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An Important message to Financial Advisers!. There are things your industry regulators say you MUST do!. There are things you CAN do to make your operation and compliance -. easier. faster. Cheaper!. Time is money……. The RIGHT. technology can save time and money!!.
There are things your industry regulators say you MUST do! There are things you CAN do to make your operation and compliance - easier faster Cheaper!
Time is money…….. The RIGHT technology can save time and money!!
Paper and manual type methods of administration and reporting (SoA) create work which costs time and money The AdData Client Management System system can save you time and money! + =
The AdData CMS computer application gives you access to: CRM Fact Finder Customer Relationship Management System(client contact database) Generate complete or partially complete Fact Finder (Dealer Group standard or your own template) ClientManagementSystem Commission Research AdData CMS Automatically download Initial, Service and asset commission for tracking Open SmartComparitor for policy definition comparison Client andpolicy data SoA Merge client information to SoAs (Dealer Group standards or your own template) AdDataCMS can be supplied pre populated with all client and policy information from risk companies and fund managers for immediate and full use
AdData CMS Features: Produce an SoA in 6 - 8 minutes Easy to use comprehensive database of client and policy information for contact and service. (all client and policy information can be loaded before use) Comprehensive Needs Analysis for brief or detailed Assets, Liabilities, Income, Expenses, Risk needs, Investment Objectives, Future Needs, Final Needs. Fast report and presentation generation – Policy/Investment Schedules, Fact Finder/SoA, etc (Fact Finder and SoA documentation is specific to dealer group) Commission tracking of initial, service and asset commission. New business commission calculated accurately. Automatic querying of commission discrepancies . Business Monitoring reports to keep business and production on track.
AdData CMS Simple single screen database layout Layout is navigated via tabs…..you know where you are all the timewithout leaving the main screen
Comprehensive Contact and Service detail Client ratings by Risk, Investment or General Comprehensive Contact Details includes fast email and individual letter generation… Commissions received (for client - last 365 days)
Employment, Employer and Dependant details Extended Personal Details including Centrelink information and Dependants information
Policy list and form view Policy List and Form view Policy detailsIncluding riders and enhancements Buttons below open policy commissions received, Investment or Super portfolio description and policy notes Printable/email (pdf) Policy Schedules.
Policy list and form view Add or Edit Investment and Super Portfolio Details
Investment and Super portfolio details Portfolio details can be Added or Edited A portfolio presentation can be printed or converted to PDF
Mortgage and Loans details List and Form for Mortgage and Loan details Fees and bank account details
General Insurance policy and contact details List and Form for General Insurance details Costing and GST calculations Printable or PDF Policy Confirmation, Renewal Notice, Reminder and Contact Letter
Notes section for all correspondence To import all emails to or from client as notes from Outlook click.. All contact with a client can be recorded in the un-editable Notes screen. To create a manual note entry click New client Note. To view chronological report of contact click…
Fact Find SoA Screen The FactFind/SoA screen contains a left to right process to gather and enter information, record a product in the Lodgement Register and create an SoA in MSWord.
Left to right process to create Fact Find and SOA Detailed Assets/Liabilities, Income Expenses, Investment profile and Estate Details Fact Find questionnaires can be dealer group standard or a custom template Clicking Create Client Lodgement will open the Lodgement Screen Future Death, TPD, Trauma and Income needs calculator
Create lodgement for use in SOA, commission etc Clicking Create Client Lodgement will open the Lodgement sub Screen
Risk Lodgement screen When the Create Lodgement is clicked on the previous screen, the Lodgement Register opens and populates client information. This Lodgement system achieves single data entry for: SoA policy recommendation informationSoA commission declarationCommission tracking Transfer as database record On completion the policy details are passed to the Client Details without any additional data entry When a company is entered Product details are automatically populated Commission is calculated and passed to commission checking system to await payment
Investment, Superannuation Lodgement screen All products on dealer group Approved Product List can be added or edited Entry can be by percentage or dollar amount % $ Progressive totals are visible: Bench Mark Sector Totals Amount allocated and unallocated
Simple single screen database layout Recommendations and replacements are easily and quickly determined for SoAs
Simple point and shoot Policy Replacement and Recommendations Click to select Policies to be replaced Click to select Recommended policies
Creating an SOA Create compliant (Dealer Group) Risk, Investment and Superannuation SoAs in a fraction of the time it takes manually
Risk SoA Screen layout Choose text from selection already used before or create new text for insertion into SoA Click to save Risk details for Investment or Superannuation SoA Click Export Risk SoA to transfer all information to opened SoA
Investment, Superannuation SoA Screen layout Choose text from selection already used before or create new text for insertion into SoA Click to open Investment or Superannuation SoA Click to include Risk details
A completed Super/Investment SoA The result is a completed (compliant) dealer group SoA or an SoA of your choosing. Sample only Graphs are dynamic and update with SoA export process
Scanning Screen Documents pertaining to only the current client makes finding documents and scanning faster! The AdDataCMS can be directed to the scanning folder or prescanned documents for storage Select the document Categorise by type Enter long descriptive name View or save the document Open the screen to retrieve
Scanning retrieval screen Documents are categorised and dated for fast retrieval Double click to open each document
Work Flow and Tasking These tasks can be reported by specific time, weekly, monthly, quarterly or Yearly Work Flow for a client or event can be tasked to particular users
Service reports, data mining and register valuation View, Print, Merge and Label from detailed reports on client or policy criteria. Select criteria for regular or non regular service on birthdays or policy anniversary next service date etc A register can be valued for acquisition or disposal in this section
Reports and Commission Tracking Commission Discrepancies Checks short paid commission and emails payor Client contact tracking (compliance) Incomplete business tracking Referral Source administration and payment system Commission downloading Production Reports All Initial, Service, Asset and Fee commissions can be tracked
Simple client presentations and reports Policy Schedule Policy Commission report Logo All Initlal, Service, Aset and Fee payments by Statement date. Comprehensive policy benefits table At a glance client cover and benefit totals
Work Flow Centre – Integrates with Microsoft Office Outllok All appointments and reminders can be generated by AdDataCMS or Outlook and retrieved/viewed in either application Office Outlook Work Flow Centre
Email to Notes recording AdDataCMS database records emails sent to and received from a client using an email address search in Outllok AdData Client Management System
Thankyou for taking the time to view this brief presentation. For more information go to:www.addata.com.auor contact: Graeme Molloy Admin@addata.com.auTelephone: (02) 6242 5773Mobile: 0402 352 218