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MACB cordially invites you to attend a workshop on. Advanced Quality – Planning and Strategizing IQC 23 & 24 June 2014 (Monday & Tuesday ) 8.30 am to 5.00 pm The Zon All Suites & Residences 161, Jalan Ampang , 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
MACB cordially invites you to attend a workshop on Advanced Quality – Planning and Strategizing IQC 23 & 24 June 2014 (Monday & Tuesday) 8.30 am to 5.00 pm The Zon All Suites & Residences 161, JalanAmpang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
OVERVIEWADVANCED QUALITY – PLANNING AND STRATEGIZING IQC Objective:This workshop will cover planning and strategizing IQC in the laboratory and tools to be used such as Six Sigma and OPSpecs. It will include exercises and presentations. At the end of the programme, participants will be able to understand and use the tools that can be used in advanced quality control particularly for internal quality. Participants: Its main target participants are biochemists with working experience in clinical laboratoriesand are involved in managing quality assurance in their laboratories, particularly in Chemical Pathology. Workshop Structure includes: Lectures, exercises, group discussion and practical sessions. Materials provided are lecture notes.Participants are encouraged to bring their latest end cycle external QC report and one of their worst and best analytes internal QC reports for discussion. Bring along calculator or laptop if possible. Map To The Zon The ZON All Suites Residences 161-D JalanAmpang, 50450 Kuala LumpurTel: 603-2164 8000
PRESENTERS En. Mohd Jokha Yahya BSc (Hons)(UKM), MSc (UUM) A Biochemist in Ministry of Health since 1994 and has been involved with Quality Management since then. Graduated in Biochemistry in UKM and completed a Master Degree in Management Science in UUM focusing in implementation of Quality Management in Laboratory. Currently is a PhD candidate (UPM) in Molecular Medicine. He has been active in research, lecturing and training regarding Internal and External Quality Control since 2005. Pn. Kala Devi Nadarajan BSc (Hons) Biochemistry & Microbiology, MBA Has 22 years of experience as a Biochemist in clinical labs. Started service in Gleneagles Medical Center. First government posting was to Hospital Kangarfollowed by Hospital Sungai Petani. After 16 years was promoted and posted to Hospital Pulau Pinang. Currently she is attached to PusatDarah Negara. She has conducted training on QC for Penang state for many years from 2005 and trained many Lab Technologists and Scientific Officers on lab work. She is also a qualified ISO 15189 assessor with Standards Malaysia. She has also participated in many HSA and innovative competitions and won many awards.
REGISTRATION FORM ADVANCED QUALITY WORKSHOP, 23-24 JUNE 2014A • being the full payment for my participation in the MACB Advanced Quality Workshop • Cash of RM : ……………………………………ChequeNo: ……………………………............................. • Bank Draft No.: ………………………………..LPO : ……………………………………………………… • Payment should be made to: Malaysian Association of Clinical BiochemistsPlease address LPO to: Malaysian Association of Biochemists, Biochemistry Division, Institute for Medical Research, Jalan Pahang, 50588 Kuala LumpurBank: Standard Chartered, Jln Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Account No: 873-1-4640067-2 • Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… • Date : ………………………………………… Signature : ………………………………………………. • * Payment made is not refundable. • * Please fax the completed registration form and a copy of slip of payment by Thursday, 16th June 2014 to Pantai Premier Pathology at 03-4297 4911. • * For accommodation, kindly contact: The Zon All Suites & Residence at 03-2164 8000. • * For further enquiries, please contact: Mr. Adam Hathsey Bronson: 03- 4280 9115 | 012-215 3712 or email adam.hathseybronson@pantai.com.my • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • PARTICIPANT’S DETAILS • Participant’s Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. • IC. No : …………………………………….……….Mobile Phone No: ……………………………………….. • Email Address: ………………………………......... Designation : …………………………………………….. • Organization Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………. • Organization Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. • ……………………………………………………………………………………………. • Office Phone No: …………………………………. Fax No: …………………………………............................ • □ Vegetarian □ Non-vegetarian • Contact person, company name and phone no. of sponsor (if sponsored): …………........................................ • ………………………………………...................................................................................................................... • _____________________________________________________________________________________________ • FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: • We accept the above application to participate in the MACB Advanced Quality Workshop • Date received: …………………………. • Name: ……………………………………….. Authorised signature: ………………………………… PAYMENT DETAILS I hereby enclose the payment of (please tick):