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StrategicERP's Human Capital Management (HCM) software integrates HR functions like Benefits Administration, Payroll Management, Recruitment, Statutory Compliances, and Performance Analysis in one platform. Manage employee data, statutory compliance, and processing efficiently. The cloud-based system ensures data security and compatibility across all devices and browsers. Avail after-sales support and customization options to align with your company strategy. Contact us for a demo.
Overview A Human Capital Management (HCM) is an application that combines all human resource functions. It includes Benefits Administration, Payroll Management, Recruitment, Statutory Compliances and Performance Analysis. All under one roof. SrategicERP has developed unique software that manages all your HCM needs like ERP admin ( Employee Setup, Salary Structure, Leave Structure, Statutory Setup, User Management, Tally integration etc), Statutory Management ( PF, ESIC, PT, LWF, TDS), HCM Processing (Attendance, Leave, Salary, Recruitment, Promotions, Terminationetc) www.strategicerp.com
HCMModules www.strategicerp.com
KeyFeatures Complete Sourcing & Recruitment System. Statutory Compliance Monitoring &Payments To do Task Management – Task, Assignment, SalesCalls, Activities, Performance Monitoring EmployeeSelfService-Daily online attendance, leave application, Salary,Advances andExpenses. www.strategicerp.com
HCMFlow www.strategicerp.com
HCMLogin www.strategicerp.com
HCM MainWindow www.strategicerp.com
HCMAdmin www.strategicerp.com
HCMProcessing www.strategicerp.com
HCMReports www.strategicerp.com
StatutoryManagement www.strategicerp.com
StatutoryReports www.strategicerp.com
DashboardCharts 30+Charts www.strategicerp.com
Charts – DrillDown ChartsLevels…. • ❑ Workforce • Religionwise SelectReligion • BranchWise SelectBranch • Departmentwise SelectDepartment • employeedetails ❑ ❑ ❑ www.strategicerp.com
Employee SelfService www.strategicerp.com
ESSReports PaySlip Income TaxDetails • MonthlyAttendance • LateMark&Leave www.strategicerp.com
Todo TaskManagement www.strategicerp.com
Todo TaskReports New Task / UpdateTask Periodical TaskReport www.strategicerp.com
DataSecurity • HCM is Linux and JAVA based application system. The Database is securedfromOutsideattackandwillhavestabilityinperformance. SeveraltrendsareopeninguptheeraofCloudComputing,whichis an Internet-based development and use of computer technology. Themorepowerfulprocessors,togetherwiththesoftwareasa data centersintopoolsofcomputingserviceonahugescale. service (SaaS) computing architecture, are transforming StrategicERP uses cloud based multi-tenancy database. Thusevery customer database is kept separately in different databases, to makeinternaldatasecuritymorereliable. www.strategicerp.com
Compatibility Supports alldevices Supports allbrowser www.strategicerp.com
After SalesSupport • We have support cell to answer any query related to support after sales. Also, there new updates are made available for statutory changes. Graphical enhancements andstatutorychangesareavailablefreeofcostunderAMC. However, if customer feels some customization is critical for their company strategy, it will be made possible with minimumcost of development. • Customer Supportid:support@itakaash.com • CustomerSupportno:(022)25770088 www.strategicerp.com
Cliental www.strategicerp.com
ContactUs MUMBAI (CORPORATEOFFICE) ITAakash Strategic Software (P)Ltd, 5th floor, D S Business Galleria, Near HumaAdlabs, Beside Toyo House, L.B.S. Road, Kanjur Marg (W), Mumbai – 400078,INDIA. enquiry@strategicerp.com +91-22-25770088 www.strategicerp.com