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Travel and Expense Management (TEM) Project

Travel and Expense Management (TEM) Project. Wharton TEM Demo and Q&A. Senior Roundtable May 6, 2011. Who are you administering for?. 2. Who are you administering for?. 3. Approving Expense Reports – Quick Guide. Expense Lines

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Travel and Expense Management (TEM) Project

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  1. Travel and Expense Management (TEM) Project • Wharton TEM Demo and Q&A Senior Roundtable May 6, 2011

  2. Who are you administering for? 2

  3. Who are you administering for? 3

  4. Approving Expense Reports – Quick Guide • Expense Lines • Are the correct expense types being used for the activity? • Is an itemized receipt provided? Do the attached receipts match the information entered? • Vendor name • Transaction Date • Receipt TOTAL - not just amount being requested for reimbursement • Is the name on the Credit Card receipt the same as the person requesting reimbursement? • If the expense line has been allocated, are the Funding Source, Program & CREF values correct? • Have you viewed the exceptions on the report? 4

  5. Approving Expense Reports – Quick Guide • Details>Approval Flow 5

  6. Approving Expense Reports – Common Errors • Business Meals with Attendees • Business is primary purpose & in a dining establishment • Object Code 5209 • Campus Business Meetings • Business is primary purpose & food is brought in • Object Code 5211 • Entertainment • Business related but primary purpose is social or celebratory • Object Code 5214 • Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner are travel meals • Does the traveler have an overnight Hotel stay? • Is their travel day greater than 12 hours? 6

  7. Approving Expense Reports – Common Errors • Not itemizing alcohol on receipts • If Entertainment/Business Meals with Attendees – alcohol should be itemized for accounting purposes • If a travel meal, should be itemized and marked personal • Does the name on the credit card receipt match the name of the person requesting reimbursement? • Verify that the name on the report is not a delegate who mistakenly created the report in their own name • Forgetting to change the ‘0000’ Program value on the report header 7

  8. Reminders • Remember to have travelers verify email address within their profile, so they can email receipts to receipts@concur.com and have them show up in their receipt store in Concur. • Traveler MUST submit expense report and complete Missing Receipt Affidavit themselves. You CANNOT do this for them. • If travel is less than 12 hours and there is no hotel bill, the system will give a warning for travel meals – please insert a comment to explain 8

  9. Reminders • Please add “@concursolutions.com” to your Safe Senders list, so notifications from the system are not accidentally sent to our junk mail. • If you are rejecting an expense, you click You must provide a reason for the rejection, so the delegate or travelers knows how to correct the report 9

  10. Setting Approval Delegates • If you are going on vacation and approve expenses for others, please remember to set an approval delegate in your profile. • If you are acting as someone approval delegate, the reports remain in their queue. You need to click on “You are administering for….” and pick them from your dropdown to approve on their behalf 10

  11. Travel and Expense Management (TEM) Project • Questions?? Senior Roundtable May 6, 2011

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