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Literacy Reading stories about Robots. The Iron Man – Ted Hughes Harry and the Robots – Ian Whybrow Writing own robot stories Information texts about robots. Numeracy Discrete units of work Data handling – using the computer 2D and 3D shape robots. Science
Literacy Reading stories about Robots. The Iron Man – Ted Hughes Harry and the Robots – Ian Whybrow Writing own robot stories Information texts about robots Numeracy Discrete units of work Data handling – using the computer 2D and 3D shape robots Science Forces and Movement – how things move, how to make things go faster and slower Electricity History Looking at the use of robots in the past, present and looking to use in the future Rise of the Robots Geography Mapping skills Direction Position Using maps and compass points D.T Developing fixing and joining skills Design and make a robot, evaluate. Music Robot noises Machines ICT Looking at equipment that we have to program Learning to use the Beebots Programming skills using the Beebots and Romer WOW Days Dress up as a robot Make robots from fruit and vegetables P.E Robot dance Discrete Games units R.E Rules and Choices
Topic Drivers Rise of the Robots As technological learners we will:- Learn about how we have very simple robots all around us. We will learn how to control robots in ICT and will think about how we use technology to help us. We will learn about joining and fixing techniques and be using these skills to design and make a robot. As Scientists we will:- Explore how we make objects move and how we can change the force used to get different outcomes. We will explore the role of Electricity and how we use it As members of a Community we will:- Be looking at the role of robots in day to day life. We will look at how their use has developed over time and think how they affect our lives in the future.
Science Light and dark Electricity History History of boats – looking at different sorts of boats and making comparisons Learning about what life onboard a ship was like Learning about Lord Nelson Learning about the Battle of Trafalgar Numeracy Discrete units of work Measure and volume Literacy Poetry about boats Descriptive writing about the pictures and thoughts and feelings it invokes Non-fiction writing about boats and life at sea The Fighting Temeraire Art Exploring Tone Looking at sunsets and using different media and techniques to create a sunset Making a large version of the painting Learning about Turner as an artist ICT Using a paint package Using the computer to research information Word processing Music Sea Shanties Water music Battle music PSHCE Being part of a community WOW days Visit from a member of the Royal Navy Visit to HMS Victory RE R/KS1 How should we live our lives? KS2 Journeys
Topic Drivers The Fighting Temeraire As learners interested in Humanities we will:- Learn about the History of the topic of the painting. Learn about Lord Nelson and the Battle of Trafalgar. Learn what it was like to be a sailor in the past and compare it with modern day experiences. Learn about the past from a range of different resources including the painting, ICT websites, books, trip to HMS Victory. As learners interested in Art we will:- Explore different artistic elements for example Colour and Tone. Develop key drawing and painting skills and explore work with a range of different media. Explore using a painting as a resource for all our curricular work, learning about the Artist and the History surrounding the topic of the painting. Create large scale artwork based on, ‘The Fighting Temeraire.’ As members of a Community we will:- Think about how we are part of many different communities. Think about how we behave within these communities and how our behaviour can affect others within the community. Learn about the importance of community in the past through learning about the life of a sailor.
