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An important message to blood donors. Please read this BEFORE you donate blood. Donating blood is an act of great human kindness. Your blood can save the life of another person. As a blood donor , you want to make sure that you are giving good, healthy blood.
An importantmessageto blood donors Please read thisBEFOREyou donate blood
Donating bloodis an act of great human kindness.Your blood can save the life of another person.As a blood donor , you want to make sure that you are giving good, healthy blood.
But there are times when your blood may not be suitable for donation. Often you may feel quite well even through your blood may be carrying certain viruses or other infectious agents. But your blood may transmit these infections to people who receive it and harm them. Before you give blood, you will be asked a number of personal questions regarding your health, travel and sexual history. This is necessary to ensure that you are well enough to donate and that you are not at risk of having an infectious disease which may harm the recipient of your blood donation.
Conditions That Make Your Blood Unsuitable For Donation 1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) / HIV Infection What is AIDS and HIV infection? HIV infection is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV l & ll). The end stage of this disease is called AIDS. HIV infection is mostly spread through.
sexual contact with an infected person • sharing contaminated needles like those used by intravenous drug abusers • transfusion of contaminated blood (rarely) • a HIV-infected mother to her unborn baby • Persons with AIDS have reduced resistance against infection because their body's resistance mechanism is significantly weakened. Hence, they may develop severe and fatal infections like pneumonia and rare forms of cancer. • Most people who have been infected with HIV do not know that they carry the virus becuase they may look and feel completely well.
HIV Infection and Blood Donation During the early stage of infection called the "window period", laboratory tests used by the Blood bank may not be able to pick up the HIV infection. But these infected people can pass the HIV virus on to those who receive their blood. The window period is the time interval between infection with HIV and its detection by currently available tests. This is why people who may be exposed to the HIV virus must not donate blood even if their HIV test is negative.
Who Should Not Donate Blood • Certain persons are at an increased risk of developing HIV infection and must not give blood. They are: • Persons who have had a positive HIV test or who have AIDS • Persons who have ahd sex with multiple partners • Persons who have engaged in casual sex • Men who have had sex with another man
Person who are prostitutes • Person with signs and symptoms suggestive of AIDS, ie., weight loss, swollen glands in the neck, armpits or groins, persistent diarrhoea or rare cancers • Anyone who has had sex with anyone in these groups • Persons who are drug users.
People who think they may have been exposed to HIV should not donate blood. They should just have a HIV test. HIV testing is available at polyclinics and the anonymous HIV testing clinic. People who think they may have been exposed to HIV should still not give blood even if their HIV test is negative.
2. Hepatitis (Inflammation of the Liver) What is Hepatitis? Hepatitis is a Viral disease that affects the liver. Hepatitis can be caused by different hepatitis viruses eg. Hepatitis A, B and C. People with hepatitis get jaundice (yelloness of skin and eyes), dark urine, right upper abdominal pain, fever, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. If you have had hepatitis, ask your attending doctor which type it is. Patients who develop hepatitis B and hepatitis C can become seriously ill and develop complications such as liver failure, liver cirrhosis (hardening of liver) or liver cancer.
Who Should Not Donate Blood • If you have had hepatits B or hepatitis C, you must not donate blood becuase the virus can be spread through transfusion of contaminated blood with serious consequences for the patient receiving the transfusion. • A person may have exposed to the hepatitis B or C virus without being aware of it and may become a carrier for the virus. A carrier can be diagnosed by blood tests for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. If your blood tests show that you are carrying the hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus, you must not donate blood.
Hepatitis and Blood Donation • If you have any other type of hepatitis, you must inform the doctor from the BGS at the Blood bank about it. • As a precautionary measure, if you have had close contact with any person who has had hepatitis, do not donate blood for at least 12 months. You should seek advice from your family doctor about this contact.
3. Syphilis? What is Syphilis? People who have syphilis or any other type of Veneral Disease (VD) or Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) can develop a genital rash, ulcer or discharge, fever or swollen glands in the groins. You should consult your family doctor if you think that you may have syphilis or other type of VD or STD. Who should Not Donate Blood • If you have had syphilis or any other type of VD or STD, your blood is unsuitable for doantion.
4. Malaria What is Malaria? Malaria is caused by the plasmodium parasite that attacks the red blood cells. It is usually spread by the Anopheles mosquitoes but can also be transmitted through transfusion or infected red blood cells. Visitors to countries where malaria is a problem may be at risk of having infected with malaria.
Who Should Not Donate Blood • If you have had malaria, do not donate blood for at least 3 years after you have completed treatment. • If you have visited or lived in a country where malaria is a problem or taken anti-malaria a country where in the last 3 Years, please remember to declare this in the questionnaire. • You will still be accepted for donation but your blood will be quarantined for a certain duration for safety reasons. Our doctor will contact you in due course to make sure are healthy before your blood is released for use.
If you travel frequently to countries where malaria is a problem, you are recommeneded to donate Source Plasma via Plasmapheresis during this period, Please feel free to approach any of our staff to enquire about this procedure. What Should I Do? If you have had or think that you may have one of the conditions, please do not donate blood today. You may leave without giving any explanation. If you prefer, you may discuss your condition in private with the BSG doctor at the blood donation session or you can consult your own family doctor.
If you have already donated blood but think that your blood should not be used for transfusion, please inform us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Can I get any disease from donating blood? • No. The blood donor can never get any disease by giving blood. • Only new, sterile needles and blood packs are used to collect blood from a donor. • All equipment used are disposable and discarded after use.
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