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Smoking cessation

Smoking cessation . Felix K. Karthik. Why smoking is addictive?. Positive reinforcment. Increase in dopamine. Binds to nACh receptors. NICOTIN E. Tobacco Withdrawal symptoms. SMOKERS DIE EARLY!. Pirie et al Lancet. 2013 Jan 12;381(9861):133-41. Making a quit attempt.

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Smoking cessation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Smoking cessation Felix K. Karthik

  2. Why smoking is addictive? Positive reinforcment Increase in dopamine Binds to nACh receptors NICOTINE

  3. Tobacco Withdrawal symptoms

  4. SMOKERS DIE EARLY! Pirie et al Lancet. 2013 Jan 12;381(9861):133-41

  5. Making a quit attempt Tensions and triggers • Tension • Price • Health concerns • Triggers • Sudden illness • Price rise • Advice from a health professional

  6. Remaining quit

  7. Importance of brief advice Stead et al 2013. Physician advice for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. CD: 000165

  8. Getting over the initial withdrawal discomfort • Behavioural support is of proven efficacy • Can be delivered in different formats • Face-to-face (individual or group) • Telephone • Internet • Pharma intervention: NRT (nicotine replacement therapy), bupropion (Zyban), nortriptyline and varenicline (Chantix) are of proven efficacy

  9. Nicotine Delivery

  10. Bupropion

  11. Varenicline (CHANTIX) • Varenicline works by reducing craving for cigarettes making quitting smoking a little easier and increases the chances of stopping for good. • However it’s no magic cure and effort is still required.

  12. SAFETY AND SIDE EFFECTS -CHANTIX • Side effects • Nausea (30%) – mostly well tolerated • Strange dreams, headache, flatulence, and insomnia • Serious mood and cardiovascular adverse events

  13. E-Cigarettes How many have tried E-cigarettes?

  14. Components of E-cigarettes

  15. Fluid contains…..

  16. “Harmless” Vapor

  17. Recent FDA measures • Push tobacco industry to make cigarettes with less nicotine to make them less addictive • Banning sales of e –cigarettes to kids age <18 years • FDA carefully weighing still the opportunity for e-cigarettes as potentially low risk alternative to smokers • All e-cigarettes including the components of e-cigarettes will be regulated by FDA in the coming years to make it safe!

  18. Finally…… GOOD LUCK! THANK YOU!!!!!

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