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Delve into the realm of emotionally intelligent robots and the significance of privacy awareness in today's digital landscape. Discover how emotionality can be a pivotal factor in customer interactions and decision-making processes.
Emotionally smart robots – the next step in the evolution of life- Privacy awareness utmost need. ? Dr. Martin Kurze, Deutsche Telekom 21 March, 2019
Acknowledgement • This workis (partially) a resultof H2020 procect SPECIAL and was supportedby • Note: This isthe „clearedversion“ ofthepresentation. Someitems (mainlyimages) havebeenremovedfromthe deck. • The project SPECIAL (Scalable Policy-awarElinked data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731601 as part of the ICT-18-2016 topic Big data PPP: privacy-preserving big data technologies.
channels? Which channels? channels? Which channels? Omnichannel • My understanding of “Omnichannel”: Using several (all?) channels to address the customer. • Physical location • “the web” • Social media • Direct marketing • (…)
channels? Which channels? Omnichannel • My understanding of “Omnichannel”: Using several (all?) channels to address the customer. • Physical location • “the web” • Social media • Direct marketing • (…) Certainimagesremoved
channels? Which channels? Omnichannel • My understanding of “Omnichannel”: Using several (all?) channels to address the customer. • Physical location • “the web” • Social media • Direct marketing • (…) • Goal (according to Wikipedia and most of you) Create the best possible UX/CX (User Experience/Customer Experience)happy, loyal, paying customers Certainimagesremoved
channels? Which channels? Omnichannel • My understanding of “Omnichannel”: Using several (all?) channels to address the customer. • Physical location • “the web” • Social media • Direct marketing • (…) • Goal (according to Wikipedia and most of you) Create the best possible UX/CX (User Experience/Customer Experience)happy, loyal, paying customers • The goal behind the goal: More and better business / revenue /profit / money (that’s ok ) Certainimagesremoved
Emotionality: A new “channel”? • Can be considered an “orthogonal view” on all conventional channels. • A feature of every single channel • Or as an independent “channel” with certain (desirable) features. • Emotionality Certainimagesremoved
Emotionality: A new “channel”? • Can be considered an “orthogonal view” on all conventional channels. • A feature of every single channel • Or as an independent “channel” with certain (desirable) features. • Emotionality is • Long-term/persistent • Dynamically changing (like your mood) • Very close to your personality • Often depends on / reacts to “mutual feedback” (interaction) • Requires that partners know each other ( “Know your customer by heart”) • Extremely relevant for purchase/spending decisions (remember our “goal behind the goal”?) Certainimagesremoved
Emotionality: A new “channel”? • Can be considered an “orthogonal view” on all conventional channels. • A feature of every single channel • Or as an independent “channel” with certain (desirable) features. • Emotionality is • Long-term/persistent • Dynamically changing (like your mood) • Very close to your personality • Often depends on / reacts to “mutual feedback” (interaction) • Requires that partners know each other ( “Know your customer by heart”) • Extremely relevant for purchase/spending decisions (remember our “goal behind the goal”?) Certainimagesremoved
What is the purpose of a “channel”? connecting places/People/Entities • Emotionality is bi-directional and “multi modal”: • Both ends recognize and express emotions • Visually (facial expression) • Verbally • Tonality • Gestures / Body language • To communicate emotionally, you need a body including a face (and sensors, of course) Certainimagesremoved
An other disclaimer … • Neither me nor Deutsche Telekom or any other related entity have contractual relationships to any OEM or service provider shown/mentioned during this presentation. The products shown are for illustration only.
How would an emotional Entity/Partner look like ? • Humanoid • (Torso, head, arms, legs) • Expressive face/eyes • Cultural / regional heritage? • Remind the “uncanny valley”! Certainimagesremoved
What Can it do? • Talk / discuss (verbally) / conversation • Act in the “virtual word” send e-Mails, Messages etc. • Use cloud services, including communication services weather, Wikipedia etc. just like Amazon Echo, but “better” • Learn from the user/owner • Learn from the aggregate of users • Get upgraded with additional skills. Cloud-basedAI/Machine Learning Key feature! Key feature!
