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Lifelong Learning Program Steps for a better success in career. STEPS FOR A BETTER SUCCESS IN CAREER LITTLE INTRODUCTION TO DEAF PEOPLE IN SPAIN. Lifelong Learning Program Steps for a better success in career. DEAF IN SPAIN- STATISTICS.
LifelongLearningProgram Stepsfor a bettersuccess in career DEAF IN SPAIN- STATISTICS Accordingtothelatestsurveycarriedonbythe INE (SpanishStatisticsInstitute) theamount of deaf-mute people in Spainhoversarounda millionpeople (967.445) Thequanty of users of signlanguage in Spainishigherthan 400.000 people. There are notonlythosedeaf-mute peoplealreadymentionedbutitalsoincludesthosethathavelearnedto use thislanguagefor familiar, emotionalorworkingreasons. *Datos obtenidos del INE
LifelongLearningProgram Stepsfor a bettersuccess in career DEAF IN SPAIN – LANGUAGE SIGN In our country there are about 700 certifiedsignlanguageinterpreters. Theyperformanaverages of 555.000 services in a yera. Theirworkisdevelopedin differentfields and situations and theyalsohavetoovercomethesameobstacles and communicationbarriersthatdeaf-mute peoplemeet in theirdailylife. HOWEVER, SPAIN IS STILL TOO FAR TO REACH THE EUROPEAN AVERAGE (concernedwithinterpretingservices)
LifelongLearningProgram Stepsfor a bettersuccess in career GENERAL INFORMATION In Spainwehavetotalkabout 2 differentstypes of hearingimpaired, beingrepresentedbynationalor regional associations in 2 differentways: ORALISTSorSIGNANTS.
LifelongLearningProgram Stepsfor a bettersuccess in career HEARING IMPAIRED IN SPAIN ORALISTS SIGNANTS Wichparents are normal hearing Oral communication Coclear implants/Hearingaids 90% deafparents SignLanguagelikepreference HETEROGENEITY (diferencias)
LifelongLearningProgram Stepsfor a bettersuccess in career ASSOCIATIONS IN SPAIN ORALISTS SIGNANTS Local ASPRODES ASOGRA FAPAS Regional FAAS National FIAPAS CNSE
LifelongLearningProgram Stepsfor a bettersuccess in career ASSOCIATION IN GRANADA We are goingtoknow more abouthearingimpaired, supportedby ASPRODES GRANADA Itis a non-profitassociation, in a provincial mode, wichwasborn in 1987 withthe ideas from a friends and familiars of hearingimpairedpeople. Theyworktooptimizethelife of deafpeople and theirfamily in differentsdevelopedlevels: sani Sanitary Educational Social Laboral market ASPRODES belongsto FIAPAS and FAPAS, so itbelongstooto thebiggerrepresentativeplatform of familieswithdeafchildren
LifelongLearningProgram Stepsfor a bettersuccess in career ASSOCIATION IN GRANADA TARGETS of theassociation: • Encourage autonomy and social integration, school and work for people with hearing impairment • Represent and defend the rights and global interests of deaf people and their families. • Working for the early diagnosis and early treatment of childhood hearing loss. • To inform and sensitize the general public of the impact and implications of deafness. • Promote effective cooperation between different actors and public and private institutions involved. • Eliminatecommunicationbarriers. • Stimulate and helpnthe associations of families with hearing impaired people.
LifelongLearningProgram Stepsfor a bettersuccess in career ASSOCIATION IN GRANADA LABORAL INSERTION NETWORK: Beginning in 1998 as a measure to meet the needs of hearing impaired related to career guidance and job search.Emphasis is given to the families of the importance of employment for their children achieve greater personal autonomy and social integration.Mainly working with: 1.- Youth with hearing impairments and their families2.- Business3.- Education and training centers
LifelongLearningProgram Stepsfor a bettersuccess in career ASOCIACIÓN EN GRANADA Network targets:1.- Promote equal opportunities for access to the labor market of people with hearing impairment.2.- Improving quality of life of deaf people by their socio-labor in a normal environment.3.- Improve the employability of people with hearing impairment.4.- Contribute to the elimination of communication barriers.