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Introducing the new features of SVGT 1.2. Andrew T. Emmons Open Text, BitFlash Division . Introduction. 14 years experience in software development Over 6 years developing SVG Member of the SVG W3C Working Group Developing a reference implementation for SVGT 1.2 BitFlash
Introducing the new features of SVGT 1.2 Andrew T. Emmons Open Text, BitFlash Division
Introduction • 14 years experience in software development • Over 6 years developing SVG • Member of the SVG W3C Working Group • Developing a reference implementation for SVGT 1.2 • BitFlash • leaders in Mobile SVG • W3C membership since 1999 • co-authored Mobile SVG profiles (SVGT and SVGB) with Nokia
What is SVGT 1.2? • W3C Candidate Recommendation • Upgrade from SVG 1.1 • Minor version number is misleading • Many differences between 1.1 and 1.2 • Not just for Tiny – will be used as the core for SVG 1.2 Full
Features new to SVG • Multimedia – audio, video and animation elements, runtime synchronization • Interactivity – element focus, focus navigation, XML Events • Text – textArea element, editable text • Rendering and document structure enhancements • uDOM – trait access, SVGGlobal
Existing 1.1 features added to Tiny • Object opacity • Linear and radial gradients • Pointer-events attribute • External resources – fonts, use • Script element
Multimedia • New video, audio and animation elements • Elements start, stop and repeat based on SMIL timing attributes • Elements are SMIL timeline containers – independent of top-level SVG timeline • SVGT 1.2 does not specify a particular audio and video media type
Audio Element Examples • Begin based on time File: media-audio-205-t.svg <audio id="welcome" xlink:href="../images/welcome.wav" begin="3s"/> • Begin based on event File: media-audio-208-t.svg <audio id="sound1" xlink:href="../images/welcome.wav"/> <audio id="sound2" begin="sound1.end" xlink:href="../images/excuse_me.wav"/>
Audio Element Examples • repeatCount File: media-audio-202-t.svg <audio id="mondays“ repeatCount="2” xlink:href="../images/excuse_me.wav"/> • Indefinite repeatCount File: media-audio-203-t.svg <audio id="mondays“ repeatCount=“indefinite” xlink:href="../images/excuse_me.wav"/> • simultaneous audio elements File: media-audio-201-t.svg <audio id="mondays" xlink:href="../images/excuse_me.wav" repeatCount="5"/> <audio id="problem" xlink:href="../images/welcome.wav" repeatCount="5" />
Audio Element Examples • audio-level property File: media-alevel-203-t.svg <audio id="mondays" begin="0" end="100" repeatCount="100" xlink:href="../images/welcome.wav"> <animate attributeName="audio-level" dur="15" values="0;0.25;0.25;1;1;0.50;1;0" fill="freeze"/> </audio> • Audio is muted if it is not in the rendering tree File: media-audio-211-t.svg <defs audio-level="1"> <audio id="mondays1" xlink:href="../images/excuse_me.wav" begin="1s" end="3s"/> </defs>
Video Element Examples • preserveAspectRatio attribute Video element establishes a new viewport and thus has the preserveAspectRatio attribute File: media-video-205-t.svg <video x="15" y="65" type="video/3gp" width="450“ height="220" xlink:href="../images/skier.3gp" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" /> • viewport-fill property Video element supports the new viewport-fill attribute File: media-audio-205-t-vf.svg <video x="15" y="65" type="video/3gp" width="450“ height="220" xlink:href="../images/skier.3gp" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet“ viewport-fill=“red”/>
Video Element Examples • transformBehavoir=“geometric” Treated like any other geometric element with regards to transformations File: media-video-214-t.svg <g> <video id="v1" width="185" height="105" xlink:href="../images/skier.3gp" type="video/3gp" repeatCount="indefinite" /> <animateTransform id="translate1" attributeName="transform" type="translate" from="15,55" to="280,195" begin="0s; translate2.end" dur="2s" fill="freeze"/> </g>
Video Element Examples • transformBehavoir=“pinnedX” Video is rendered untransformed centered on x and y coordinate – width and height attributes have no effect File: media-video-203-t.svg <g transform="translate(240,167.5),rotate(15)"> <video width="100" height="67" transformBehavior="pinned" xlink:href="../images/skier.3gp" type="video/3gp" fill="freeze"/> </g> pinned90, pinned180, pinned270 apply rotation angle File: media-audio-216-t-vf.svg <video xlink:href="../images/video.3gp" transformBehavior="pinned90" x="-50" y="-50"/>
