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Workshop on Data Exchange in Bovine Identification Database (BOVEX) | Rome-Teramo 11-12 June 2015

Learn about the BOVEX test phase and Italian experience in exchanging bovine data. Explore the history, activities, and results, along with key learnings and challenges faced during the project.

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Workshop on Data Exchange in Bovine Identification Database (BOVEX) | Rome-Teramo 11-12 June 2015

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  1. Technical Workshop «Data exchange in bovine identification database BOVEX» Rome – Teramo 11-12 June 2015

  2. BOVEX Test phase: activities and resultsItalianexperienceLuigi Possenti - Walter Di DonatoRome 11 June 2015

  3. History Italy was interested in the project for exchange of bovines (passport) data between MS since its first launch (2008), promoted by EC DG-SANCO. In 2010 provides (with other MS) test data extracted by National Database and, in the following years, remarks, issues and suggestions to ECtechnical team for data structure definition, data flow rules and web services functionalities implementation. In March 2013, the Italian and Spanish technical teams met in Brussels at the headquarters of DG-SANCO team to agree and establish criteria and protocols in order to kick off the testing phase, with real data, between the two countries.

  4. The Pilot Project • Started in april 2013 between ItalyandSpainexchanging real data, the first month as test, then in the real production environment • IncludingGreecefrom september 2013 • France started with test in april 2014 and was ready for production in june 2014

  5. Italian approach In first phase of testing Italy adopted a batch modality, so Bovex Web Service methods are invoked after the registration of the bovine movements of entry/exit into the National Italian DataBase (BDN). We are aware this mode does not provide a real advantage in the timing of information flow between different MS databases, but our goal was to test web services and our application interfaces.

  6. Italian Bovine National Database (BDN) The BDN is operative since 2000 and collects, in accordance with Reg. (EC) 1720/2000, the data of all animals present on the national territory. Some regions have a regional database, but update BDN, in real-time, through web services technology. All breeders can register his own data into BDN through Internet within 7 days (according to EC Reg.). They can delegate public (Vet. Services) or private organization EC recognizes the fully operational character of the Italian database for bovine animals with Decision of 13 February 2006

  7. National DB and TRACES In Italy the National Bovine Database (BDN) is not linked with TRACES database. BOVEX was created as an extension of TRACES and it is related to it for data verification Verification “keys” are Traces Certificate Number and Animal ID list

  8. Certificate n° INTRA.AT.2012.0016870 Traces Certificate Number in BDN Traces Certificate Number is registered into BDN and it is the logical “key” to relate the data registered into the two systems

  9. AT 294581919 AT 294581919 Certificate n° INTRA.AT.2012.0016870 Traces and Animal ID The list of Animal IDs is registered into Traces Certificate and should be the same IDs registered in BDN

  10. Italian approach We decided to connect the BDN directly to BOVEX and to enable the exchange of data when the BDN is updated, taking Traces Certificate Number and Animal ID from BDN. submit retrieve acknowledge BOVEX verifies the data on Traces

  11. BOVEX Functionalities The functionalities used are three: • submit to send into BOVEX the outgoing movements of bovine to other countries • retrieveto receive the animals data from BOVEX database * only if the partner has sent to BOVEX the outgoing movement of the animals (using submit method) • acknowledgeto confirm the correct receipt of the information and to confirm the correct registration of the animals into the national database

  12. Italian Experience Italy, in its web application for bovine database managing (BDN), has integrated the retrievefunctionality to be able to precompile the web form for incoming movements with required data, providing only the Traces Certificate number. So, the user (breeder/public veterinary ecc.) of the BDN web site, after the checking and correspondence between data showed and the real situation, can confirm the registration of animals. The BDN system confirm the retrieve to BOVEX with theacknowledgemethod after registration.

  13. Form for Animal Registration from UE Using TRACES reference number is possible to retrive passports data After the registration in Italian National DB the acknowledge on BOVEX DB is performed

  14. Italian Experience In the same way in the outgoing movements the BDN users (veterinary services/associations/breeders) have to indicate the number of Traces Certificate, so the BDN system is able to update the BOVEX database, using thesubmitmethod, providing to the other European partners the data of animals that moves abroad.

  15. Form for Outgoing movement to UE The TRACES reference number is mandatory in the registration form After the registration of movement in Italian National DB the submit on BOVEX DB is performed

  16. Retrieve from Spain From April 2013 to June 2015 13.250 passport retrieved and 27.508 errors (33% retrieved)

  17. Retrieve from France From June 2014 to June 2015 168.397 passport retrieved and 1.467.219 errors (10% retrieved)

  18. Main problems in retrieve • Error in Trace Certificate Number • Certificate notsubmitted in BOVEX by other MS • Wrong certificate numberregisteredinto BDN (BDN doesnotverify the certificate in Traces, butonly the structure of the code) • Error in AnimalIDs • Animal ID notsubmitted in BOVEX by other MS • DifferentAnimal ID registeredinto BDN and BOVEX

  19. Submit to Spain From April 2013 to June 2015 40.018 passport submitted and 27.247 errors (66% submitted)

  20. Submit to France From June 2014 to June 2015 447 passport submittet and 385 errors (54% submitted)

  21. Main problems in submit • Error in Trace Certificate Number • Wrong certificate numberregisteredinto BDN(BDN doesnotverify the certificate in Traces, butonly the structure of the code) • Error in Animal ID • Animal ID notaccepted by BOVEX (notcorrectlyformattedaccording with bovexrule) • Timing of feeding • Passports are submittedafter the registration of movement in BDN (itcould be doneafter 7 days)

  22. Next improvements To solve this kind of problems we decided to change radically the work flow. Other Bovex web service methods (QueryCertificate and QueryPassport) will be invoked before the registration of the inbound/outbound movements of bovines into the National Italian Database (BDN). BDN could get, in advance, the list of Traces Certificates recently registered into the Traces system, and for each one of them it could obtain the relative list of bovine passports, both for the outbound movements towards the others EU countries, that of inbound movements in Italy

  23. BOVEX Functionalities The other functionalities used are: • QueryCertificates:to get the list of Traces Certificates recently registered into the Traces System • QueryPassports:for each certificate we could get the information about the list of animals IDs in the Traces Certificate

  24. The new approach The Bovex/Traces web service methods will be invoked before the registration of the inbound/outbound movements of bovines into the BDN. Having in advance the list of Traces Certificates and the animal ID list is possible to submit/retrieve passport before the registration in BDN BOVEX verifies the data on Traces QueryCertificate 1 QueryPassport 2 submit retrieve acknowledge

  25. Benefits • All Traces Certificate Number used in submit or retrieve will be valid and verified in Traces. • All animal ID will be correct and related to traces certificate • Feeding times (submit to Bovex) will be very short • BDN users will be helped on the notification of the bovine movements in the National Database, with a prefilled form

  26. Future improvements needed • An EC list of bovine breeds (code and description), provided from Bovex. • Each MS can relate his own breed code with EC breed code and transmit EC breed code in submit • List of animal ID structure for each MS, provided from Bovex • to implement accurated checking of foreign animal ID in registering it in BDN and to ensure an unique encoding between MS

  27. Thank you for your kind attention! Teramo – Gran Sasso Rome - Colosseo

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