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CSC 361: Artificial Intelligence Prepared by Said Kerrache Modified by Mishari Almishari

CSC 361: Artificial Intelligence Prepared by Said Kerrache Modified by Mishari Almishari. Syllabus + Introduction. Class Information. Instructor: Mishari Almishari mialmishari@ksu.edu.sa Office: building 31, room# 2119 Office Hours: Mod, Wed 9-10am or by appointment Book

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CSC 361: Artificial Intelligence Prepared by Said Kerrache Modified by Mishari Almishari

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  1. CSC 361: Artificial IntelligencePrepared by Said KerracheModified by Mishari Almishari Syllabus + Introduction

  2. Class Information Instructor: Mishari Almishari mialmishari@ksu.edu.sa Office: building 31, room# 2119 Office Hours: Mod, Wed 9-10am or by appointment Book Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach Russell & Norvig,Prentice Hall Third edition

  3. Grading • Grade Distribution • Midterm 1 - 20 • Midterm 2 – 20 • Project – 20 • Final Exam – 40 • Midterm 1 Date • Mod 3/1/1435 • Midterm 2 Date • Mod 3/3/1435 • Project • Due in Last Week

  4. Warning!!! Any form of cheating is not tolerated and can result in getting an F in the class

  5. Important Notes • No class next week - Week of Sep 8 • Tutorials may not be held on its scheduled time • We may have lectures on the tutorial sessions or tutorials on lecture sessions

  6. AI in Fiction An intelligent killing robot Smart machines that took over the human race and made them live in a simulated world

  7. What’s interesting with AI Search engines Science Medicine/ Diagnosis Appliances Labor Movies Recommendation slide mostly borrowed from Laurent Itti

  8. What’s interesting with AI • Honda AISMO • Advanced Step in Innovation MObility • Humanoid Robot • Capable of recognizing: • Moving objects • Postures • Gestures • Handshake • Sounds • Capable of walking and running http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASIMO

  9. What’s interesting with AI • DarpaGrand Challenge • To nurture the development of autonomous ground vehicles • Competition of Driverless vehicles • 2004 • 1 million • Mojave Desert • Follows a route of 240 km • No one won: best completed 12 km • 2005 • 2 million dollar prize • 3 narrow tunnels, 100 sharp turns • Twisted pass with a drop-off one one side • Five succeeded • Winner: 6:54 hours, Stanford Racing Team – Stanely • Urban Grand Challenge • 2007 • 2 million dollar • AirForce Base • To obey to all traffic rules • 96 km within less than 6 hours • CMU team won – with 4:10 stanely http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARPA_Grand_Challenge

  10. What’s interesting with AI • 1996, Deep Blue first machine to beat chess world champion • But lost in the series – 4 to 2 • 1997, won the series 3.5 to 2.5 • Search 6 to 8 moves a head • The evaluation function is set by the system after examining thousands of master games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Blue_(chess_computer)

  11. Syllabus - Tentative Introduction (Chapter.1) Intelligent Agents (Chapter.2) Solving Problems by Search (Chapter.3 and chapter.4) Constraint satisfaction Problems (Chapter.6). Game Playing(Chapter.5) Logical Agents (Chapter.7) First Order Logic (Chapter.8) Inference in logic (Chapter.9) Classification

  12. Introduction – Chapter 1

  13. AI Definition • The exciting new effort to make computers thinks … machine with minds, in the full and literal sense”(Haugeland 1985) • The automation of activities that we associate with human thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving, learning,…(Bellman, 1978) Think Like Humans

  14. AI Defintion • “The art of creating machines that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people” (Kurzweil, 1990) • “The study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people do better”, (Rich and Knight, 1991) Act Like Humans

  15. AI Definition • “The study of mental faculties through the use of computational models”,(Charniak et al. 1985) • “The study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason and act”,(Winston, 1992) Think Rationally

  16. AI Definition • “Computational Intelligence is the study of the design of intelligent agents” (Poole et al, 1998) • “AI….is concerned with intelligent behavior in artifact”, (Nilsson, 1998) Act Rationally

  17. How to Achieve AI?

  18. To be intelligent, a program should simply act like a human Acting Humanly: The Turing Test http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_test Alan Turing 1912-1954 CSC 361 Artificial Intelligence

  19. The Turing Test - Example http://aimovie.warnerbros.com http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/infolab/ slide mostly borrowed from Laurent Itti

  20. The Turing Test - Example http://aimovie.warnerbros.com http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/infolab/ slide mostly borrowed from Laurent Itti

  21. The Turing Test - Example http://aimovie.warnerbros.com http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/infolab/ slide mostly borrowed from Laurent Itti

  22. The Turing Test - Example http://aimovie.warnerbros.com http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/infolab/ slide mostly borrowed from Laurent Itti

  23. The Turing Test - Example FAILED! http://aimovie.warnerbros.com http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/infolab/ slide mostly borrowed from Laurent Itti

  24. Acting Humanly • To pass the Turing test, the computer/robot needs: • Natural language processing to communicate successfully. • Knowledge representation to store what it knows or hears. • Automated reasoning to answer questions and draw conclusions using stored information. • Machine learning to adapt to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate patterns. • These are the main branches of AI.

