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New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations

New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations I. Mayan Empire. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations I. Mayan Empire A. Rediscovery of Mayan Civilization. John Lloyd Stephens.

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New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations

  2. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations I. Mayan Empire

  3. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations I. Mayan Empire A. Rediscovery of Mayan Civilization

  4. John Lloyd Stephens

  5. “No remnant of this race hangs around the ruins, with traditions handed down from father to son and from generation to generation. It lay before us like a shattered bark in the midst of the ocean, her masts gone, her name effaced, her crew perished, none to tell whence she came, to whom she belonged, how long on her voyage, or what caused her destruction—her lost people to be traced only by some fancied resemblance in the construction of the vessel, and perhaps, never to be known at all.” - John Lloyd Stephens

  6. Discovery of Stephens

  7. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations I. Mayan Empire A. Rediscovery of Mayan Civilization B. Old and New Empires

  8. Mayan Cities: Copan, Palenque, Tikal

  9. Copan

  10. Palenque

  11. Tikal

  12. Cenotes of the Yucatan

  13. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations Introduction I. Mayan Empire II. Mayan Culture

  14. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations Introduction I. Mayan Empire II. Mayan Culture • Language & Writing

  15. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations Introduction I. Mayan Empire II. Mayan Culture • Language & Writing • Mathematics & Astronomy

  16. El Castillo: Chichen-Itza

  17. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations Introduction I. Mayan Empire II. Mayan Culture • Language & Writing • Mathematics & Astronomy • Time

  18. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations Introduction I. Mayan Empire II. Mayan Culture • Language & Writing • Mathematics & Astronomy • Time • Religion

  19. Chalchiuhtlicue Aztec god of water

  20. Quetzalcoatl

  21. New World Encounters, II: Pre-Columbian Civilizations Introduction I. Mayan Empire II. Mayan Culture III. The Aztecs

  22. Tenochtitlan

  23. Aztec human sacrifice (from Codex Magliabechiano)

  24. Sources: Hernán Cortés Bernal Díaz del Castillo Bernardino de Sahagún

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