Literacy Reading Katie Morag stories Information texts about coastal erosion Numeracy Using money in a seaside shop Discrete units of work Science Learning about plants and animals in the local environment Habitats Geography How an island is different to the mainland Learning about Human and Physical features of the environment Coastal environments Waves and erosion How humans use the coastline An Island Home ICT Word Processing skills Art Developing skills in working with clay Producing seaside clay work PE Beach sports – volleyball, cricket, frisbee, rounders Tag rugby WOW days Link with the next topic and have a picnic In sports day play some of the beach sports Green Day PSHE Keeping safe in the sun Keeping safe on the beach Water safety Work of the RNLI RE Local project with St Aldhelms Well
An Island Home Topic Drivers As learners interested in Geography we will:- Learn about what an island is Explore the effects of the sea on the land Learn about and be able to classify Human Physical features of the landscape Look at the impacts of humans upon the coastline As spiritual and moral learners we will:- Make links with the wider community Explore Well dressings Contribute to a local well dressing project and visit As learners interested in PE we will:- Explore Games that we may play on a beach Develop ball skills in different ways Use skills learnt in Sports Day
Literacy Sensory poetry linked to food Instruction writing Recipe writing Food, Glorious Food Numeracy Discrete units of work Money linked to shops and café Problem solving involving measure Science Health and growth Keeping healthy Moving and growing Teeth and eating DT Food preparation techniques Cooking food to change it’s state Design, make and evaluate a smoothie ICT Word processing Research skills Using animation Creating a powerpoint PE Athletic skills Country Dancing Geography Foods from around the world Handa’s Surprise Oliver’s Fruit and Vegetables WOW Green day – pollution in the sea Sports Day Science and PE focus week Visit from a Science specialist Picnic – link with island topic Quantam theatre group PSHCE Fair trade Keeping healthy Feelings History Fair trade Trade in the past Art Looking at the work of Archimboldo
Food, Glorious Food Topic Drivers As Geographical learners we will:- Find out about food from around the world. Use maps and other secondary resources to find out about differences in the countries the food is grown in. Explore the importance of fair-trade. Learn about food miles and how we can support the local community. As part of our Design and Technology learning we will:- Make observations and find out about the range of food available. Develop skills in food preparation. Explore changes in food through cooking. Complete a food technology design, make and evaluate process. As spiritual, moral and social learners we will:- Learn about the importance of fair trade. Learn about the importance of supporting local producers. Explore diversity in food production around the world, learning about the different foods that grow in different countries and the importance of this to their economy. Further develop our links with our sponsor child and explore food that comes from Burundi.
Art Pencil drawing skills Tone and Line Shading Looking at famous artists that worked in black and white Literacy Newspapers Descriptive writing Factual writing about famous people Persuasive writing History Change over time Black History awareness month Martin Luther King Nelson Mandella Mother Theresa Black and White Numeracy Number patterns Dominoes Odd and even numbers Fractions Addition and subraction Multiplication and Division DT Shadow puppets ICT Black and white pictures Newspapers Using to research famous people RE Belonging PSHE Thinking about others Behaviour Treating others kindly and fairly Road safety WOW days Black and white dress up day Harvest festival Science Pushes and Pulls Forces and Motion Keeping warm Black and White animals
Topic Drivers Black and White As Mathematicians we will be:- Exploring maths through games using dice and dominoes. Learning about number sequences and pattern. Learning about mathematical processes such as addition and subtraction, division and multiplication. Exploring fractions and sharing. As Historical learners we will be:- Learning about famous people in the past such as Martin Luther King and Mother Theresa. We will be learning about the acts that have made them famous. As spiritual, moral and social learners we will:- Think about the importance of treating others kindly and fairly. Think about how our behaviour affects others and look at making sensible behaviour choices. Learn to appreciate ourselves and other members of the class.
Literacy Character descriptions Stories with imaginary settings about pirates Pirate myths and legends Instruction writing – how to make a treasure map Factual writing about famous pirates Newspaper reports about pirates Pirate poems and songs Science Identifying, grouping and describing materials Solids, liquids and gases and changing states of materials when heated and cooled Numeracy Describing position Directions Compass points Grid references and co-ordinates Computing Programming Using knowledge of position, direction and co-ordinates to program a robot and simple program Land Ahoy! Music Sea music Hornpipes Pirate songs Composing own pirate music History Learning about famous pirates in history e.g. Blackbeard Geography Using atlas’s and globes and maps to discover places in the world Compass directions Grid references Using a key on a map Devising a map of an imaginary treasure island Making a large scale version of the map WOW days Pirate school day – learn to be a pirate Visit to Bristol to do a pirate walk and learn about Blackbeard Make and use a replica of a treasure map RE Rules and choices Making moral choices D.T Looking at different pirate ships Designing, making and evaluating own pirate ships P.E Pirate dances Outdoor ed and orienteering
Topic Drivers Land Ahoy! • As aspiring learners we will: • Be learning to tackle new challenges in all areas of the curriculum. • Using and developing problem solving skills • Using open ended investigations to develop our learning • As Mathematical learners we will: • Exploring position and direction • Using maps, geographical resources and ICT to develop our understanding of direction and programming • Using grid references to read maps and create our own maps using this knowledge • As Geographical learners we will: • Be using maps, atlas’s and globes to discover and name different places, seas and continents in the world • Using compass directions and positional vocabulary to use maps and create our own • Learning about grid references and symbols and keys on a map