosar OSIM Nr. A00081/2009
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati 2. The main new scientific results • A new concept for machine tool control • A new approach of numerical control • A new methodology for operational control • “Proof-of-concept” machine tool
2.1 A new concept of machine tool control – holarchic-attrributive control - Key idea - Conceptual scheme - System architecture of holarchic-attrributive control - “Proof-of-concept”machine tool
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati Key idea
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati System architecture of the holarhic-attributive control
A view of the virtual environment developed. The reconfigurable machine tool configured as lathe a fost prezentator in conferinte internationale
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati “Proof-of-concept” machine tool
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati 2.2 A new conceptual approach of the numerical control – reactive programming control • A new architecture of numerical system control • Adaptive-optimal progamming with high resolution • Holonic algorithm of adaptive-optimal programming by heuristic optimisation
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati A new architecture of numerical control
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati Control variables sent to hardware modules A new architecture of numerical control
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati Generic architecture of a hardware module A new architecture of numerical control
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati Adaptive optimal programming procedure
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati Holonic algorithm of adaptive-optimal programming by heuristic optimization
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati 2.3 A new control methodology – attributive operational control • Technique of prediction and compensation of machining errors • Method of online stability control • Method of online control of economicity • Procedure of online control of environmental impact
Technique of prediction and compensation of machining errors
Method of online stability control Modele: -liniare, -ANN -SVR Variabile folosite pentru modelare -adancimea de aschiere -forta de aschiere
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati CNCSIS, Bucuresti, 9.07.2009 Control method of economicity
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati 3. Young researchers involvement in the current project Constantin Ionut Clementin Thesis title : “Holistic integrated control for manufacturing systems”Out of 21 papers, - in 15 is author, - in 4 is the first author, - in 3 presented in international cofference. Out of 3 inventions, - in all 3 is in the authors list,
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati 3. Young researchers involvement in the current project Marin Florin BogdanThesis title : “Holonic modelling of reconfigurable manufacturing system kinematics”Out of 21 papers, - in 15 is in the author list, - in 6 papers is first author, - 3 papers were presented in international conference. Out of 3 inventions, - in all 3 is in the authors list,
Proiect IDEI 653/2007 Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati 3. Personal expenses and the involvement of young researchers