Video Element Examples • Changing xlink:href attribute Changing the xlink:href attribute will restart the media, if the media type is capable of controlling the time File: media-video-215-t.svg document.getElementById("video1").setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", "../images/heroesLanding.3gp"); • display=“none” File: media-audio-217-t-vf.svg Audio is muted and not displayed if it is not in the rendering tree <video id="video1" xlink:href="../images/skier.3gp" x="100" y="100" width="100" height="100" begin="0s" dur="8s”> <set id="anim1" attributeName="display" to="none" begin="4s" end="6s"></set> </video>
The animation element • Specifies an external SVG file • Has a timeline separate from the top-level SVG timeline • SVG file becomes a distinct document with individual scripting contexts, IDs, SVGLoad events, etc • Establishes a new viewport
Animation Element Examples • Begin based on time with repeatCount File: media-anim-201-t.svg <animation width="50" height="50" begin="0" dur="10" x="35" xlink:href="../images/animationresource-anim1.svg" repeatCount="indefinite"/> • Begin based on event File: media-anim-203-t.svg <animation width="50" height="50" id="animation3" begin="animation2.end" dur="2" xlink:href="../images/animation2.svg"/>
Animation Element Examples • preserveAspectRatio attribute File: media-anim-205-t.svg <animation x="0" y="0" width="100" height="60" xlink:href="../images/animation3none.svg" begin="0" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet“/> • Transformations File: media-anim-207-t.svg <g transform="rotate(10,75,50)"> <animation x="0" y="0" width="150" height="100" xlink:href="../images/animation3none.svg" begin="0" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze“/> </g>
Animation Element Examples • Separate documents Scripting context is different for each referenced document File: media-anim-210-t.svg • initialVisibility=“always” By default the animation element is not visible until its timeline has started but this can be controlled by the initialVisibility attribute File: media-anim-203-t-iv.svg <animation initialVisibility="always" width="50" height="50" id="animation1" begin="animation4.end;0" dur="2" xlink:href="../images/animation2.svg"/>
runtime synchronization • New multimedia elements mean that SVG can have multiple timelines in one document • SVG 1.2 supports five attributes from SMIL 2.1 to control runtime synchronization of timed elements • Attributes control which timeline is used as a master which to synchronize all other timelines
runtime synchronization example • Consider a SVG document with three tinelines: • top-level SVG timeline • video element timeline • animation element timeline • Animation element displays lyrics synchronized to the video element • Desire animation element to synchronize with the video element
runtime synchronization example • syncMaster attribute Forces other time containers to synchronize their timelines to this element’s timeline <video xml:id="anim1“ syncMaster="true” x="40" y="110" type="video/3gp" width="50" height="50" xlink:href="../images/skier.3gp"/> • syncBehavior attribute Defines synchronization behavior for an element: canSlip, locked, independent File: media-synch-211-t.svg <animation syncBehavior=“locked” x="-20" y="-15" width="617" height="617" dur="5s" xml:id="mylyrics" xlink:href="../images/timed-lyrics.svg" repeatCount="indefinite"/>
runtime synchronization example • SMIL and SVG do not specify the exact approach to maintaining synchronization • syncTolerance attribute Allows locked sync relationship to have a tolerance before forcing resynchronization File: media-synch-211-t.svg <animation syncBehavior=“locked” syncTolerance=“2s” x="-20" y="-15" width="617" height="617" dur="5s" xml:id="mylyrics" xlink:href="../images/timed-lyrics.svg" repeatCount="indefinite"/>
Element focus • SVG document has the concept of a ‘focus ring’ – the order in which elements obtain focus • Keys used to navigate focus are implementation specific • By default the order is the order in which they appear in the DOM
