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Geothermal Energy: Sustainable Solution for Rising Energy Demands

Explore the potentials of geothermal energy to address the increasing energy demands sustainably. Learn about the geological aspects, energy mix strategies, and utilization schemes in Hungary for a secure energy future.

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Geothermal Energy: Sustainable Solution for Rising Energy Demands

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  1. Energy from the deep subsurface, potentials of geothermal for a sustainable supply of increasing energy demands Annamária Nádor Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary 3rd European Energy Conference, October 27-30, 2013, Budapest

  2. Currentenergyconsumption is unsustainable - actionsareurgentlyneeded! • growingenergydemand • restrictedand unevendistribution of fossilfuels → supplysecurity • climatechangedebate: enhanceduse of fossilfuels → increasedatmospheric CO2concentration → globalwarming, extremeevents • Kyoto Protocol • 20/20/20by 2020 COM(2006)848 • cutenergyconsumption (fossilfuels) and CO2emisssions • increaseenergyefficiency • increaserenewableenergysources (RES) • increase of renewablesintheenergy mix: integratedeconomicdevelopment • innovative and competitivetechnologies • structuralchangesintheindustry and agriculture • newworkingplaces • decentralized → ruraldevelopment

  3. New EnergyStrategy of Hungary 2011-2030 National characters Russian import 20 billion m3/y • Import dependency: ~ 83% of hydrocarbons • Security supply, focus on own resources European market 4,5 billion m3/y Total consumption: 12 billion m3/y Main aim: ensurethelongtermsustainability, security, and economiccompetitiveness of energysupplyin Hungary Own production: 1,8-2,0 billion m3/y 4,5 bn m3/yr 6,5 bn m3/yr 4,1 bn m3/yr Increasing the share of renewables RES Directive (2009/28/EC): 13% RES for Hungary Hungary: not an obligation but aPOSSIBILITYfor economic growth: 14,65% RES by 2020 (120,57 PJ)

  4. 2010 2020 Distribution of RES in the Electricity and Heating-Cooling sectors

  5. Geothermalenergy: definition and basicconcepts Geothermalenergy is energystoredintheform of heatbelowthesurfaceofthesolidearth (shallow – storedsolarand deep) Origin of heat:decayofradioactiveisotopes: U238, U235, Th232, K40 Heatcontent of theEarth: 12,6∙1024 MJ Takes over 109 years to exhaust via global terrestrial heat flow 1000°C 4300°C 3700°C

  6. high enthalpy (el. power) high temp. basins (el. power, district heating) medium temp. basins (district heating) everywhere shallow geothermal Main geothermalprovinces of Europe EGEC

  7. EnhancedGeothermal Systems Hydrogeothermal (convectional) systems heating→ thermalexpansion of storedgroundwater→ lowerdensity, rise and replacedbycoldermeteoricwater of highdensitycomingfromthemargins of thesystem artificiallyenlargedfracturesas „heatexchangers” indeeplying hot rock bodies

  8. Lindal diagram Cascadeutilization of geothermalenergy >150°C: highenthalpy - electricitygeneration < 150°C: low-mediumenthalpy - heating-cooling + manyothers

  9. 1904: theworld’s firstgeothermalpowerstationwith a 10kW generatorattheLarderellodrysteamfield, Italy, Tuscany Thermalbath of Caracalla, ThermaeAntoninianae

  10. Geothermalpotential of Hungary FavorableconditionsduetoMiocenebasinformation (10-12 Myago) Averageterrestrialheat-flow: 100 mW/m2 Geothermalgradient: 45 °C/km Thickness of thelithosphere

  11. Subsurfacetemperaturedistributions (°C) -1500 m -2500 m Zilahi Sebess et al. 2012

  12. Pannonian basin - hot sedimentaryaquifer (convectional flow system): utilization of geothermalenergy ≈ thermalgroundwater / fluid abstraction • high heat flux • thermal „insolation” of basin fill sediments • regional groundwater flows driven by hydraulic potential between recharge and discharge areas 1

  13. Currentutilizationschemesin Hungary 595 thermalwells (outflow T > 30 °C) Annualproduction: 68,44 million m3 (2011) Nádor et al.2013

  14. Currentutilizationschemes Nádor et al.2013

  15. Renewability vs. sustainability Renewability – attribute of theenergysource The energyextractedfrom a renewableenergysource is alwaysreplacedin a naturalwayby an additionalamount of energy and thereplacementtakesplaceon a similartimescaleasthat of theextraction” (Axelsson et al., 2001) Geothermalenergy: replacement of heat and fluid Sustainability – howweuseit? „... foreachgeothermalsystem and foreachmode of productionthere is a certainlevel of maximum energyproduction, belowwhichitwill be possibletomaintain a constantenergyproductionforaverylongtime (100 - 300 years)” (Axelsson et al., 2004)

  16. Balancedheat-fluidproduction Balanced fluid/heat production(not producing more than the natural recharge re-supplies)is fully sustainable. These rates are limited and often not economical for use High production rates exceeding long-term rate of recharge can lead to depletion of thereservoir, whichcan be avoidedbyreinjection of usedfluids.

  17. Hydrogeologicalmodels: differentscanarios TRANSENERGY project: transboundaryhydrogeothermalsystems only SK only HU csak SK SK, HU, SLO present SK, HU, SLO 5X Tóth, 2012

  18. TRANSENERGY project, Danubebasin pilot area (SK-HU) Hydraulic heads field in Upper Pannonian geothermal aquifer, doublets scenario Hydraulic heads field in Upper Pannonian geothermal aquifer, pumpig wells scenario Svasta, 2013

  19. Concluding remarks • Geothermalenergy is an important RES and has hugepotentialsforgrowth • Geothermal energy is renewable on time-scales of technological/societal systems, though it is an exhaustible energy source • Production should be limited to sustainable levels whichsecures the longevity of the resource (notexceedingnaturalre-charge and/orre-injection) • Duetothefavorablegeologicalsetting, thegeothermalpotential of Hungary is verygood • Inthecurrentutilizationbalneology is overwhlemming, directuseinagricultureissignificant, butmuchbeyondthepotentialsindistrictheating • Ambitious NREAP numbersforecast a 3,5 timesgrowthindirectheat and establishment of powerproductionby2020

  20. National Innovation Office • Responsibleforthe RDI in Hungary (establishingthenational RDI strategies and policies, theirimplementationand monitoring. • Supportstheuptake of local innovationsintheHungarian and internationalthe market. • Promote and helptheforeigninvestmentsininnovationarea. Coordinates and is responsiblefortheinternational and bilateralcooperationsinthearea of technology and science. • Incubation of theyounginnovativeenterprises and RDI activities of theSME-s.

  21. Thank you for your attention! nador.annamaria@mfgi.hu tel: +36-30-924-6823

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