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Planning an Encounter Unit. A Hindu day. Time Is this a whole day event? How much follow up time on the curriculum?. People – Who will lead the organisation? Who is being invited to speak? Who will be effected?. Skills , Attitudes and Knowledge Taken from Syllabus
Planning an Encounter Unit A Hindu day
Time Is this a whole day event? How much follow up time on the curriculum? . People – Who will lead the organisation? Who is being invited to speak? Who will be effected? Skills , Attitudes and Knowledge Taken from Syllabus What about others subjects Encounter Day or unit Key question? Place Hall Classrooms Library Outside if dry! Visit to ? Responsible Citizens Confident Individuals Successful Learners Teaching and Learning . Where on the syllabus does this unit fit? What are the Teaching and learning requirements of other subjects involved? Curricular Links RE and which other subjects Resources What will teachers and others need Who will pay!
Time One whole day plus follow up – five hours RE time. People – RE Coordinator Literacy Coordinator Music Coordinator Mrs Jones TA recently visited India! Rahi Bains, Demi Ladwa (Hindu Speakers) Hindu Parents CRB checks Local Supermarkets Skills , Attitudes and Knowledge Skills: Investigating. Interpreting Attitudes: Open-mindedness Respect Whole School Hindu Encounter Day Place Hall Classrooms Library Outside if dry! Responsible Citizens Confident Individuals Successful Learners Teaching and Learning Special Books – Rama and Sita – Ramayana. Rules for living. Expression of Worship. Music, DT Literacy: learning objectives. Curricular Links RE, Music, Literacy, Technology - Food, Fashion, Art Resources
Curricular Links • RE – Rhai Bains will tell the story of Divali and Rama and Sita- what did children find interesting, puzzling, exciting etc Why might this story have special meaning for Hindus? What meaning might this story have for today, • Ideas for follow up: • Divali is the start of a New Year for Hindus when the goddess Lakshmi is especially remembered. Hindus hope that she will visit heir homes at Divali. Lights are used along the garden paths and in the windows to remember how Rama and Sita were welcomed home and to welcome the Goddess Lakshmi to Hindu homes. • Create an experience of lit divas in the classroom and ask children to thought shower words about feelings associated with the spreading of light. • Learn how Hindus celebrate Divali in their home e.g. cleaning home, preparing special food, lighting divas, Divali cards, presents, new clothes, fireworks ( to chase away evil) rangoli patterns ( made to celebrate the beauty of Laksmi • Make a divali card • Create a mind map of what you have learnt about Divali • Music – Listen to Hindu Music; Play a range of Hindu Musical Instruments (Rahi Bains) • Literacy – Hindu Stories, Retelling Stories, Diva Acrostic Poems, Drama. Re-tell the story in various ways- shadow puppets, masks etc and/or make a mask of Ravanna and attach to this evils in the world today (use newspaper cuttings /words /pictures • Point out that the ten heads illustrate how difficult it can be to overcome evil. • Think of opposite words that illustrate good and evil and display on dark /light backgrounds e.g. anger/ gentleness / love /hate • Technology - • Food –Tasting (Local Supermarket) • -Fashion - Indian fashion show (Demi Ladwa) • Art – Rangoli Patterns, Diva Lamps, Mehndi Patterns, Paisley Pattern – based on Mango Shape, Make sweets/ rangoli patterns/divas etc ( for a day rotate activities around different classrooms)
Art • Rangoli Patterns • Mehndi Patterns • Illustrate on IWB using smart software or Dazzle. • Clay Diva Lamps • Paisley Patterns
Technology Food tech – • tasting using local supermarket (mangoes) • Local Restaurants (Community links/parents) • Demi Ladwa does preparing Indian food NB Check nut and food allergies Fashion • Fabrics • Fabric design • Indian fashion show • Making Indian jewellery
Music • Rahi will teach the children to play some of his musical instruments
Responsible Citizens: Through learning about and experiencing cultural diversity in the UK Confident Individuals: Opportunities for Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural development Successful Learners : Through deep and immersive learning experiences Teaching and Learning in RE : Special Books – Rama and Sita – Ramayana. Rules for living. Expression of Worship: Divali, Rangoli Patterns Music, DT Literacy: learning objectives added by subject coordinators..
RE Skills: Investigating. Interpreting Attitudes: Open-mindedness Respect Each Class teacher to add their own learning targets for the day e.g Year 4/3 AT 1 Level 2/3 Describe how Hindus celebrate Divali Identify what is wrong/ good /evil in the world today Identify how light is used as a symbol in the Story of Rama and Sita and to welcome Lakshmi. AT2 level 3 Make links with other experiences of light being used as a symbol Now add learning targets for other subjects involved
Time One whole day plus follow up – five hours RE time. The sessions were as follows: 8.50 – 9.05 Registration 9.05 – 9.55 Session 1 10.00 – 10.45 Session 2 10.45 – 11.00 Playtime (and snack for KS1) 11.00 – 12.00 Session 3 12.00 – 1.00 Lunch 1.00 – 1.10 Registration 1.10 – 2.10 Session 4 2.10 – 3.10 Session 5 3.10 – 3.20 Back to classrooms As there were only 6 short food-tasting sessions, this was not time-tabled. Instead some children were scheduled to be withdrawn from the other activities for the tasting sessions. The time-table was a follows: SESSIONS MUSIC/STORY-TELLING (HALL) MANGO TREE (Y2 ROOM) FASHION (Y6 ROOM) MENDHI (Y1 & YR ROOMS) RANGOLI (Y3 & Y4 ROOMS) Schools need to be aware that some parents (who are strongly committed to their faith) can be sensitive to such a day, where participation in aspects of worship may be invited. In such circumstances, it is important visiting speakers are adequately briefed on any invitation for children to participate.
Resources Mr. RAHI BAINS: TEL: 023 9226 2788 MOBILE: 078 7969 7907 e-mail: rahi@hotmail.com Demi Ladwa: 01980 622436 demiladwa@hotmail.com Mr Waite Rose : Tel …….. Background for teachers www.bbc.co.uk/schools/religion/hinduism Through REOnline themes and topics www.hindukids.org/stories/ www.vivekananda.btinternet.co.uk/primaryschoolspage