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Implementation of IPHOC in VVCM: Tests of GCSS Cases

Implementation of IPHOC in VVCM: Tests of GCSS Cases. Anning Cheng 1,2 and Kuan-Man Xu 2 AS&M, Inc. Science Directorate, NASA Langley Research Center. Intermediately Prognostic Higher-Order Closure Model.

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Implementation of IPHOC in VVCM: Tests of GCSS Cases

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  1. Implementation of IPHOC in VVCM:Tests of GCSS Cases Anning Cheng1,2 and Kuan-Man Xu 2 AS&M, Inc. Science Directorate, NASA Langley Research Center

  2. Intermediately Prognostic Higher-Order Closure Model • Double-Gaussian distribution of liquid-water potential temperature, total water mixing ratio and vertical velocity • Skewnesses of these three third-order moments predicted • All first-, second-, third- and fourth-order moments, subgrid-scale condensation and buoyancy based on the same probability distribution function • A bulk microphysics scheme considering subgrid-scale variabilities has been developed and tested (Cheng and Xu 2008; in preparation)

  3. Experiment Design • Standard initial condition and forcing for GCSS ARM (continental shallow cumulus), BOMEX (shallow cumulus), ATEX (intermediate cloud regime) and ASTEX (stratocumulus) cases • 2-D Domain; 256 km in horizontal direction; 4.5 km for ARM; 3 km for ATEX and BOMEX, and 1.5 km for ASTEX in vertical direction • Resolution: 4 km in horizontal direction; 40 m for ARM, BOMEX and ATEX, and 25 m for ASTEX in vertical direction • Momentum fluxes from IPHOC are not used

  4. Cloud Evolution for BOMEX (%)

  5. Cloud Evolution for ARM (%)

  6. Mean Profile Averaged from 10h - 12h

  7. Fluxes Averaged from 10h - 12h

  8. Moments of w Averaged from 10h - 12h

  9. Cloud Evolution for ATEX (%)

  10. Mean Profile Averaged over Last Hour

  11. Fluxes Averaged Over Last Hour

  12. Moments of w Averaged Over Last Hour

  13. Cloud Evolution for ASTEX (%)

  14. Summary and Discussion • An IPHOC has been implemented in VVCM and tested with major GCSS cases • IPHOC is capable of simulating various PBL clouds with variable large-scale and radiative forcings using 4 km horizontal grid spacing • Further improvement of the IPHOC is needed to capture the fine structure of the cloud fields simulated from benchmark LESs • The LBA shallow-to-deep convective cloud transition case is under testing

  15. Thank You!

  16. Shallow Cumulus Clouds from the Focring of SP-CAM

  17. Mean Profile Averaged over Last 40 Hour

  18. Cloud Radiation Forcing

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