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Q uality E mployment S ervices A rea. N ational O perational P rogramme – Q ualification of E mployment S ervices and support to regional governance. Italian Labour Market Analysis Benchmarking PES WG Vienna, 24th March 2010.
Quality Employment Services Area National OperationalProgramme – Qualification of Employment Services and support to regional governance Italian Labour Market Analysis Benchmarking PES WG Vienna, 24th March 2010
Italian Public Employment system: the reform started in 1997 1997: from bureaucratic monopoly to regional PES 2003 : from decentralised PES to PES-PRES System • Government “Role of steering, promoting and coordinating” the institutional system • Regions PES and related operational spheres of intervention • Provinces placement and recruitment through “job centres” authorization/accreditation Regions regulation and organisation of labour market; Provinces administrative services Decentralised System Monopoly Ministry Authorised Regions Accredited Provinces Ministry Regional Directorates Job Centres Provincial Directorates Pes Pres Job Centres
Main Actors of the Italian labour market and IT system Labour Information System can be seen as a “policentric organisational system” where several institutions play a key role, namely Ministry of Labour, Regions, Local Bodies and Job Centres (PES and PRES) PES Bodies Authorized at national and regional level According to latest provisions the Ministry of Labour is in charge ONLY to coordinate and not to manage the IT system. Regional Accredited Bodies New framework of competences among Government, Regions, Provinces: from a “vertical” to a “federated” system including regional cooperating nodes Italia Lavoro provides Technical Assistance for standard, information system integration and support for monitoring the Active Labour Market Policies
Structure of the federated Labour Information System Ministry of Labour Public Administrations Regional SIL Other services Province Province l Other services Monitoring of active labour policies Monitoring of redundancy schemes and income supports Job Centres 20 Information Systems +100 Information Systems
Main Statistical sources (National and European) EUROSTAT– European Commission: Provides main indicators for comparison with other European countries. Eurostat data are quarterly and used to confirm progress in the European Employment Strategy ISTAT– provides the main labour market indicators recorded by labour force monitoring. The data are quarterly and can be broken down to regional level. Some indicators are also supplied on a provincial scale. ISTAT also makes available census data (10 yearly), indicators and data on industry and service turnover trends plus an Italian business structure archive (ASIA). Recently, the vacancy rate has also been estimated on the request of EUROSTAT. ISFOL-Institute for the Development of Workers’ Professional Training - Research institute with specific responsibilities for evaluating labour and training policies. Provides ad hoc investigations and specific studies (annual census survey on labour market services) Chambers of Commerce – Every year a survey is conducted (Excelsior information system) to record company recruitment forecasts.
Monitoring of LMPs • LMP must be statistically monitored and evaluated. Italia Lavoro and ISFOL provide T.A. to the Ministry of Labour for Monitoring of ALMPs (Since 2010 Italia Lavoro is within the National Statistics System - Sistan ) • In particular, the information sources consist of: • Compulsory notifications employers must send to the competent services (On-Line Notifications – CO) • Workers' personal records (SAPs - Schede Anagrafico-Professionale) registered with the competent employment services • Databases of INPS and INAIL [national institutions for social insurance]
Information sources for monitoring labour policies • CPI [Job Centres] network • Municipalities • Provinces • Regions • National Workers ‘ Personal record - SAP On line notifications - CO Amministrative data Redundancy scheme beneficiary database (INPS) EUROSTAT – EC (issued quarterly) European level ISTAT [Italian National Institute of Statistics] - monitoring of labour market Historical series and territorial data - Quarterly National level Regional level Statistical data (institutional) Provincial level ISTAT Surveys Municipal level Other institutional monitoring (ISFOL issuing the annual census survey on employment services) National and regional level
Administrative sources Personal records(SAPs)are compiled by public employment services and provide data on the registered unemployed who are available for work. The personal record gives the worker's socio-professional profile and also shows active policies that the unemployed are bound to take part in. The worker's tax code acts as the search key. Compulsory notifications (COs). Since October 2007, private companies and public administrations have been bound to send on-line notifications of employee recruitments and terminations. The worker's tax code is also used as a search key for compulsory notifications. INPS databaseof income support recipients covers all workers who receive unemployment benefits or are the beneficiaries of other redundancy schemes. It was recently set up and works to monitor participation in active policy measures required by the law. The tax code acts as the search key in this case Registration/Deregistration POP 1 (available ONLY at local level NOT National) Q 1 – Q 2 Transition employment/unemployment to employment (NOT self employment contracts ) Italian good practice on integration of active and passive measures using ESF as tool to tackle economic crisis
Customer Satisfaction Ministry of Labour and Social Policies will launch in 2010 the first national survey aimed at capturing the satisfaction with the overall service that PES provide to customers Q 6 = directed towards people (as potential job seekers) Q7 is directed towards employers The Directorate Labour Market is currently designing the survey scheme which should be made available shortly
Looking at Q 5 and T 11 Whichmeanstofind a job? Job Centres/PES
Q 5 in relation to criterion VAC 5 and 7 How long the transition to employment? Job Centres Within 1 month
CONCLUSIONS Given the specificities of the National context, how can Italy concretely contribute to the WG ? MUTUAL LEARNING AND SHARING OF BEST PRACTICES Italy is keen to join the PES Benchmarking WG to move towards a European “convergence” for improving PES delivery and strengthening ALMP The Ministry of Labour and Italia Lavoro would be glad to host a meeting of the Benchmarking PES Working Group in Italy in the near future
Thankyou Federico Conti: fconti@italialavoro.it Quality Employment Services Area Raffaella Scordino: rscordino@italialavoro.itPartnerships and International Relations