Focusable attribute • focusable attribute applies to graphical elements and containers • Defines if an element can be part of the document focus ring • Can have a value of true, false or auto • The default value of auto means an element is focusable if it is: • An <a> element, editable text or • The target of an event or animation who is triggered by a focus event – focusIn, focusOut or activate
Focus ring examples • Default focus ring Animations which trigger on a focus event are automatically focusable File: interact-focus-201-t.svg <rect width="30" height="30" fill="red"> <set attributeName="fill" to="green" begin="focusin"/> <set attributeName="fill" to="red" begin="focusout"/> </rect> • Locating to focus SVG user agents can optionally locate to the new focus File: interact-focus-203-t.svg
Focus ring examples • Elements in a shadow tree are included in the focus ring A focusable element which is being referenced by multiple use elements must add each reference to the focus ring File: interact-focus-210-t.svg <defs> <rect focusable="true" xml:id="rect1" width="20" height="20" fill="inherit"> </defs> <use x="10" y="60" xlink:href="#rect1"> <use x=“40" y="60" xlink:href="#rect1">
Modifying navigation order • Navigation can be specified by the 10 nav-* attributes • The most common are nav-up, nav-down, nav-left, nav-right, nav-prev, nav-next • Must specify the element which will receive focus in the given direction • Can have a value of an IRI, ‘auto’ or ‘self’ • A value of ‘auto’ for nav-prev and nav-next is to use the DOM order, otherwise it is implementation specific
Navigation order example • the nav-* attributes are used to define a focus ring File: interact-focus-204-t.svg <a xml:id="t7" xlink:href="#t1" nav-up="url(#t1)" nav-down="url(#t4)" nav-right="url(#t8)" nav-left="url(#t9)" nav-up-right="url(#t2)" nav-down-right="url(#t5)" nav-up-left="url(#t3)" nav-down-left="url(#t6)" nav-next="url(#t8)" nav-prev="url(#t6)">
focusHighlight attribute • Is a hint indicating that the User Agent should highlight the element when it has the focus • Has the value of ‘auto’ or ‘none’ • The default value of ‘auto’ indicates that the User Agent should highlight the element when it has the focus • The method of highlight is implementation specific File: interact-focus-202-t.svg
XML Events • XML events is an XML syntax for registering event listeners and handlers • Is an alternate method to the onmousedown, on* attributes • More versatile – allows for the language to add support for new events without adding new attributes • Two new elements – the listener and handler elements
handler element • Similar to a script element • Contents are either inline or by reference and executed by the User Agent script engine • Only executes content in response to an event • Two ways to listen for an event: • ev:event attribute specifies which event to handle and the parent of the handler becomes the observer • listener element
Handler examples • simple handler File: script-element-202-t.svg <rect xml:id="status" x="120" y="50" width="240" height="240" fill="blue"> <handler ev:event="click"> makeScriptElement(); </handler> </rect> • Paramaters to handler elements Foreign XML content under handler element can be used as parameters <handler ev:event="click> <foo:person><foo:name>Victor Vector</foo:name> </foo:person> </handler>
listener element • Is defined in XML-EVENTS W3C recommendation • Used to attach an event listener to an event handler • Main attributes are: • event attribute specifies which event to listen to • observer attribute defines who will listen for the event, and if not specified is the parent • handler attribute defines which handler to attach
listener element example • simple listener File: script-handle-202-t.svg <animate xml:id="t1" attributeName="visibility" begin="0.5;1.5;2.5;3.5;4.5;5.5" dur="0.5" from="visible" to="visible"/> <ev:listener observer="t1" event="beginEvent" handler="#handler"/> <handler xml:id="handler" type="application/ecmascript"> flipVisibility(evt); </handler>
