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Technological innovations DTD Development - EPWG

Technological innovations DTD Development - EPWG. Svante Ericsson / Peter Zimmermann S1000D User Group Forum Poitiers FR, 01 October 2003. Highlights. Chapter 7 Overview DTD enhancements XML Schema Resource resolution Publication module Commenting approach. Highlights.

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Technological innovations DTD Development - EPWG

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  1. Technological innovationsDTD Development - EPWG Svante Ericsson / Peter Zimmermann S1000D User Group ForumPoitiers FR, 01 October 2003

  2. Highlights • Chapter 7 Overview • DTD enhancements • XML Schema • Resource resolution • Publication module • Commenting approach

  3. Highlights • Process data modules(Denny Raitz) • Enhanced online DTD/Schema docu(Nicolas Dupuy) • Conversion of data modules to Issue 2.0 • (Mike Day)

  4. Issue 2.0 – Chap 7.2Basic concepts • Use of Sgml and XML • Graphical hotspots • References and linking • Processes • Attribute tailoring

  5. Issue 2.0 – Chap 7.3CSDB objects • DTD and Schemas (crew, procedures, descriptions, fault isolation, parts data, schedules, process, wiring) • Version summary of DTD and Schemas • The modular DTD and Schema structure • Graphical representations (DTD trees) • Graphical hotspots

  6. Issue 2.0 – Chap 7.4Generation of publications • The IETP generation process • The IETP resource resolution (URN) • The publication module DTD • Legacy information in IETP

  7. Issue 2.0 – Chap 7.5Information interchange • File based transfer method • Interchange DTD and Schemas. • Data Dispatch Note [DDN) • Data Module List [DML] • Comment

  8. Issue 2.0 – Chap 7.6Software requirements • Process data module requirements • Resource resolution service

  9. Issue 2.0 – Chap 7.7Guidance and examples • Logic engine • Process data module nodes • Resource resolution • XLink

  10. DTD enhancements • Process data module type (conditional refdm) • Wiring data module type (signal tracing) • Optional titles on procedural steps • Attribute value coding • Security markup enhancements • Markup of acronyms and abbreviations

  11. XML Schemas • Authoring of data modules in XML possible • Initial Schema version mirrors SGML DTD • Potential for implementing business rules by data typing and structural constraints • Tool support in editors weak

  12. Online documentation • SGML / XML DTD documentation • XML Schema documentation

  13. Resource resolution • Location independence of resources • Resource resolving / Use of URN • URN:S1000D:{DMC, PMC, ICN, CSN, DML, …} • URN:S1000D:DMC-AE-A-07-00-0000-… • Additional qualifiers to definitely resolve request: I(issno), W(inwork), L(language), C(country)

  14. Publication module • Defines publications‘ content and structure • Sequences data modules by referencing • May appear at any level in the pub hierarchy • Can reference other publication modules • Enables work share in publication building

  15. Publication module (contd.) • Provides IETP navigation structure • Replaces LOAP instance(s) at top level(s)

  16. Commenting approach • Principle: As simple as possible • Avoid chaining up of comments • Max 2 responses (interim / final) possible • Attachments in various formats allowed

  17. Attribute value strategy • Attempt to decouple syntax and semantics • ”Numeric“ values vs fixed terms in English • Ability to provide language sensitivity • Exchange mechanism for project configuration files later: expandable

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