  25. Acting Humanly: The Turing Test http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_test + physical interaction => Total Turing Test • Recognize objects and gestures • Move objects Alan Turing 1912-1954 • To be intelligent, a program should simply act like a human CSC 361 Artificial Intelligence

  26. Acting Humanly – for Total Turing • To pass the Turing test, the computer/robot needs: • Natural language processing to communicate successfully. • Knowledge representation to store what it knows or hears. • Automated reasoning to answer questions and draw conclusions using stored information. • Machine learning to adapt to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate patterns. • Computer vision to perceive objects. (Total Turing test) • Robotics to manipulate objects and move. (Total Turing test) • These are the main branches of AI.

  27. Thinking Humanly • Real intelligence requires thinking  think like a human ! • First, we should know how a human think • Introspect ones thoughts • Physiological experiment to understand how someone thinks • Brain imaging – MRI… • Then, we can build programs and models that think like humans • Resulted in the field of cognitive science: a merger between AI and psychology.

  28. Problems with Imitating Humans The human thinking process is difficult to understand: how does the mind raises from the brain ? Think also about unconscious tasks such as vision and speech understanding. Humans are not perfect ! We make a lot of systemic mistakes:

  29. Thinking Rationally Instead of thinking like a human : think rationally. Find out how correct thinking must proceed: the laws of thought. Aristotle syllogism: “Socrates is a man; all men are mortal, therefore Socrates is mortal.” This initiated logic: a traditional and important branch of mathematics and computer science. Problem: it is not always possible to model thought as a set of rules; sometimes there uncertainty. Even when a modeling is available, the complexity of the problem may be too large to allow for a solution.

  30. Acting Rationally • Rational agent: acts as to achieve the best outcome • Logical thinking is only one aspect of appropriate behavior: reactions like getting your hand out of a hot place is not the result of a careful deliberation, yet it is clearly rational. • Sometimes there is no correct way to do, yet something must be done. • Instead of insisting on how the program should think, we insist on how the program should act: we care only about the final result. • Advantages: • more general than “thinking rationally” and more • Mathematically principled; proven to achieve rationality unlike human behavior or thought

  31. Acting Rationally This is how birds fly Humans tried to mimic birds for centuries This is how we finally achieved “artificial flight”

  32. Relations to Other Fields slide mostly borrowed from Max Welling CSC 361 Artificial Intelligence • Philosophy • Logic, methods of reasoningand rationality. • Mathematics • Formal representation and proof, algorithms, computation, (un)decidability, (in)tractability, probability. • Economics • utility, decision theory(decide under uncertainty) • Neuroscience • neurons as information processing units. • Psychology/Cognitive Science • how do people behave, perceive, process information, represent knowledge. • Computer engineering • building fast computers • Control theory • design systems that maximize an objective function over time • Linguistics • knowledge representation, grammar

  33. AI History • Gestation of AI (1934 - 1955) • In 1943, proposed a binary-based model of neurons • Any computable function can be modeled by a set of neurons • A serious attempt to model brain • 1950, Turing’s “Computing Machinery and Intelligence ”: turing test, reinforcement learning and machine learning • The Inception of AI (1956) • Dartmouth meeting to study AI • an AI program ”Logic Theorist” to prove many theorems • Early Enthusiasm and great Expectation (1952-1969) • General Problem Solver imitates the human way of thinking • LISP (AI programming language) was defined • 1965, Robinson discovered the resolution method – logical reasoning • AI Winter (1966-1973) • Computational intractability of many AI problems • Neural Network starts to disappear

  34. AI History • Knowledge-based systems (1969-1979) • Use domain knowledge to allow for stronger reasoning • Becomes an Industry (1980-now) • Digital Equipment Corporation selling R1 “expert sytem” • From few million to billions in 8 years • The return of neural network (1986-now) • With the back-propagation algorithm • AI adopts scientific method (1987-now) • More common to base theorems on pervious ones or rigorous evidence rather than intuition • Speech recognition and HMM • Emergence of intelligent agent (1995-now) • search engines, recommender systems,…. • Availability of very large data sets (2001 – now) • Worry more about the data

  35. The State of the Art • Robotics Vehicle • DARPA Challenge • Speech Recognition • United Airlines • Autonomous Planning and Scheduling • Remote Agent: Plan and control spacecraft • MAPGEN: daily planning of operations on NASA’s exploration Rover • Game Playing • IBM Deep Blue • Spam Fighting • Logistic Planning • DART – Dynamic Analysis and Replacing Tool • Gulf War 1991 • To plan the logistic for transportation of 50k vehicles, cargo and people • Generated in hour a plan that could take weeks • Robotics • Machine Translation • Statistical models

  36. Summary CSC 361 Artificial Intelligence This course is concerned with creating rational agents: artificial rationality. AI has passed the era of infancy and is now attacking real life, complex problems, and it is succeeding in many of them. The history of AI has had a turbulent history with many ups and downs, phenomenal successes and deep disappointments resulting in fund cutbacks and economic losses. AI has flourished in the last two decades and it the researchers mentality shifted towards a rigorous scientific methodology: Firm theoretical basis & Serious experiments

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