What can it NOT do? (unless it’s a human or invaluable) • Perform physical tasks/work • Serve drinks from the fridge • Clean the dishes • Unload the washing machine • Take out the trash • Walk around as an adult • Be perfect in any aspect Certainimagesremoved Similar restrictions apply pretty much to (very) young and the (very) old humans
Where to Position this “endpoint” • As a “device”? After all, its hardware, software and effects. It’s a device. but do you WANT to only sell “devices”/gadgets? • Service with a nice frontend?Better. Since almost all robot capabilities, in particular the more • Family member My favorite. The Robot can be seen as a sibling or a pet: it has many “human” properties, but still some restrictions … Certainimagesremoved Similar restrictions apply pretty much to (very) young and the (very) old humans
Use CAses • Home • Car (co-driver) • Teacher / Supporter for (school) children • Senior Care (dementia etc) • Parental control • Surveillance • (…) Certainimagesremoved
Video ? • If time permits …
Architecture seen with services in Mind: Cloud & AI Data pool Data Analysis Machine Learning Profiling GeneralizedLearning Core Communication andConversation Services, Speech Recognition, NLU, Speech Synthesis, … Communication
AI data pool • Collect raw data, including personal/private data: • Verbal utterances • Context (!) • Pictures/videos • …. • Run big data analysis for individual user (e.g. to enhance language understanding and personalized services) • Contribute to general “machine learning” processes. Certainimagesremoved
What is it good for (business perspective) • “Know Your Customer” • Better UX (sic!) • More sales/loyalty Certainimagesremoved
AI data pool in the AGE of Privacy and GDPR … • Why would you share your “private thoughts” and personal background with a robot (and not with Alexa/Siri/Google)? • Trust and emotional binding! • You can detect when the robot is listening to you and/or watching you. And you can tell him to stop listening. • You own and keep control over your data (using findings/tools of part2 of the talk) Certainimagesremoved
Withgreat Power comesgreatresonsibility. Certainimagesremoved Master Yoda Uncle Ben
GDPR Global Data-Business Preventor (??) • General Data Protecion Regulation – • Not as bad as it might seem to the superficial observer. • To make use of personal data (as collected by the family robot) you need: • Informed consent • For a specific purpose • Transferrable to specific 3rd party • Transparency & control for the user • (plus: data security (on device and in the cloud); plus: trust (actually also an emotion) Certainimagesremoved
EU Horizon2020 Project „SPECIAL“ considersthisan oppertunityfor Europe, not a challenge • Together with academia, industry and even regulatory authorities, the consortium developed a solution for the needs above: • Basic concept: „sticky policies“ attached to data • Policy language to express „rules“ how data (Personally Identifiable Data, PII) may or may not be used • Policy engine to check (and enforce) compliance • Full transparency and control for the user (“data subject”) • More details on the web:https://www.specialprivacy.eu/
Simplifed system architecture (with SPECIAL components) externalData Center DT Data Center corebusiness(location/regionbasedanalyses) Location dataanalysis (bulk),k-anonymiziation Location analysisalgorithms Bulkdatainterpretation on device Network andradioqualityanalysistools Device basednetwork QA Location QA &productdevelopment QA forloc. analysisalgorithms devicespecificradioquality locationspecificradioquality Policy Data SPECIAL Data Center Policy Location data „handler“ & consentmgmt Data
Whyshould a usergiveconsent? Emotionality • Whilethe „basicfunctionality“ (localnetworkqualitymonitoring) givestheuser a bitofinformationthat he mightbeinterested in, themoreadvancedlevels (re-usingthedatafor QA purposesby Spin-Off) do not offer real additional benefitfortheuser. • Whyshould a usergiveconsent in thiscase? • Weoffertheuser a chancetofoster „scientificresearch“ whichcreates „goodvibes“ • The Privacy Transparency Dashboard is essential toconvinceusersthattheyare (andstay) in control. This againresults in positive feelings • The onlyreasonsforuserstosharetheir PII are emotional ones. • Emotionalityprovestobe a keyfactorforpeople‘swillingnesstoshare PII • Bi-directionalityremainscrucial: withoutthePrivacy TransparencyDashboard, userswould not besatisfied/happy/emotionallysatisfied • Finding: Emotionalityisgainingmoreandmorerelevance in he upcomingageofdatadrivenbusiness. „Emotional Intelligence“ maybethenextlevelof „ArtificialIntelligence“.
Conclusions • Emotionalityisgainingmoreandmorerelevance in he upcomingageofdatadrivenbusiness. „Emotional Intelligence“ maybethenextlevelof „ArtificialIntelligence“. • Toget all the emotional (andother personal) informationfromtheuser, youneed • Bidirectional emotional communicationchannel • A sound legal (andtechnical) solutiontocollectand manage userconsentfor PII usage. • The familyrobotcanbe so muchmorethan just a toyfor a fewweeks. Itmaybethefamilymemberor at least petofthefutureifitactsemotionally plausible. Do do so, itneeds (very personal) data. • This datacanthenbere-usedtocustomercommuntacion IF DONE RESPONSIBLY (and on a legal basis). • Advice: • Don‘twaitfortheemotionally intelligent robottocome. Insert emtions in yourchannelsnow. But do so withuserconsent.
Acknowledgement: EU project „SPECIAL“: Project partnersandcredits • This workis (partially) a resultof H2020 procect SPECIAL and was supportedby • The project SPECIAL (Scalable Policy-awarE linked data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731601 as part of the ICT-18-2016 topic Big data PPP: privacy-preserving big data technologies.