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Fractions of a Set

Fractions of a Set. I have 5 circles total. How Many Purple Circles Do I have?. I have 3 purple circles. I have . 3 Purple Circles and 5 Circles in all. Create a Fraction Set For the Purple Circles. 3 of the circles are purple 5 .

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Fractions of a Set

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fractions of a Set

  2. I have 5 circles total

  3. How Many Purple Circles Do I have?

  4. I have 3 purple circles

  5. I have 3 Purple Circles and 5 Circles in all

  6. Create a Fraction Set For the Purple Circles

  7. 3 of the circles are purple 5

  8. John is going shopping for his friend for his birthday. He must pick out a shirt, a pair of pants, and a pair of shoes. John is learning about fraction sets in his math class. Fractions is very difficult for John. Help John practice his fractions while he shops.

  9. John has to pick from these shirts.

  10. Tell John a fraction he could make out of the shirts that are red. How Many Red Shirt? How Many Shirts in all? What is the fraction set? Turn and talk with a partner!

  11. There are 2red shirts There are 3 shirts in all 2 of the shirts are red 3

  12. John has to pick from these pants

  13. Tell John a fraction he could make out of the pants that are black. How Many Black Pants? How Many Pants in Total? What is the fraction set? Turn and talk with a partner!

  14. There are 1 pair of black pants There are 4 pair of pants in all 1 of the pants are black 4

  15. John has to pick from these shoes.

  16. Tell John a fraction he could make out of the shoes that have no laces How Many pair of shoes do not have laces? How Many pair of shoes in Total? What is the fraction set? Turn and talk to a partner!

  17. There are 3 pairs of shoes with no laces There are 6 pairs of shoes in all 3 of the shoes have no laces 6

  18. Challenge! What is another fraction for 3 ? 6

  19. Good Job! 1 2

  20. Great Job You Helped John!!

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