TextArea element • Allows wrapping of text within a simple rectangular region • x, y, width and height attributes define region • Simple Example File: text-area-201-t.svg <textArea x="15" y="80" width="48" height="200" font-size="24" fill="#369"> • line-increment property provides simple control over spacing between lines File: text-area-206-t.svg
TextArea element examples • Attributes defining region can be animated File: text-area-203-t.svg <textArea x="15" y="60" height="215" width="450" font-size="16" fill="#258"> <animate attributeName="width" from="450" to="10" calcMode="paced" begin="1s" dur="3s" fill="freeze"/> </textArea> • text-align property provides control over inline progression direction File: text-area-220-t.svg <textArea x="15" y="60" width="450" height="215" font-size="16" fill="#259" text-align="end">
TextArea element examples • display-align property provides control over alignment in the block-progression-direction File: text-area-221-t.svg <textArea x="15" y="60" width="450" height="220" fill="#259“ font-size="40" display-align="center“> • region definition is influenced by current transformation File: text-area-207-t.svg <g transform="rotate(180,50,50)"> <textArea x="-365" y="-175" width="205" height="100" font-size="14" fill="#259“> </g>
Editable attribute • SVGT 1.2 allows text elements to be edited • The new editable attribute applies to text and textArea elements • Values can be ‘simple’ or the default, ‘none’ • SVGT does not mandate in-place editing due to platform restrictions • Simple example: File: text-area-222-t.svg
discard element • Allows whole portions of the DOM tree to be removed and destroyed • Uses SMIL timing attributes to trigger discard • Useful for reducing resource load on User Agents running large SVG files • Simple Example File: struct-discard-201-t.svg <rect id="rect3" x="10" y="45" height="5" width="0" fill="blue"> <discard begin="4s"/> </rect>
Progressive rendering • SVGT 1.2 defines a progressive model rendering in detail • Allows consistent model for rendering incomplete DOM trees • If supported, the User Agent builds the DOM nodes in various states – unresolved, resolved and error
Progressive rendering • User Agent renders an incomplete tree up to the first unresolved node with externalResourcesRequired attribute set to true • SVGT 1.2 does not specify an update model • Simple example File: struct-progressive-203-t.svg
Constrained transforms • transform=“ref(svg, x, y)” • Allows graphical elements to remain fixed in the viewport without being scaled or rotated • ref(svg) specifies that the elements user space maps to the user space of the top-level SVG element • x and y specify an optional translation
Constrained transform examples • Simple Example File: coords-constr-201-t.svg <g transform="ref(svg,10,10)" fill="blue"> <circle cx="40" cy="150" r="15"/> </g> • Important to note that constrained transform does not affect supplemental transform due to animateTransform or animateMotion File: coords-constr-204-t.svg <rect width="100" height="20" fill="green" transform="ref(svg, 200, 150)"> <animateMotion path="M0 0l100 50" dur="3s" fill="freeze"/> </rect>
viewport-fill and viewport-fill-opacity • Elements which establish a new viewport can specify a fill color and opacity value • Applies to image, video, animation and svg elements • viewport-fill can be either ‘none’, ‘currentColor’ or a <color> data type • viewport-fill and viewport-fill-opacity on various elements File: paint-vfill-201-t.svg ( svg ) File: paint-vfill-204-t.svg ( svg and image) File: media-anim-206-t.svg ( animation )
Non-scaling stroke • New property, vector-effect, will be expanded in future versions of SVG • vector-effect=“non-scaling-stroke” allows stroke outline to not scale with the current user transform • Simple example: File: paint-nsstroke-202-t.svg <circle fill="none" stroke-dasharray="5,5" r="24" cx="88" cy="122" stroke-width="10“ vector-effect=“non-scaling-stroke"/>
uDOM • A subset of SVG and XML DOM interfaces • Adds additional features: • elementTraversal interface for navigating only elements within a DOM tree, not nodes • Attribute/property normalization – values may be normalized to conserve resources • Trait Access – getting and setting attributes/properties using typed access • SVGGlobal – implements AJAX methods, gotoLocation