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Understand the purpose, eligibility criteria, accommodation decisions, and administration details of ELPA in Michigan. Helpful resource for educators and coordinators involved in English language learning evaluation.
ELPAEnglish Language Proficiency Assessmentfor Michigan Marilyn Roberts, Director Phil Chase, ELL Assessment Specialist Office of Educational Assessment & Accountability (OEAA) 2006 OEAA Fall Conferences
What is the ELPA? ELPA is the English Language Proficiency Assessment that is based on Michigan’s English language proficiency standards. NCLB Requirements
NCLB Requirements What is the purpose of ELPA? ELPA is used to determine—on an annual basis—the progress that potential English language learners (ELLs) are making in the acquisition of English language skills.
NCLB Requirements What is the purpose of ELPA? ELPA creates a more uniform measure that help ELLs to participate and succeed in academic courses.
NCLB Requirements How are ELPA results to be used? • ELPA is used for the Annual Title III Reporting and showing progress on the attainment of ELP standards. • Reporting must include at least three levels of performance: Basic, Intermediate, and Proficient.
Who takes the ELPA? ELPA is to be given to all Michigan students who are enrolled in grades K-12 and are eligible for Limited English Proficient (LEP) services. All public and charter schools are included, along with private schools (depending on LEA agreements). NCLB Requirements
NCLB Requirements How is potential eligibility determined? The Home Language Survey is given to all new students at the time of enrollment.
NCLB Requirements What are the Home Language Survey Questions? • Is your child’s native tongue a language other than English? • Is the primary language used in your child’s home or environment a language other than English?
NCLB Requirements If the answer to either question on the Home Language Survey is “YES”, proceed to assessment of eligibility. The scores from the ELPA for Initial Screening and other information or data are used to determine eligibility for LEP services.
2007 ELPA Accommodations How are ELPA accommodation decisions made? • Use of an accommodation is based on documentation in school record. • Decisions are to be made on student-by-student basis.
2007 ELPA Accommodations What ELPA accommodations are considered nonstandard? • Nonstandard accommodations change construct being measured. • Students using nonstandard accommodations will not count as being assessed for participation rates.
2007 ELPA Accommodations Where can ELPA Accommodations be located? • Refer to Assessment Accommodations Summary Table for ELPA specifics. • This is located on the www.michigan.gov Web site (search for “Accommodations Table”).
2007 ELPA Features Five Levels of Assessment: • Level I—Kindergarten (new) • Level II—Grades 1-2 • Level III—Grades 3-5 • Level IV—Grades 6-8 • Level V—Grades 9-12
2007 ELPA Features Four Language Domains: • Listening • Reading • Writing • Speaking Note: A 5th domain, Comprehension, is reported to meet Title III requirements.
2007 ELPA Features Number of Points per Level:
2007 ELPA Features Item Formats for Domains:
Preparing for the ELPA How are ELPA materials prepared? Order materials through ELPA coordinator. Specify the type and amount of materials. Use labels for new students
Preparing for the ELPA How are additional ELPA materials ordered? If additional materials are needed, contact your ELPA Building Coordinator. Specify the type and amount of materials.
Preparing for the ELPA Read the ELPA Coordinator Manual and Directions for Administration prior to giving the ELPA. Before ELPA administration, read the Speaking Test Rubric and familiarize yourself with the Scoring Form.
2007 ELPA Materials Levels I and II—grades K, 1-2: • 1 Assessment Booklet per student (students record responses in booklet) • 1 Speaking Assessment Booklet per class • 1 Set of Directions for Administration (DFA) per teacher
ELPA Materials Levels III, IV, and V—grades 3-12: • 1 Assessment Booklet per student • 1 Answer Document per student • 1 Speaking Assessment Booklet per class • 1 Set of Directions for Administration (DFA) per teacher
ELPA 2007 Administration Grade K
ELPA 2007 Administration Grades 1-12
ELPA 2007 Administration ELPA is untimed, so time estimates given are for planning purposes only.
ELPA 2007 Administration The Listening section is group- administered. Listening Stimuli Feature: • Variety of discourse styles • Academic and social context • Availability of Audiocassette or CD
ELPA 2007 Administration The Reading section is group-administered. Different modes of text: • Literary or narrative • Informational or content-area based
ELPA 2007 Administration Modes of comprehension assessed in Reading items: • Literal • Inferential • Vocabulary and idioms in context
ELPA 2007 Administration The Writing section is group-administered. Item formats: • Written Expression—Multiple-choice items • Writing—Short answer items andprompts for extended writing
ELPA 2007 Administration The Speaking section is individually-administered. • Approximately 15 - 20 minutes per student • Five separate speaking activities • Teacher-scored using a scoring form with updated rubrics
ELPA 2007 Dates ELPA Planning Teleconference January 22, 2007 ELPA Administration Teleconference February 15, 2007 ELPA Spring Administration March 19-April 27, 2007
Remember All students eligible for Title III services MUST be assessed annually using the Spring ELPA .
Resource Information Have questions related to ELPA? • Call 877-560-8378 for OEAA assistance or help with the OEAA secure website. • Email oeaa@michigan.gov for ELPA assistance, including the OEAA secure website.
Comments & Suggestions Phil Chase chasep2@mi.gov (517) 335-3967 Michigan Department of Education 608 W. Allegan St. P.O. Box 30008 Lansing, MI 48909
Comments & Suggestions Marilyn Roberts Robertsm@mi.gov (517) 335-0567 Michigan Department of Education 608 W. Allegan St. P.O. Box 30008 Lansing, MI 48909