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d e novo assembly of the olive tree ( Olea europaea L.) reproductive transcriptome.
de novoassembly of the olive tree (Olea europaeaL.) reproductivetranscriptome ADORACIÓN ZAFRA1; ROSARIO CARMONA2; MARIA JOSÉ JIMÉNEZ-QUESADA1; JOSÉ ANGEL TRAVERSO1; ANTONIO JESÚS CASTRO LÓPEZ1; MARÍA ISABEL RODRÍGUEZ-GARCÍA1; ROCÍO BAUTISTA2; M. GONZALO CLAROS2; JUAN DE DIOS ALCHÉ1* 1Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology of Plants Estación Experimental del Zaidín. CSIC Profesor Albareda1, 18008 Granada. SPAIN. 2Andalusian BioinformaticsPlatform SCBI. University of Málaga. 29590 Campanillas (Málaga, SPAIN) *juandedios.alche@eez.csic.es Olea europaeacv. ‘Picual’ flowerdevelopment Recently opened flower Fallen anthers and petals Dehiscent anther Green bud White bud • Zafra et al, BMC Plant Biology 2010, 10:36 [3] Olive transcriptome has been recently built as the result of library screening through the use of different NGS strategies [1,2]. Such transcriptomemainly relies on vegetative reads. However, the peculiarity of the reproductive tissues, and the widely reported presence of numerous tissue-specific transcripts in both stigma and pollen grains made us to attempt a similar approach in the later tissues. mRNA was isolated from olive stigmas and pollen grains at different developmental stages and during in vitro pollen germination, respectively. cDNA libraries were built from the isolated mRNA, and subjected to 454/Roche Titanium+ sequencing. Moreover, NGS readings were combined with additional sequences obtained from subtractive libraries, in order to produce a de novo assembly of the olive reproductive transcriptome. Several public software and other tools developed by authors were used for this purpose. MATERIAL AND METHODS INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND METHODS Acknowledgements This work was supported by by ERDF-cofundedprojects: BFU2011-22779 P2010-AGR6274 P2010-CVI5767 2011-CVI-7487 MJ Jiménez-Quesada and A Zafrathanks the CSIC for JAE grant funding. References • RESULTS & DISCUSSION [1]Galla et al. Computational annotation of genes differentially expressed along olive fruit development. BMC Plant Biol. 2009 9:128 [2]Muñoz-Mérida et al. De novo assembly and functional annotation of the olive (Olea europaea) transcriptome. DNA Res. 2013 20:93-108. [3] Zafra A, Rodríguez-García M.I., Alché, J.D. Cellular localization of ROS and NO in olive reproductive tissues during flower development. BMC Plant Biology 2010, 10:36 (24 February 2010). Functional annotation is currently underway. However numerous gene products have been previously analysed, particularly those corresponding to major enzymes regulating ROS metabolism. Some of them, including catalases, superoxide dismutase, dehydroascorbatereductase, GSNO reductase, NADPH oxidase, lipoxygenase and thioredoxins, have been further analysed using basic descriptive tools.