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Fruits. Fruits. Fruits. Fruits. Fruits. Fruits. Fruits. Vegetables. Vegetables. Vegetable s. Vegetable Translation. Vegetable Translation. Vegetable Translation. Vegetable Translation. Vegetable Translation. Vegetable Translation. Vegetable Translation.

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  1. Fruits

  2. Fruits

  3. Fruits

  4. Fruits

  5. Fruits

  6. Fruits

  7. Fruits

  8. Vegetables

  9. Vegetables

  10. Vegetables

  11. Vegetable Translation

  12. Vegetable Translation

  13. Vegetable Translation

  14. Vegetable Translation

  15. Vegetable Translation

  16. Vegetable Translation

  17. Vegetable Translation

  18. Decription-Vegetables Paprika: Paprika rood (red peppers) Paprika geel (yellow peppers) Paprika groen(green peppers) You can always find the paprika mix in the supermarket.

  19. Meat

  20. Meat

  21. Meat

  22. Description Some cultures might be surprised that in the Netherlands you often cannot buy internal organs of animals, except maybe for liver and tongue. There are no guts, kidneys, pork fingers, hearts or chicken gizzard. Also, the Dutch cut meat differently than other cultures, if you want more details visit the Beef or the Pork articles on Wikipedia, or hollandmeat.com

  23. Fish

  24. Fish

  25. Fish

  26. Description As the Netherlands is close too the sea, the Dutch peopleeat a lot of fish. Manyfishes are onlyforsale in specialized ‘fish shops’. • Salmon Youcangetsalmon in everysupermarket. It is servedcold most of the time. • Hering Something more typical in Dutch culture. Itcontains a lot of Vitamin D . Herring is similartoo Cod. Most herring you will find is either smoked or pickled. It is also served cold. • Tuna You can find Tuna in every supermarket. It is servedcold most of the time. It is usedtooadd in salads. • Anchovy Veryverysalty! Alsoused in saladsoron top of pizza napolitana. • Mussels The Netherlands are veryfamousfortheirmussels. Youcanbuyit in everysupermarket. Mussels are cookedbeforeserved. Don’teat the shell!

  27. Common stuff Ingredients Proteins Carbohydrates Which are: sugars Lipids Which are: Saturated Singular Unsaturated Multiple Unsaturated Fibers Sodium Calcium Vitamine D Expire date: at the upper side of the package Storage Advice: store in a cold place (max 7° C)

  28. Drinks

  29. Drinks

  30. Drinks

  31. Description-Drinks Languages: dutch, english, frasi, magyarul, deutsch, italiano, greek • drank – drinks: • water – water: • There are two kind of water: Spa blauw (still water) and Spa rood (Sparkling water, fizzywater) • Limonade – soda, soft drinks: • Soda or soft drinks are: Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Ice Tea, ... • sap – juice: • You can find a lot of different fruit juice (vruchtensap). • appelsap – apple juice • sinaasappelsap – orange juice

  32. Description-Drinks Languages: dutch, english, frasi, magyarul, deutsch, italiano, greek • drank – drinks: • melk – milk: • Dutch people like milk products, a lot. Even if you know very little about Dutch people or have just arrived in the Netherlands, you will soon observe the Dutch’s predilection for dairy. • There is: • vollemelk – unskimmed milk • halfvollemelk – demi-skimmed milk • mageremelk – skimmed milk • UHT – ultra high temperature milk, it has a typical shelf life of six to nine month (unopened). • yoghurt drink • Karnemelk – buttermilk, originally, buttermilk was the liquid left behind after churning butter out of cream. It also refers to a range of fermented milk drinks. • café – café: • koffieverkeerd – latte • espresso • cappucciono • Koffieboon – coffee beans • ... – ground • ... – caffee powder

  33. Description-Drinks • drank – drinks: • thee – tea: • peppermint tea • green tea • fruit tea • wijn – wine: • white wine, Rosé, red wine • bier – beer: • There are three different kind of beer: blond, red and dark beer. • Well-known branded are: Heineken, Amstel or Grolsch • alcohol – booze: • Vodka, Gin, Rum, …

  34. schoonmaakmiddelen– cleaning agent

  35. schoonmaakmiddelen– cleaning agent

  36. schoonmaakmiddelen – cleaningagent

  37. schoonmaakmiddelen – cleaningagent

  38. Others

  39. Others

  40. Description- Bread In the Netherlands, bread is a verycommon type of food. It is usedforbreakfastor lunch. There are many types of bread. Youcanbuybread in the bakeryor in somesupermarkets. Bread White Bread – Wit Brood The inside of the bread is white, also the crust has a lighter color. Itdoesn’t have a strong taste, tryit and youwillseehowittasteslike. Brown Bread - Bruin brood The inside of the bread is brown, also the crust has a darker color. Ittastes a little bit different than the white bread. The Brown bread is healthierthan the white breadbecauseitcontains more bran. Baguette - Stokbrood This is white orbrownbreadbut in a different shape. It’s very long and thin. Bread is made in many type of forms, round, squared, …

  41. Description-Others • Bread There are three kinds of breads: wit(white), bruin(brown) and volkoren(whole wheat) Examples: • Bruin bread • Rond tarwe • Boeren tarwe • Volkoren • Boerenvolkeren sesam • Wit bread • Rond wit • Tijger bread • Casino wit • Fijn volkoren • Grof volkoren Otherusefulwordsaboutbread: • Plak: slice • stokbrood: baguette • ontbijtkoek: ginger bread • Tarwe: wheat • Boeren: farmers

  42. Description-Others • Kaas: Netherlands are well known for the cheese. The most famous are the Dutch cheeses Gouda and Edam. However, there are many other types of cheese, including: Friesian, Limburger, Kernhem, Bluefort, Subenhara, Maasdam, Amsterdam Old, Old Alkmaar, Mimolette, Maasland, Texelaar-Kollumer, Leiden and Leerdammer. Some foreigncheesethatyou can find: • chevre blank • feta • gorgonzola • port sault • roche baron • danish blue • emmenthaler • brie Some usefullwords: • Licht: light • jong: jung • Belegen: mature • Oud: old • geraspte: grated • Stuk: piece

  43. Description-Others • Waffle A waffle is a batter-based or dough-based cake cooked in a waffle iron patterned to give a characteristic size, shape and surface impression. Here in Netherlands the two most spread types are the dutchwaffles and the Belgiumwaffles. • Salade • Salade: green salad • huzaren salade: russiansalad • rundvlees salade: beef salad • aardappel salade : potatosalad

  44. Description-Others • Shampoos • As youknow the amount of shamopoosthatyoucanfind in the sumermarket is huge.Hereyuo are some kinds of shampoos thatyoucouldfind: • Verzorgende:caring • Beschermende:protective • Herstellende:restorative Some wordswichcould be usefull for looking for the right shampoo: • normalhaar: normal hair • gekleurd haar :colored hair • dunner wordend haar:thinning hair • beschadigd haar: damagedhair • Fijn:fine • Slap: slack • Droog:dry • blond haar: blond hair

  45. Otherusefulwords • per stuk: a piece • land van herkomst: itcomesfrom • heel/half : entire/half • Huismerk: brand • in prijs verlaagd: reduced in price • Pakken: Packs

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